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SYMPATHY AND ENCOURAGIMENT (UNGKAPAN RASA SIMPATI DAN DORONGAN). UN ‘06. SYMPATHY AND ENCOURAGIMENT (UNGKAPAN RASA SIMPATI DAN DORONGAN). Digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atau suatu kejadian yang menimpanya.

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  2. SYMPATHY AND ENCOURAGIMENT (UNGKAPAN RASA SIMPATI DAN DORONGAN) Digunakan untuk menyatakan rasa simpati kepada seseorang atau suatu kejadian yang menimpanya. • Digunakan untuk memberikan dorongan kepada seseorang yang mendapat musibah atau kejadian buruk yang menimpanya. UN ‘06

  3. Ungkapan simpati : • I’m sorry to hear that • Please accept my deepest sympathy • Oh, that’s bad luck • How terrible for you • How awful • That’s terrible • What a shame • What a pity • How poor they are UN ‘06

  4. Ungkapan memberi dorongan : • Don’t worry about it • Look on the bright side • Cheer up • You’ll soon be out • Never mind UN ‘06

  5. Teacher : I’ve just got the examination • result • I’m afraid you haven’t passed • Student : Oh, no I can’t have failed – • surely ? • Teacher: I’m afraid so I’m terrible sorry UN ‘06

  6. Student : Whatever am I going to tell • my parents. • Teacher : Don’t worry about that • I’m sure they’ll understand • After all, it was a very difficult • exam. • Student : What am I to do ? • Teacher: You can always take it again. UN ‘06

  7. Contoh soal : 1. Johan : Why do you look so sad ? • Rina : Didn’t you hear the news • last night ? • The volcano eruption had • killed more that two • hundred people in my • village • Johan : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that UN ‘06

  8. From the dialogue we know that Johan • expresses his …………. • a. fear • b. sadness • c. apology • d. surprise • e. sympathy UN ‘06

  9. 2. Aldi : Have you got the news that Rudi failed again in the English test at school ? • Hanif : It’s a pity. It strange that he is • like that • From Hanif’s utterance we know that he expresses his ………. • a. desire • b. advice • c. prohibition • d. sympathy • e. surprise UN ‘06

  10. 3. Ira : Mum, why is the woman on television crying ? • Mother: She lose her father and her • two children because on • the flood • Ira : How poor she is UN ‘06

  11. The underline utterance shows …. • a. hope • b. surprise • c. sympathy • d. ignorance • e. admiration UN ‘06

  12. 4. A : How was the result of your test ? • B : I’m really disappointed. I got a bad • score • A : …………….. • a. It is fantastic • b. How delighted I am • c. I am happy to hear that • d. It’s out of the question • e. I am sorry to hear that UN ‘06

  13. 5. Catherine :You look sad. What has happened to you? • Larisa : My grand mother passed • away last night. So I have • to go to Medan this • morning but I don’t have • enough money to buy an • air ticket. • Catherine: …I lend you. How much • money do you need? UN ‘06

  14. Larisa : Five hundred thousand rupiahs. • Catherine: Ok. Let’s go to the Bank • right now. • Larisa : Oh, thank you UN ‘06

  15. a. That’s very kind of you • b. Don’t worry about that • c. How about going with me • d. I am disappointed to know that • e. I could assist you to buy ticket UN ‘06

  16. 6. Oscar : What’s the matter Mr. Yusuf ? • Yusuf : I hurt my arm • Oscar: Oh, that’s too bad • The underline utterance expresses …… • a. regret • b. sadness • c. suggestion • d. sympathy • e. objection UN ‘06

  17. 7. Lili : Hi sorry. I am sorry I am late. I • don’t feel very well today. • Sonny : ……… why don’t you go home and • rest If you have a headache and • a fever, take two aspirin • a. You look well today • b. I don’t feel very well either • c. I am sorry to hear that • d. It’s just unreasonable • e. I’m quite happy with you UN ‘06

  18. 8. Hilda : What a shame about your • accident? • Toha : Yes, it was bad luck • I stupid I should have been more • careful and I feel so helpless lying • here. And so miserable • Hilda : Oh, come on Cheer up • I am sure you’ll be out of here in • no time. UN ‘06

