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Урок – захист проектних робіт

Урок – захист проектних робіт. Підготувала: учитель вищої категорії ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №3 м . Котовськ, Одеської області Амеліна Олена Миколаївна. Warming up. Answer my questions: • Do you have History lessons? • What do you usually learn at these lessons? • Why do we study history?

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Урок – захист проектних робіт

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  1. Урок – захист проектних робіт Підготувала: учитель вищої категорії ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №3 м. Котовськ, Одеської області Амеліна ОленаМиколаївна

  2. Warming up Answer my questions: • Do you have History lessons? • What do you usually learn at these lessons? • Why do we study history? • Is it important to learn it? • What do you know about the history of Great Britain?

  3. Match the words. 1) primitive a) свинець 2) to smelt b) вести торгівлю 3) a temple c) олово 4) to trade d) храм 5) tin e) примітивний 6) lead f) плавити

  4. T: Listen to me attentively and answer the questions which are on the blackboard: • What was Great Britain covered with at that time? • What could Britons do? • Who began to trade with the Britons? • When did the Romans come to Great Britain?

  5. The map of Great Britain

  6. The ancient population

  7. The hut of ancient people

  8. Stonehenge

  9. Complete the table:

  10. The first group We shall speak about the first Roman’s invasion. Britain was а mysterious isle to the Romans. In 55 B.C. the Roman general Julius Caesar conquered France. But Caesar knew that Britain contained valuable minerals, and he knew also that the British were helping Gaul against Rome. Не decided on invasion.

  11. The Roman army In the year 55 the great Roman general Julius Caesar sailed to Britain with about 12,000 soldiers in 80 ships. When they were near the coast, they saw the Britons armed with spears and swords, ready to fight with them. The Romans won the battle, but did not stay long and soon departed. In the following year Julius Caesar came to Britain again. Next year Caesar came again, this time with а much larger expedition, because it had five legions (about 25,000 men) and 800 ships. This time, after fighting the Britons on the shore, the Romans marched north-west where London stands today. The British attacked them in chariots and on foot, but the Romans had better arms and armours, and were much better trained. The Britons could not stop them. The Romans stayed in Britain some time, and then they left again and did not appear here for about a hundred years.

  12. The second group Between the first and the second invasions the British traded with the great Roman Empire. Roman merchants travelled to Britain, and Roman influence was strong. Nearly a hundred years later in A.D. 43 the Emperor Claudius sent another army to invade Britain. This time the Romans were successful. The British fought bravely, but could not win the trained Roman army. Soon the whole of the south of Britain was conquered. The Romans remained in Britain for almost four centuries. The Roman Empire was highly developed at that time. The Romans brought their civilization to Britain. The Romans were very practical people that’s why they made and fortified the ports where they landed their soldiers. The Roman ports were very well built.

  13. The Romans built roads which ran in long straight lines to different parts of the country. Their routes can still be seen from the air, and many modern roads follow them. Roman roads were built straight, going over hills rather than around them, because their purpose was the swift movement of soldiers and the transporting of goods. They were also built with massive stone foundations. The Romans built everything that way, thinking their empire would continue for ever. Many of these roads which are still in use today were built by the Romans.

  14. The third group We’ll speak about the period which was the quietest in the history of the Roman Britain. In the year 70 AD when the Romans had been nearly 30 years in Britain. There were still three legions of Roman soldiers in the country. The Romans built the first towns. London was the largest, with about 30,000 people. Colchester and St Albans each had about half as many, but most Roman towns had only 3,000 or 4,000. The typical Roman town was surrounded by а defensive wall, and was entered through stone-towered gateways. Streets were laid out in squares, and many of the ordinary houses and shops were made of timber and plaster. The centre of the town was the marketplace, nearby were а town hall, several temples, public baths and an inn or two.

  15. Hunting was also popular. People in the countryside would hunt animals for fun as well as for food. The Romans even introduced fallow deer to Britain to make the hunting better. They could spend their time enjoying themselves in sports or at the games in the amphitheatres. Specially trained slaves called gladiators would fight each other in amphitheatres. They would even fight wild animals such as lions or bears. When a gladiator lost a fight the crowd would decide if the loser should die or live. Roman people also went to the theatre to watch plays or listen to music. The actors often wore masks to show whether their character was happy or sad. Some of these plays were written down and the jokes in some Roman comedies are still funny today. The south of England was covered with the villas of wealthy Romans and Britons. There were large farmhouses, often with baths. The Romans believed in keeping clean. They loved the baths because they were a good place to meet people and business could be conducted there. When they went to the bath they firstly changed out of their clothes and did some exercises. Then they might have a swim in the pool before going into a series of rooms which got hotter and hotter to help make them sweat off the dirt. When the Romans were in these rooms they would often stop and talk to each other. After the bath the young Romans went into the large high gymnasium to practice boxing and wrestling and all kinds of gymnastics. London was not the main town in early Roman times. The capital city, from which the Romans governed the island, was Colchester.

  16. The fourth group In the year 122 the Roman Emperor Hadrian came to Britain. He was a great traveller and wherever he went he strengthened its frontiers. Some years before there had been a serious rebellion in the north of Britain. The people, who lived to the north and south of the Scottish border, were called Picts. They killed the whole of the 9th Roman legion which was stationed at York. Not a man was left. The rebellion was crushed. Hadrian chose three legions of Roman soldiers and set them the task to build a great wall running right across the country from Newcastle to Carlisle.

  17. In 7 years they finished the building of that wall. It was named Hadrian’s Wall. Its length was 73 miles long, seven to ten feet thick and 16 to 20 feet high. It was built of stone and it had a row of forts situated about 4 miles from each other. At every mile there was a strong tower which held a hundred men. The Hadrian’s Wall was the strongest of all the Roman frontier buildings.

  18. Let’s complete the table using the following questions: • Who had lived in Britain before the Roman army came there? • How long did they live there? • What parts were occupied by them? • What is the most famous temple of that period? • Who wanted to conquer the British Isles in the year 55-54 BC? • What parts did they occupy? • What did they build and why? • What was the name of the next emperor who wanted to conquer Britain? • What time was it in? • What did they create? • When did Hadrian come to the British Isles and what parts did he occupy? • What did they build and why?

  19. 1. Яке значення для тебе особисто мають знання та вміння, отримані на уроці: а) мені це знадобиться в майбутньому; б) мені просто цікаво; в) значення не мають. 2. Під час вивчення матеріалу: а) ти допомагав іншим; б) інші допомагали тобі; в) нікому не допомагав і не отримував допомоги. 3. Що викликало найбільші труднощі: а) пошук інформації; б) комунікація в групі; в) необхідність публічного виступу; г) інше. 4. Як ти почувався під час презентації: а) впевнено, бо добре знаю матеріал; б) легко, тому що поряд зі мною мої друзі; в) мені важко, матеріал складний і надто науковий; г) мені було байдуже. 5. З яким настроєм ти вивчав цей матеріал: а) було цікаво; б) не дуже цікаво; в) не цікаво взагалі.

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