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Geography AQA A level (2030). Welcome to this presentation, describing the AS Level (GEOG1 and GEOG2) Course and the Geography A2 (GEOG3 and GEOG4) course. Unit Information.
Geography AQAA level (2030) Welcome to this presentation, describing the AS Level (GEOG1 and GEOG2) Course and the Geography A2 (GEOG3 and GEOG4) course
Unit Information The Geography A level is designed to develop a range of relevant skills and knowledge from students previous study of Geography. It will introduce them to new skills, new places and new ideas. It will also allow students to apply what they are learning and understand more about how people’s decisions shape the world in which we live. Entry Requirements: Students should gain at least a B grade in their GCSE Geography course.
Unit Information AS Level: • Unit 1 – GEOG1 Physical and Human Geography: The study of core geographical concepts along with contrasting themes of contemporary or environmental impact, management and sustainability. Candidates must study the core and then select one of the physical options and one of the human options. Rivers, floods and management and Population change also Hot deserts and Energy issues • 70% of AS, 35% of A Level 2 hour written examination 120 marks • Structured short and extended questions • Available January and June • Unit 2 – GEOG2 Geographical Skills: A geographical skills paper based on the content of Unit 1. • Skills include:investigative, cartographic, graphical, ICT and statistical skills. • 30% of AS, 15% of A Level • 1 hour written examination 50 marks • Structured skills and generic fieldwork questions • Available January and June
Unit Information A2 Level: • Unit 3 – GEOG3 • Contemporary Geographical Issues • 30% of A Level • 2 hour 30 minutes written examination • 90 marks • Structured short and extended questions, plus an essay • Unit 4 – either GEO4A Geography Fieldwork Investigation • or GEO4B Geographical Issue Evaluation • 1 hour 30 minutes written examination 60 marks • GEO4A – structured short and extended questions based on candidates’ fieldwork • investigation and fieldwork skills. • GEO4B – structured short and extended questions based on an Advance Information • Booklet, released on 1 November for January examinations and 1 April for June
Unit Information Assessment A2 Level: • Unit 3: An issues-based approach to contemporary geographical themes. Candidates must select three topics: at least one from the physical options and at least one from the Optional physical topics: • Plate tectonics and associated hazards • Weather and climate and associated hazards • Ecosystems: change and challenge Optional Human topics: • World cities • Development and globalisation • Contemporary conflicts and challenges • Unit 4: 4a) Candidates analyse and evaluate their fieldwork in response to the questions set. In addition, candidates will be assessed on fieldwork skills. • 4b) An advance information booklet is pre-released 2 months prior to the exam to facilitate candidates’ research into an area which extends from the specification content.
What is involved? The course is made up of a series of core units that cover the themes of physical and human Geography while the option units look at interrelationships between people and the environment which give a broad and balanced overview of the subject. A variety of teaching methods are used including discussions of topical issues, debates, simulations, videos, fieldwork as well as more traditional methods.
Fieldwork? Fieldwork forms an integral part of the course and this will continue to be run by the department. Fieldwork techniques and skills are specifically tested at AS Level.
What Could I do next with A level Geography? An A Level in Geography is a stepping-stone to a whole range of future opportunities. A good grade will help you move onto a whole range of degree courses. Alternatively, employment opportunities where your Geographical skills will be particularly valued include journalism and the media, law, engineering, business management, ICT, environmental management, teaching, economic planning, marketing, leisure,disaster management recreation and tourism.
AS Results 2009-20010 100% A-C and over 67% A grades is a great reward for all the hard work by this cohort.
A2 Grades 2009-2010 A wonderful performance from all students and a real credit to staff. The figures speak for themselves. The highest UMS points in the school!