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Pages and programs of the Field Guide. The following flowcharts are organized by color:.
Pages and programs of the Field Guide The following flowcharts are organized by color: A comprehensive flowchart of all the pages and programs of the Field Guide would be cumbersome, so the groupings and color scheme here serve to simplify things. The connections between the different flowcharts are indicated by the colors used for the pages or navigation bars. A legend of the schematics used appears on the next page. The pages directly linked from the LSFG home page, including the “user utilities” for faculty users. home page & utility links LS classes & test question pages The same set of programs are used to display each of the LS classes 1-4. image search & display pages The pages related to searching for and viewing images. syllabi generating & display pages The pages for viewing previous syllabi. database management pages These pages are accessible by those with database manager access, for adding, editing, or deleting information from the database. user management pages These pages are available only to the Field Guide manager, for adding or deleting users and tracking their access.
Pages and programs of the Field Guide -- legend A.php Basic solid outline – a webpage / program. LSFrameSet.php LSnavbar.php Double outline – a webpage / program that also appears on another flowchart page (and thus might have more connections than immediately apparent). A.php LS1navbar.swf / LS2navbar.swf / LS3navbar.swf / LS4navbar.swf Dashed outline – a program that does not generate a webpage; it is accessed by other pages and provides them with data or determines what new page to open. A.php LSCLx.php Schematic nesting of pages and programs indicates frames within pages, and Flash files within pages. Here, the page LSFrameSet.php contains LSnavbar.php in a frame, and LSCLx.php in a frame. The LS1navbar.swf is a Flash navigation bar, residing within the LSnavbar.php page. A.php B.php There is a link in page A that goes to page B. There is a link in page A that goes to page B, and vice-versa. A.php B.php There is a link in page A that opens a new pop-up window containing page B. A.php B.php P Page A accesses program B for information, or to execute a program function. B.php A.php
P home page & utility links dbmgt.php (database user) mission.php index.php login.swf imagefaq.php (guest) logout.php logout.php FGlogin.php vyootestdata.php (student) (faculty) newpass.php home2.php home.php userutil.php sitemap.php testQselect.php LSFrameSet.php sitemapGR.php contact.php imagesearch.php
LS classes & test question pages home.php / home2.php syldata2flash.php P LSFrameSet.php LSnavbar.php testchoose.php P LS1navbar.swf / LS2navbar.swf / LS3navbar.swf / LS4navbar.swf imagereturn2.php testgen.php LSCLx.php P (faculty) (faculty) testresult.php testQselect.php testQreturn2.php P TQPU1.php P TQcart1.php TQcheckout1.php deleteAQ1.php deleteTQcart1.php
image search & display pages home.php imagefaq.htm imagesearch.php bruteview.php (database user) P imagePU.php P imagecatreturn.php resinfo.php imagedesreturn.php imcart1.php imagereturn2.php deleteAim1.php deleteIMcart1.php
syllabi generating & display pages sylchoices.txt syldata2flash.php sylhead.php sylheader.swf LS1navbar.swf fetchsyldata.php drawsyl.swf sylholder.php fetchconcordata.php sylchoose.php P sylprint.php
P P P P database management pages newTQfaq.php doclinks.php syladd.php upTQimg.php resizer.php TQadd.php syllink.php imglist.php accessible only by database user TQsearchit.php syldelete.php yoozrmgt.php index.php editbook.php bookadd.php dbmgt.php vyoostoozerdata.php addstootoclass.php bookdelete.php addstoozerdata.php imgadd.php upstoozerdata.php TQstats.php imgFilesCleanup.php stoostats.php imgvyoo.php doclinks.php offadd.php imgreplace.php TQvyoo.php editimg.php offedit.php imgdelete.php editTQ.php IMGeditcats.php accessstats.php IMGeditkeys.php P resinfo.php TQdelete.php IMGeditcongroups.php TQeditcongroups.php imagePU.php P
altermgrdata.php non-student user management pages alterdbuser.php deleteyoozr.php yoozrvyoo.php yoozrmod.php accessible only by Field Guide manager yoozrmgt.php CLedit.php dbmgt.php yoozraddr.php CGedit.php IPvyoo.php CGlinks.php deleteIPlog.php bloktIPvyoo.php unblokIP.php