This is probably one of the most famous pictures you know. This is the picture of a student who tries to stop the tanks in Tiananmen Square by standing in front of them. The tank driver didn't crush the man with the bags but shortly after, the square filled with blood as students clashed with Chinese military over civil rights issues.
On June 11th, 1963 a Buddhist protest march was making it's way down one of Saigon's busiest arteries, Phan-Dinh-Phung St. The procession of around 400 Buddhist monks and Nuns moved through the city until they hit Le-Van-Duyet St where a light blue Austin that was part of the procession, the car seen in the background of the picture, stopped. The hood was raised as if the car had engine trouble while the nuns and monks in the parade quickly surrounded the car forming a circle of some seven monks deep. ThichQuangDuc a 66 year old monk calmly got out of the car and walked to the center of the circle sitting on a cushion provided for him. His religious brothers removed a jerry can of fuel from the car and proceeded to pour it over Quang-Duc who was now meditating in the lotus position. Quang-Duc with his Buddhist prayer beads in his right hand, then opened a box of matches, lit one and was instantly engulfed in flames. He did not move while his body was incinerated.