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  1. English Action Colonial Reaction1. Proclamation of 1763 - imaginary line drawn down Many colonists didn't listenAppalachian Mts.; British told colonists not to go over and settle west of it2. Sugar Act of 1764 - tax placed on sugar and molasses (used Outcries of "No Taxation withoutto make rum) Representation"; Sam Adams sets up Committees of Correspondence to write about taxes in protest; boycotts start3. Stamp Act of 1765 - tax placed on all legal documents such as Boycotts continue; secret societymarriage licenses, wills, diplomas, etc...; newspapers, almanacs, Sons of Liberty formed; Stamp playing cards and dice. Act Congress met in New York (reps. from 9 colonies to discuss violation of rights)4. Townshend Acts of 1767 - tax placed on paper, paint, lead, glass Boycotts continue; and tea (writs of assistance used to enforce) Led to Nonimportation Agreements increased number of soldiers to keep order.5. Quartering Act - Colonists were made to house and feed British Boston Massacre - "accidental" soldiers stationed in the colonies shooting and killing of 5 colonists 6. Tea Act of 1773 - tax placed on tea; more importantly tea merchants Boston Tea Party - protest and cut out of jobs not a riot (only destroyed tea)7. Intolerable Acts of 1774 - punishment for Boston Tea Party; 4 parts Colonists reach out to help (harshest being the closing of Boston Harbor) citizens of Boston; Meeting called in Phila. In protest (called First Continental Congress.

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