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Pluto Occultation

Pluto Occultation. 20/21 August 2002. Occultation Sequence. 7:31 UT. 5:33 UT. 6:26 UT. 7:03 UT. Pluto. Charon. P131 .1. Occultations by Pluto. 2002 P131.1. Pluto + Star. Pluto only. Williams’s light curve from August 2002, taken at University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope.

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Pluto Occultation

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  1. Pluto Occultation 20/21 August 2002

  2. Occultation Sequence 7:31 UT 5:33 UT 6:26 UT 7:03 UT Pluto Charon P131.1

  3. Occultations by Pluto 2002 P131.1 Pluto + Star Pluto only Williams’s light curve from August 2002, taken at University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope Pasachoff, Jay M., Steven P. Souza, Bryce A. Babcock, David R. Ticehurst (Williams College); James L. Elliot, M. J. Person, and Kelly B. Clancy (MIT); Lewis C. Roberts, Jr., and Doyle T. Hall (Boeing Co., Maui); and David J. Tholen (U. Hawaii) 2005, "The Structure of Pluto's Atmosphere from the 2002 August 21 Stellar Occultation," Astron. J., 129, 1718-1723.

  4. Occultation by Pluto 2002 P131.1 Pluto + Star Pluto + Star Pluto only Pluto only Williams’s light curve from August 2002, taken at University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope Pasachoff, Jay M., Steven P. Souza, Bryce A. Babcock, David R. Ticehurst (Williams College); James L. Elliot, M. J. Person, and Kelly B. Clancy (MIT); Lewis C. Roberts, Jr., and Doyle T. Hall (Boeing Co., Maui); and David J. Tholen (U. Hawaii) 2005, "The Structure of Pluto's Atmosphere from the 2002 August 21 Stellar Occultation," Astron. J., 129, 1718-1723.

  5. UH 2.2-m/Williams CCD Light Curve 1.0 0.8 0.6 Normalized Flux 0.4 0.2 0.0 450 500 550 600 650 700 800 750 Time (seconds after 8/21 06:40:00 UT)

  6. UH 2.2-m/Williams CCD Light Curve

  7. Half-light immersion time: 2002 08 21: 06 47 59.3038 UT Half-light emersion time: 2002 08 21: 06 53 08.4001 UT Duration: 5.15 minutes

  8. Technical Details Observations: Mauna Kea, 20 August 2002 Telescope: University of Hawaii 2.2 m f/10.14 CCD: Princeton Instruments (Roper Scientific) TE/CCD-576EFT frame-transfer CCD Frame Capture Rate = 2 Hz Resolution: 0.2 arc sec pixels unbinned for astrometric images binned 5x5 for 20-min occultation run Seeing: 0.4 arc sec Support: Research Corporation

  9. Zoom in of UH 2.2-m/Williams CCD Light Curve

  10. Spikes, ingress and egress (flipped)

  11. Haleakala data, I-bandAEOS Telescope/Boeing LTS

  12. Comparison of Light Curves 1.0 0.8 0.6 Normalized Stellar Flux 0.4 0.2 0.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Distance from Shadow Center (in units of half-light radius)

  13. Changes in Pluto’s Atmospheric Pressure 1275 1255 Radius (km) 1235 1215 Emersion (2002) Emersion (1988) 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 Pressure (mbar)

  14. Papers published "High-Time-Resolution White-Light Observations of Pluto's Occultation of P131.1 in 2002 August” Elliot et al. "The recent expansion of Pluto's atmosphere," Nature424, 165-168, July 10, 2003. Pasachoff et al. Astronomical Journal paper on our data. Person et al. Meeting paper on the shape of Pluto’s atmosphere.

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