  19. From the dialogue we know that • Hilda………….. • a. feels happy • b. thinks he is helpless • c. trees to encourage Toha • d. is angry with Toha • e. is afraid it becomes worse UN ‘06

  20. 9. Teacher : Please ………… I heard your • grandpa has just passed away. • Student : Thank you, sir. It’s very • considerate of you • a. could you tell me about it • b. tell me about your problem • c. accept my deepest sympathy • d. I am sorry to hear that • e. Don’t worry about that UN ‘06

  21. 10. Lia : I’m sorry to hear about your • accident. • Dono : Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of you • From the dialogue we know that ………….. • a. Lia expresses her sympathy • b. Lia doesn’t know about the accident • c. Dono expresses his regret • d. Dono didn’t have an accident • e. Lia expresses her encouragement UN ‘06

  22. 11. Tomi : Sorry about the disaster • last night. • Sofia : What ? What disaster ? • Tomi : The flood in North Sumatera • Almost one hundred people • were killed • Sofia : ……… last year it happened in • South East Sulawesi UN ‘06

  23. a. That’s very kind of you • b. You must be very up set • c. It’s not necessary • d. That was terrible • e. Never mind UN ‘06

  24. 12. Tini : I’ve failed my driving test • I feel so disappointed • Aris : It’s happened and it can’t be • helped It’s not the end of the • world, you know, and you • can take it again UN ‘06

  25. The dialogue shows us that ……….. • a. Aris cheers up Tini • b. Tini didn’t take the driving test • c. Aris will take the driving test • d. Aris has passed the driving test • e. Tini has just passed the driving test UN ‘06

  26. 13. Ann : What happens to your knee? • Dion : Fell of the bicycle • Ann : Poor Dion. Sorry to hear that • Ann is expressing ………... • a. an encouragement • b. an agreement • c. a possibility • d. an opinion • e. a sympathy UN ‘06

  27. 14. Ridwan: I’m afraid my parent’s rice folds were damage by the flood • Parman: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that • The underline words express ……… a. sorry b. apology c. sympathy d. intolerance e. complaint UN ‘06

  28. 15. Teti : Hi, Hani, you look very sad • What’s happened to you ? • Hani: I’ve lost my wallet somewhere • between my house and the • school. • Teti : Oh, dear …. Where did you • put it? • Hani: Here, in my handbag UN ‘06

  29. The following expressions can be used • to complete the blank space EXCEPT … • a. I’m sorry to hear that • b. Don’t worry about that • c. How poor you are • d. That’s terrible • e. What a pity UN ‘06

  30. 16. Mr. Bahar : Why didn’t you come to the meeting yesterday ? • Mr. Rony : My son has been • hospitalized since Sunday. • Mr. Bahar : ………… • I hoper he gets better soon • a. Really ? • b. What’s the matter? • c. Give me apologize. • d. I’m sorry to hear that. • e. I’m pleased to hear that. UN ‘06

  31. 17. A : What’s the matter with Susan • B : She has missed getting a good • job. • A : ………, but she can always try to • get it again. a. Never mind b. What a pity c. Don’t worry about it d. I don’t care about it e. I’m happy to hear that UN ‘06

  32. 18. Yuli : My aunt passed away last night. • Doni : Oh really ? ……… a. That’s a good idea. b. I apologize to you. c. I’m sorry to hear that. d. I’m disappointed with it. e. Don’t worry. I’ll help you. UN ‘06

  33. 19. Hilmi : We plan to visit and observe people making pattery. Would you joint us. • Yahya : I’d love to, but my father has • been hospitalized • Helmi : Oh, …… I hope he will be • better soon • Yahya : Thanks a lot. It’s very kind of • you. UN ‘06

  34. a. It is impossible. • b. It’s awful. Sorry to hear that. • c. I think you will joint us. • d. You have to be careful. • e. I’m pleased to hear that. UN ‘06

  35. 20. Andi : I’m afraid the farmer’s crops will decrease a lot this year because of the long drought. • Intan: Oh ….. I hope it will end soon. a. I couldn’t hear it b. I can’t believe it c. It’s their own fault d. It’s out of the question e. I am sorry to hear that UN ‘06

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