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英语语法. 李书东. Unit 1 一般现在时 —————. 一、一般现在时的用法 1. 表示经常发生的动作,存在的状态或日常习惯。常与 every day ,often,always. Sometimes 等连用。 I go to Britian every year. I am a teacher. 2. 表示主语的性格,能力特征. The students of the universities like English very much. My daughter sings very well. My brother works very hard

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  1. 英语语法 李书东

  2. Unit 1一般现在时————— • 一、一般现在时的用法 • 1.表示经常发生的动作,存在的状态或日常习惯。常与every day ,often,always. • Sometimes 等连用。 • I go to Britian every year. • I am a teacher. • 2. 表示主语的性格,能力特征

  3. The students of the universities like English very much. My daughter sings very well. My brother works very hard 3. 表示客观事时或普遍真理 The sun rises in the east Two and two is four

  4. 第三人称单数的构成 • 1.一般在词尾加s. • Work-works live-lives play-plays • 2. 以 sh.ch.s. o.结尾加-es • Wash-washes teach-teaches dress-dresses • 3.以辐音自母加y结尾,变y为i加-es. • Study-studies fly-flies try-tries

  5. 一般现在时否定式 • 1.在be动词后加not • Are not=aren’t is not=isn’t • 2.主语+don’t+动词原形。 • 主语+doesn’t+动词原形 • Bill likes parties. • Bill doesn’t like parties • We study English hard • We don’t study English hard.

  6. 一般现在时疑问式 • 1. 将be动词提到句首。 • He is a teacher They are students Is he teacher? Are they students? 2.在句首加Does 或 Do They study English.----Do they study English? He lives in Australia. Does he live in Australia? 。

  7. Unit2 特殊疑问句 • 以what. who .whom. whose .which .when where. why .how引导。除 who 外, 一般加一般疑问句式. • When does he go to bed? • Where does she come from? • Why do you study English? • How many people are there in you family

  8. 名词性物主代词 第一人称:mine ours 第二人称:yours 第三人称:his , hers, its , theirs. P15exercises 2. This is pen. That is ,too..3. 3.This scarf. That is too. 4.This is newspaper.That is ,too.

  9. 5.These are children. Those are ,too. • 6.These are students. Those are .

  10. 感叹句 • 1.How+ 形容词+主谓结构( 可 省)。 • How beautiful the flowers are. • 2.What+ 名词单数。 • What a wonderful day it is. • What+ 名词复数 • What lovely children. • What exciting news.

  11. Unit 3名词 一.规则变化 1.在名词后+s book-books student-students 2.以sh,ch,s,x结尾+es class-classes inch-inches brush-brushes 3.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+es. factory-factories family-families • university-universities

  12. 部分以o结尾词+es.Hero-heroes potato—potatoestomato-tomatoes radio—radios photo—photos piano—pianos • 4.部分以f 结尾,变f为v+es • life—lives knife—knives • leaf--leaves • *roof—roofs handkerchief--handkerchiefs

  13. 二。不规则变化man—men woman—women • mouse—mice foot—feet tooth—teeth child—children deer—deer sheep—sheep

  14. Unit 4 不定代词 • 1.some:用在肯定句中,修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 • There is some coffee. • 2.any:用于疑问句和否定句。 • Is there any milk in the bottle? • I haven’t got any brothers. • 3.no:作定语,修饰可数不可数。 • There is no sugar in the box.

  15. Some 也用在下面疑问句中 • 1.Would you like some coffee? • 2.Will you lend me some books? • 二、 可数名词与不可数名词。 • 1.个体名词:man, teacher, student • 2. 集体名词:class, team, army. • *以上两种名词属于可数名词。 • 3.物质名词:milk cotton air • 4. 抽象名词:love happiness life

  16. Unit 5 现在进行时 • 1.用法: • 表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。 • They are watching TV in the living room. • He is listening to the radio. • I am reading English.

  17. 2.构成 • 主语+be+现在分词 • 现在分词的构成: • 1)、在动词原形后+ing. • watch-watching talk-talking • Go-going tell-telling • 2).重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这一字母+ing

  18. Win-winning sit-sitting swim-swimming begin-beginning • 3)以不发音e结尾, 去e+ing. • give=-giving move-moving • Have-having take-taking

  19. 现在进行时与一般现在时的区别 • 一般现在时表示经常发生的动作,而现在进行时表示在此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作。 • They always go out on Sundays, but this Sunday they are staying at home. • 有些动词是不能用于现在进行时的:see • hear, like, love . Prefer, hate want need mean forget know seem believe

  20. to be going to +动词原形 • 表示主观打算、看法或即将要发生的动作。 • I am going to make dinner. • The football match is going to start at eight. • It is going to rain.

  21. 2.现在进行时表将来, 常用动词有:go leave come start do visit • He is not coming. • When are you going back to you factory • Mary is leaving for Paris. • We are inviting Tom to a party.

  22. 4.一般现在时表将来:表示已经安、排计划、或规定好的动作。4.一般现在时表将来:表示已经安、排计划、或规定好的动作。 • The train leaves at five o,clock. • The boys start school on Monday. • When does the delegation come here/ • Our flight leaves at eleven thirty.

  23. 以上三种表示将来的用法比较 • I am going to leave next week. (带有主观意向) • I am leaving next week. • (已决定这样做并已安排。) • I leave next week. • (根据日程表的安排)

  24. Unit 6一般将来时 .用法:表示纯属客观将来 2.构成:will(shall)+动词原形 You will be forty years old next year. Tomorrow will be Sunday. 注意;shall I…… Will you…… 表示征求对方意见 Shall we have a drink? Will you pass me the cup?

