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Tips n Tricks: External funding

Tips n Tricks: External funding. Offered by your GASP. External Funding. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Vanier Scholarship Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec

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Tips n Tricks: External funding

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  1. Tips n Tricks:External funding Offered by your GASP

  2. External Funding • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) • Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) • Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) • Vanier Scholarship • Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec Deadlines - http://www.grad.uottawa.ca/Default.aspx?tabid=4325

  3. Overall Tips • Decide which funding agency you are applying to with care • Word the Title and Proposal of your application in a way that directly relates to the interests of the agency • Let each of the documents support each other but avoid redundancy • Don’t be shy to ask your referees for strong references!! • Consistency is key

  4. Overall Application Process • Differences: • NSERC is done through their website • CIHR is done through ResearchNet & mail • Vanier Scholarship is through ResearchNet • SSHRC is submitted to academic unit • Transcripts • Cannot be ordered through School of Psychology

  5. NSERC • Everything on website.. • Application Profile • Personal Profile • Addresses • Academic Background • Work Experience • Scholarships and other Awards Offered • Location of Tenure • Scholarship/Fellowship Information • Thesis Information • Key Words/Research Subject Code • Outline of Proposed Research (Attachment) • Justification for Eligibility of Proposed Research (Attachment) • Contributions/Statements (Attachment) • Transcripts (Attachment) • Reports on the Applicant • Refer to: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/OnlineServices-ServicesEnLigne/instructions/201/e.asp

  6. NSERC • uOttawa Deadline: Oct 25th & Dec 1st • Academic background • Do not include future education • Experience • Be thorough and formal (i.e., names of positions) • Awards • List only competitive awards based on academic or research excellence, and leadership skills

  7. NSERC • Proposed location of tenure • More so for individuals not in a program or transferring • Only Canadian universities – NO EXCEPTIONS • Scholarship information • Information on web page • Thesis completed or in progress • Describe most recent thesis project (practicum does not count)

  8. NSERC • Keywords / Research subject • Research subject determines selection committee • Proposal • 1 page including references • Lit review, premise, objectives, hypotheses, approach taken (comp. or exp.) and methods • State the SIGNIFICANCE of your work!! • NOTE: must fall under NSERC mandate or your application will not be accepted. • Do not repeat info from theses section

  9. NSERC • Justification for eligibility… • 1 page • Psych students should definitely fill this out i.e., psych falls under the mandate of all agencies • Why should your project be considered NSE? • Read: Eligibility Criteria for Students and Fellows • Read: Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency

  10. NSERC • Contributions and Statements • Review: Attachment standards • Three parts • Contributions to research and development • What to include (link * search Part 1 – Contributions..) • Most recent first: follow format on site (link above) • Most significant contributions to research and dev. • Choose three from contributions list • Applicant’s statement • Research experience • Relevant activities • Special circumstances

  11. NSERC • Reports on the Applicant • Two referees • Not a proposed supervisor • Contact them now (i.e., deadline ~ 1 month) • Make sure to send the invitation the site! • Set deadline a week before NSERC deadline • If applicable, provide information to referee that you would like them to mention

  12. NSERC • Transcripts • Cannot order thru School of Psych. • $12 each • Need a transcript for each program listed in the applications (i.e., undergrad work) • If your transcripts do not respect requirements listed your application will be removed • Signatures • Submission indicates your confirmation to comply with terms and conditions of award

  13. NSERC • Everything on website.. • Application Profile • Personal Profile • Addresses • Academic Background • Work Experience • Scholarships and other Awards Offered • Location of Tenure • Scholarship/Fellowship Information • Thesis Information • Key Words/Research Subject Code • Outline of Proposed Research (Attachment) • Justification for Eligibility of Proposed Research (Attachment) • Contributions/Statements (Attachment) • Transcripts (Attachment) • Reports on the Applicant • Refer to: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/OnlineServices-ServicesEnLigne/instructions/201/e.asp

  14. FQRNT Fond québécois de recherchesur la nature et les technologies

  15. Bourses • Bourse de maitrise en recherche: 15000$ • Bourse de doctorat en recherche: 20000$ • Programme pour la francophonie hors Québec: 15000/20000$ • Date limite: 2 octobre 16h

