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映画 DVD の活用. 同志社大学 北尾 謙治 http://kkitao.e-learning-server.com/kitao/DVD/. リサーチの 1 例. You ’ ve Got Mail 1998 年 俳優 Tom Hanks Joe Fox, whose family owns a large bookstore chain, Fox Books Meg Ryan Kathleen, who owns a small independent children ’ s bookstore. この映画を選んだ理由 学生が興味を持つ 日常会話
映画DVDの活用 同志社大学 北尾 謙治 http://kkitao.e-learning-server.com/kitao/DVD/
You’ve Got Mail • 1998 年 • 俳優 • Tom Hanks • Joe Fox, whose family owns a large bookstore chain, Fox Books • Meg Ryan • Kathleen, who owns a small independent children’s bookstore
この映画を選んだ理由 • 学生が興味を持つ • 日常会話 • 男女が登場 • 同じファンクションが種々のフォームで表現
手順 • DVDから字幕を取り出す • エクセルに1行1文で貼り付ける • それに情報を付け加える • 話者 • 話者の性別 • 文が会話、トガキ、歌かなど • ファンクション
統計 • 1時間54分 • 10, 949 語 (会話は8,512 語) • 1,894 文 (会話は1,578 文) • その他 • eメール、トガキ、歌、テレビなど
1文は5.39 語 • FKGL2.73 (3年生レベル)
Vocabulary Level JACET8000を使用して • 約96% が5000 語以内, 日本の大学生のレベル • 各レベルの語彙リストも入手可能
ファンクション • どのような状況で、誰が誰に話している時に使用されているか • 女性と男性、若い人と老人の比較など
「依頼」 • Conventional forms (56 例) • Imperative 23 (close people; very small requests; adult to child; intentional rudeness due to annoyance) • Please … / …, please. 8 (between customers and service people; used by itself to emphasize a request) • Could you/someone… 3 (boss to employee; customer to service person)
(naming what one wants) 3 (between customers and service people) • Let’s… 2 (caretaker to child; boss to employee) • Will you… 2 (boyfriend/girlfriend) • I/We’ll take… 2 (customers to clerks) • Would you… 1 (between friends) • (Do you) want to… 1 (caretaker to child) • I want… 1 (child to caretaker) • Will you… 1 (boyfriend/girlfriend) • I ask you to… 1 (clerk to customer) • You can… 1 (customer to clerk)
So … already! 1 (customer to customer [intentionally rude]) • Do you think … 1 • Can we … 1 (speaker to protesters) • You are (not)… 1 (acquaintances) • I beg you. 1 (acquaintances, emotional situation) • Do you mind… 1 (strangers; sarcastic intonation) • I would appreciate it if you would… 1(acquaintances)
Non-conventional forms (6 例) • Is there anything you can do? 1 (customer to clerk) • It’s your turn to… 1 (customer to clerk) • Orange (Aren’t) you going to … 1 (customer to clerk, as part of a joke) • There you go… 1 (customer to clerk) • If you don’t… 1 (customer to service person; angry threat) • Zip, zip. 1 (customer to clerk)
教育利用 • Data-driven learning • 学生に • ファンクションを見つけさせる • 男女の表現を見つけさせる、比較させる • 年齢の異なる人の表現の違いを見つける、比較する
ポライトネスの学習 • Brown and Levinson’s positive and negative politeness 1. Bald on record – make a request directly 2. Positive politeness – meet H’s need to be liked and to feel included in the same group, e.g., through showing interest in H, using in-group identity markers, using first name, joking
3. Negative politeness – a show of respect for H and H’s desire to be unimposed upon, e.g., by expressing request as a question, apologizing, not assuming, minimizing size of request 4. Off-record – make the request in a way that can be interpreted in more than one way, e.g., by hinting
ポジティブとネガティブポライトネスは学生には理解しにくいポジティブとネガティブポライトネスは学生には理解しにくい You’ve Got Mailはそれを教えるよい例 • キャスリーンはビジネスのライバルのジョーを見かけるが、避ける • 彼女はレジに行って支払いをしようとする
YouTubeでスーパーマーケットのシーンを見せるYouTubeでスーパーマーケットのシーンを見せる http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3tRKs9o_2A Kenji Kitao
The cashier finishes adding up Kathleen’s purchases. Cashier: $72.27. (The cashier requests the amount by stating it. Bald on record. task-oriented) (Kathleen holds out a credit card.) Cashier: This is a cash-only line. Cash only. (The cashier refuses by stating a general principle.)
Kathleen: Oh, my God. I just have a credit card. I'm sorry. Is that okay? (Negative politeness strategies:. Apologize, ask permission [not assuming]) Customer: No, it's not okay. There's a sign. Kathleen: I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. I never do this. But I ask you to make an exception in this one case. (Negative politeness strategies: Apologize; Indicate reluctance [“I never do this.”] Minimize imposition [“in this one case”])
Customer 1: You have no cash? She has no cash. Customer 2: No, she has no cash. Customer 3: Get on another line, lady. (Bald on record; annoyed and intentionally rude) Kathleen: I have a dollar. That's all I have. I have a dollar. One dollar. Is there anything you can do? (Negative politeness strategies: Give overwhelming reasons; not assuming)
Joe comes up to her. He offers her cash, but when she refuses, he turns to the cashier. Joe: Rose. That is a great name. Rose. This is Kathleen. I'm Joe. This is a credit card machine. Happy Thanksgiving. It's your turn to say ”Happy Thanksgiving” back. (Positive politeness strategies: Claim common ground [notice and attend to H; exaggerate interest in H]; Use in-group identity markers [first names]; Complimenting)
Cashier: Happy Thanksgiving back. Joe: Knock, knock. Cashier: Who's there? Joe: Orange. Cashier: Orange who?
Joe: Orange you going to give us a break by zipping this credit card through the credit card machine? Come on. You can do it. Zip, zip. There you go. (Positive politeness strategies: Being optimistic [“Come on. You can do it. Zip zip.”]; joking; involving both S and H in the activity [though the joke]) (The clerk runs Kathleen’s credit card.)
クラスでの利用 • Brown and Levinson’s categoriesを説明 • You’ve Got Mailのシーンを見せる • そのシーンのセリフを与える • 会話の中のポジティブとネガティブポライトネスを見つけさせる (グループワーク) • クラス全体で討論
第3部 • 字幕データベースの利用 • 978DVD
ミントアプリケーション http://homepage2.nifty.com/mint-ap/ Movie-Boxed 10 アラビアンナイト カサブランカ カルメン 市民ケーン キングコング オズの魔法使い ローマの休日 名犬ラッシー シャレード レベッカ http://homepage2.nifty.com/mint-ap/mboxed/mb8.html