  25. Unit 7 一般过去时 • 一、用法:表示过去某一时刻发生的动作 • 二、构成:主语+动词过去式 • 三、过去式的构成 • (一)规则动词 • 1. 在动词后+ed • work-worked help—helped • stay-stayed call-called

  26. 2.辅音字母+ y 结尾,变y为i+ed • study-studied try-tried • 3.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母双写这一辅音字母+ed • plan-planned admit-admitted • 4.以不发音e结尾,+d • arrive-arrived live-lived

  27. 倒装句 • So+be/do/will/did+主语 • She is French, and so am I. • They were late, and so were we. • He went to India last year, and so did she. • We will have a two-week holiday, so will

  28. Unit 8.形容词比较级 • 一、用法:两者之间进行比较 • 二、构成:规则变化 • (一) 单音节和部分双音节词 • 1,+er tall-taller great-greater • long-longer • 2. 以e结尾只+r • Fine-finer late-later brave-braver

  29. .重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再+er..重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再+er. • big-bigger hot-hotter thin-thinner • 4.辅音字母+y结尾,变y为 i+er • Happy-happier busy-busier lucky-luckier

  30. (二)、多音节和多数双音节词,在词前+more. • famous---more famous • Interesting---more interesting • difficult---more difficult • expensive---more expensive

  31. 三、不规则变化 • good—better bad—worse • little—less many—more old—older far—farther ---elder • ---further • 注意:older的意思是较老的,说明人的年纪或事物年代的久远.

  32. elder的意思是较年长的. • That is my elder brother. • He is two years older than I. • Farther:较远的 • Further:进一步的 • Tom jumps farther than I . • Have you any further news from the meeting?

  33. 比较级的一些其他用法 • 1,The+比较级….. the+比较级 表示越来越. • The more ,the better. • The faster we go, the sooner we arrive • 2.比较级+and +比较级 表示越来越 • The bus ran faster and faster.. • The boy is growing taller and taller.

  34. 比较级的修饰语:much a lot far a little a bit. • She is a bit taller than I. • Tom did the job far better than Mary. • The crops are growing far better than last year.

  35. Unit 9 形容词最高级的构成 • 与比较级是相似的 • tall-tallest brave-bravest • big-biggest clever-cleverest • happy-happiest • famous-most famous • interesting-most interesting

  36. 最高级的不规则变化 • good-best bad-worst • Little-lest many much-most • Late-latest

  37. 最高级的其它用法 • 1.作表语时可以不加the • Cotton shirts are generally cheapest. • The light by the window is best. • 2.a most 表示非常常. • It’s a most difficult question. • We spent as most happy evening.

  38. unit 10现在完成时的构成。 • 主语+have(has)+ 过去分词 • 过去分词的构成: • 1.规则动词 (1)。在动词后+ ed • work—worked look—looked • (2).以e 结尾直接+ d • arrive—arrived live—lived • 辐音字母+y结尾,变y为 i+ed

  39. 现在完成时与一般过去时区别 一般过去时强调动作本身,包括时间地点。 I saw Mary an hour ago. She lost her handbag yesterday 现在完成时强调动作的结果或对现在产 生的影响。I have been to the Great wall. I have seen the film. He has lost her hey. He has gone out.

  40. Unit 11被动语态 • 一、定义:主语是谓语动词的承受者 • The gate is locked at 6:00 every night. • The English test is marked by Mr.West. • 二、构成:be+过去分词 • 1,一般现在时:am,is are +过去分词 • 2,一般过去时:was,were+过去分词 • 3,现在进行时: am,is are +being+过去分词

  41. 4, 现在完成时:have,has+ been+过去分词 • 5,过去完成时: had+been+过去分词 • 6.一般将来时:will,shall+be+过去分词 • 7,情态动词:情态动词+be+过去分词

  42. 三、用法 • 1.当不知道或不必提动作的执行者时。 • The cars are made in Japan. • 2.Football is played all over the world. • Printing was introduced into Europe

  43. 2.当强调动作的承受者时 • Thousands of rivers are polluted in the country. • Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States of America in1993.

  44. 四、带有行为主体的被动结构(by+行为主体) • The village was destroyed by a bomb. • The printing is very valuable. It was painted by Van Gogh.

  45. Exercise :Change the following sentences into the passive. • 1.The students have invited us to a dance. • We have been invited to a dance. • 2.A fire might kill the animals. • The animals might be killed by a fire.

  46. 3.The hotel is rebuilding the restaurant. • The restaurant is being rebuilt. • 4.The police brought the child home. • The child was brought home. • 5.His wife calls him darling. • He is called darling.

  47. 五、被动语态的补充用法。 • It+被动语态+that.常用于该结构的动词有: • Say think believe agree feel know report prove suggest. • It is said that he can speak their language. • It is reported that he is still alive. • It is thought that about a million dogs are born each year.

  48. Unit12 将来进行时 • 1、用法: • 表示将来某时正在进行的动作。 • 2、构成:will shall +be+V-ing • When you arrive at the airport, a guide will be waiting for you.He will be wearing a dark green shirt.

  49. 将来完成时 • 1,用法:表示在将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。常与by+时间名词连用. • 2.构成:will shall +have+过去分词 • I will have retired by the year 2019. • We shall have finished the work before next Friday. • You will have changed you mind by tomorrow.

  50. Unit 13 过去进行时 • 一、构成:was were+过去分词 • 1.He wasn’t thinking about what was happening. • 2.While we were having breakfast, John was talking on the phone. • 二、用法: • 1.表示过去某一时间进行的动作。 • What were you doing yesterday at 7p.m?

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