  16. Éligibilité • Moyenneminimale: 3.55/4 ou 7.5/10 • 4 champs de recherche: • Sciences naturelles et génie (FQRNT) • Sciences humaines et sociales (FQR-Société et culture) • Art et lettres (FQR-Société et culture) • Sciences de la santé (FQR-Santé) • Citoyencanadienourésident permanent vivant au Québec depuis au moins un an • Citoyencanadien non québécois(3 ans de vie hors Quebec) étudiantdansuneuniversité francophone dans un domainescientifique

  17. Éligibilité • Maitrise: être au programme depuismoins de 6 sessions • Doctorat: être au programme depuismoins de 9 sessions • PAS de lettres de référence

  18. Demande • Bourses obtenues • Publications, participation à des projets de recherche, autre info pertinente (sidélaidans formation) • Justification étudessupérieures, universitéchoisie et superviseurchoisi • Intérêts de recherche • Implication sociale, leadership, habilités de communication • Description du projet de recherhce (metho, objectifs, etc.)

  19. Évaluation

  20. CIHR Cynthia Wan

  21. Master’s Award • $17 500, one year, non-renewable. • Deadline: Sunday December 1, 2013 at 4pm. • Approximately 400 awards will be given out university-wide. • 17 will be allocated to uOttawa • Tri-agency harmonization of CGS-M • http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/CGSHarmonization-HarmonizationBESC_eng.asp

  22. Who can apply to CGS-M? • Students going into first year of a Master’s program, or MA-PhD program. • Students in their first year of a graduate program, but do not have a tri-council scholarship. • May start • September start • CGSMA@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

  23. Selection criteria • Academic excellence (50%) • Academic history – GPA, duration, course load • Previous scholarships/awards • Type of program & courses pursued • Research potential (30%) • Quality, originality, relevance, significance, feasibility, or proposed research • Research experience and skills • Personal characteristics & interpersonal skills (20%) • Work & leadership experience • Involvement in academic life • Community outreach

  24. Doctoral award • CGS-D, “Doctoral Research Award” • DFSA, “Doctoral Foreign Study Award” • $35 000, length is variable. • Deadline: Tuesday October 1, 2013 • Must apply directly to CIHR

  25. Who can apply? • Completed at least 12 months at the Master’s level. • May start • September start • Must apply to doctoral level if you received a CGS-M or equivalent prior. • Anything directly or indirectly related to health. • Biomedical, clinical, health services and policy, social/cutural/environmental/population health, psychology. • DRA@cihr-irsc.gc.ca

  26. How to apply? • Create a ResearchNet account • Request for a CIHR pin on ResearchNet • Create a CCV • Complete the online application • Everything must be uploaded online for submission (transcripts, reference letters, signatures, etc.) • You need your supervisor’s CIHR pin & CCV confirmation numbertoo!

  27. CIHR Info Sessions • September 23 @ 11:00am-12:30pm (English) • https://gts-ee.webex.com/gts-ee/k2/j.php?ED=235246932&UID=0&HMAC=d0f376667110ef28864af0869fa9f31f8e677811&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D • September 25 @ 1:30pm-3:00pm (French) • https://gts-ee.webex.com/gts-ee/k2/j.php?ED=235247442&UID=0&HMAC=e2874f78e17f77f3691847fa4cd5c80047cce217&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D • September 26 @ 1:30pm-3:00pm (English) • https://gts-ee.webex.com/gts-ee/k2/j.php?ED=235248047&UID=0&HMAC=0c939bc74b293e416bab059b97580f6f70a93b6b&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D

  28. Vanier Canadian Graduate Scholarship Grant Application Tips & Tricks September 18, 2013 Kristina Bradley

  29. The Basics • Eligible if studying/planning to do a doctoral degree at a Canadian university • Citizens, permanent residents, & international students • Value: $50 000 per year X 3 years • www.vanier.gc.ca • Aims to attract leaders in research to Canadian Universities

  30. The Basics – Part 2 • Must be nominated by Canadian University • CANNOT have other federal doctoral funding (CIHR, SSHRC, NSERC) • Between month and 20 of studies • Must apply through CIHR, SSHRC, or NSERC… • Based on mandate • Criteria for selection: Academic excellence, research potential, and leadership

