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Damping Capacity Investigation of some Copper based alloys through Thermal Analysis

Damping Capacity Investigation of some Copper based alloys through Thermal Analysis. PhD student Nicanor Cimpoesu Facult y S.I.M. Ia și. Contents. Damping capacity Materials with big internal friction and applications Investigated alloys characterization

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Damping Capacity Investigation of some Copper based alloys through Thermal Analysis

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  1. Damping Capacity Investigation of some Copper based alloys through Thermal Analysis PhD studentNicanorCimpoesu Faculty S.I.M. Iași

  2. Contents Damping capacity Materials with big internal friction and applications Investigated alloys characterization - spectrometer - D.I.L. - D.S.C. - optical micrographs - S.E.M. and E.D.X. - D.M.A Conclusions

  3. Damping capacity

  4. Materials with damping capacity • Rubber membrane with 0.8 value of internal friction • Steel sample with internal friction 0.005 1 Hz frequency. • Adhesive with low viscosity with 6 the value of internal friction at –20 °C temperature. • A quartz with 0.2 and a shape memory alloy TiNiCu with 0.12

  5. Shape memory alloys applications as materials with damping capacity

  6. Analiza chimica a AMF urilor

  7. Dilatometry tests

  8. DifferentialScanningCalorimetry (DSC) of studied alloys

  9. Optical micrographs

  10. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM)

  11. EDAX study of investigated alloys

  12. Studiu EDX a aliajelor investigatePart. III

  13. Damping capacity investigation with a DMA (dynamic mechanical analyzer) equipment

  14. Frecarea interna a unui aliaj cu memoria formei tip CuZnAl

  15. Applications of S.M.A.-s with big internal friction and shape memory effect

  16. Conclusions • Two alloys from copper-zinc system was obtain in classical conditions, and after investigation with a differential dilatometer reveals nice shape memory effect. • Using combined equipments we can analyze and conclude on thermal behavior at heating and cooling of a shape memory alloy like transformation points, damping capacity and elastic modulus variation with temperature. • Small value of internal friction at room temperature of a shape memory alloy can’t be used in energy dissipation applications. Contrarily the same Cu-Zn-Al SMA presents a nice peak of internal friction around temperature of 90 ºC, in transformation points range, of 0,116 which can be use for practical applications.

  17. Paper was sustain by PCE-IDEI grant 616, project 83/01.10.2007 Thanks: • Prof. Dr. Ing. Hopulele Ion • Conf. Dr. Ing. Stanciu Sergiu THE END

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