  31. Review Process • Get nominated by University that you are applying to to get doctorate • uOttawa deadline: October 3, 2013 • Program deadline for applications from universities • November 6, 2013 • Announcements usually around April

  32. The Nuts and Bolts: Common CV • Same as CIHR Common CV, regardless of which agency you are applying through • Find the template on ResearchNet • Components: • Common CV form • You supplementary forms (e.g., research contributions) • Your proposed (or current) supervisors Common CV docs

  33. Nuts and Bolts: Research Summary • TIP: Always put unimportant stuff in very small print (my references are like size 8 font) • Use footnotes instead of APA • 2 pages including references • Spend more of your time writing about research methods and strengths of your supervisor-supervisee relationship and program to get it done • Everyone puts too much lit review.. No one cares! • Put measures you would use, statistical analysis plan, apparati… even if it’s made up • Describe hypotheses • BOTTOM LINE: demonstrate that you are a great researcher

  34. Nuts and Bolts: Leadership • They are looking for leaders for this scholarship. Good grades are not enough • Examples of leadership experience: teaching, involvement in student government (e.g., GASP ;)), volunteerism and project management at work (but you need a leadership role), civic engagement • Find your inner narcissist…

  35. Description of Leadership • 1 page to describe how you are awesome • The role of leadership in your research • Mentoring experiences in research • Leadership in organizations • Volunteering and/or how you contribute to your community (school, work, general…) • List awards/distinctions you’ve received related to leadership or times when you were chosen for something based on your leadership skills • How you hope to develop your leadership skills in the future

  36. Reference Letters • Much greater weight • Find someone who is warm and fuzzy • Those who aren’t will be asked by the selection committee to rewrite it • Create a sheet listing your accomplishments in leadership • Your supervisor likely doesn’t know you’re on GASP or whatever

  37. Ontario Graduate Scholarship Grant Application Tips & Tricks September 18, 2013 Kristina Bradley

  38. The Basics • Must be studying at/applying to Ontario university graduate program • 8 international student awards • NEW: MUST apply to school you plan to attend for your doctoral studies • Can apply for masters or PhD level • $15 000 for one year • http://www.grad.uottawa.ca/Default.aspx?tabid=4419 • Due at uOttawa November 1, 2013 • Announcements by April 30, 2014

  39. What You Need • Application form (4 pages) • Notice, Consents.. (1 page) • Research Statement (1 page) • Application Checklist (1 page) • Official university transcripts (all) • 2 Academic Assessment Reports (i.e., reference letters; 2 pages each)

  40. What You Need – Part 2 • List of Awards and Prizes (application form) • Research Contributions (1 page) • List of Significant Academic Accomplishments (1 page) • N.B.: Most of this is in your student CV that you fill out for the annual evaluation if you are already a uOttawa grad student

  41. Research Statement • EVEN shorter… so be concise! • Same advice as for Vanier really • TIP: Always put unimportant stuff in very small print (like references… though I just have citations in my app) • Use footnotes instead of APA • Spend more of your time writing about research methods Everyone puts too much lit review.. No one cares! • Put measures you would use, statistical analysis plan, apparati… even if it’s made up • Describe hypotheses • BOTTOM LINE: demonstrate that you are a great researcher

  42. General Remarks • Get people who are good at this to read over your stuff • GET FEEDBACK FROM SUPERVISOR!! • Good editors • Laymen – OGS committee not psychologists • Grad students who were successful in the past • Get winning applications and steal their style.. Don’t reinvent the wheel! • That’s how I did it • E-mail me at krislbradley@gmail.com

  43. SSHRC • Social, development, personality, and etc. • NOT health related • Master’s • $17,500 • Eligible for some first year students • Due date Dec 1st • PhD • $35,000 X 3 years OR $20,000 X up to 4 years • Due date TBA (last year Nov 15th)

  44. SSHRC • Application form filled online, then submit paper copies of form to the psychology office • Application package • Application form • Program of study (2 pages) • Bibliography (up to 5 pages) • Research contribution (1 page) • Transcripts (undergrad AND grad studies) • 2 references • Departmental appraisal form • Special circumstances (up to ½ page)

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