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Kevin Cook Senior Account Technology Specialist kevin.cook@microsoft

Kevin Cook Senior Account Technology Specialist kevin.cook@microsoft.com. Agenda. Release Cycle Windows Server™ 2003 R2 Principal Scenarios Simplified Branch Server Management Identity and Access Management Efficient Storage Management Licensing. Target Release Cycle.

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Kevin Cook Senior Account Technology Specialist kevin.cook@microsoft

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  1. Kevin Cook Senior Account Technology Specialist kevin.cook@microsoft.com

  2. Agenda • Release Cycle • Windows Server™ 2003 R2 • Principal Scenarios • Simplified Branch Server Management • Identity and Access Management • Efficient Storage Management • Licensing

  3. Target Release Cycle Mainstream Service Packs & Updates Extended Support At least 5 years from major release At least 5 years

  4. 2009 2007 2005 2006 Release Roadmap • Windows Server “Longhorn” R2 • Windows Server “Longhorn” • Windows Server 2003 Compute Cluster Edition • Windows Vista • Windows Storage Server R2 • Windows Server 2003 R2 – Currently at RC1 • Windows Server “Longhorn” Beta • Windows Server Update Services • Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions • Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1

  5. IT Infrastructure Automated Deployment Services* Group Policy Management Console ISCSI Support File Server Migration Toolkit Identity Integration* FRS Monitoring Services For UNIX 3.5: NIS, NFS, Unix tools Services for Netware Server Performance Advisor SUS System Resource Manager Virtual Server 2005 (licensed product) Information Worker Infrastructure Windows SharePoint Services Rights Management Services Application Platform AD Application Mode Services For UNIX 3.5: Interix Feature Packs and Server Products/Technologies To Date *For Enterprise & Datacenter Editions Only Integrated with WS03 R2

  6. UNIX Interop • Centralized Backup & Management of File and Print • High Availability • Efficient Publishing & Collaboration Windows SharePoint Services • Web Single Sign-on • B2B/B2C Commerce and Collaboration • Decentralized application directories • UNIX identity management SP1 & x64 • Simple SAN Management for the IT Generalist • File Server Resource Manager • UNIX NFS Connectivity .NET Framework 2.0

  7. Simplified Branch Server Management Identity and Access Management Efficient Storage Management

  8. Simplified Branch Server Management • Wide-Area Network (WAN) • WAN costs can be significant • WAN latency issues • Management costs • Network admins on site in branch offices • Tape backup expensive, unreliable • Tools need to scale to large number of branches • Policy • Delegation • UI Branch office challenges

  9. Simplified Branch Server Management • Replaceable • Ease of deployment & replacement • Admin free • Does not require admins in branch sites • Simple configuration from central site • Accelerator • Efficient use of WAN resources – just transfer file deltas • Rely on local cache to handle local requests • Forward to central server when WAN is available Microsoft Branch Server Vision

  10. Simplified Branch Server Management Enabling Technologies:Print Role • New Print Management Console (PMC) in R2 • With PMC, branch servers can easily be print servers because they are remotely manageable on a 1-to-many basis Printers Node Servers Node

  11. Simplified Branch Server Management Enabling Technologies: Remote Differential Compression (RDC) • New Microsoft algorithm • Send only minimal deltas when transferring data over a network • RDC efficiency examples • Change title in a 3.5MB PPT, resync takes just 16K Source: MS Internal

  12. Simplified Branch Server Management Identity and Access Management Efficient Storage Management

  13. Identity and Access Management Windows Server 2003 R2 Features • Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) • Lightweight, domain-independent mode of Active Directory for application directory scenarios • Interoperability with Domain Mode for authentication • Benefit: Tailor directory services infrastructure for local control/autonomy or shared services • UNIX Identity Management • Server for Network Information Service (NIS) helps integrate Windows and UNIX domains • Password synchronization simplifies password maintenance across platforms • Benefit: Efficient multi-platform identity management • Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)

  14. AD IIS Identity and Access ManagementActive Directory Federation Services (ADFS) • Extend value of Active Directory deployments to facilitate secure web application access for employees, partners and customers • Web SSO: Extranet authentication and single sign-on • Identity Federation: Distributed web SSO across domains • Promotes IT efficiency, end user productivity, and better security • Works with existing Active Directory deployments • Interoperable with 3rd party security solutions and heterogeneous application platforms Company A Company B

  15. Simplified Branch Server Management Identity and Access Management Efficient Storage Management

  16. Efficient Storage Management The Challenges of Storage Today • Storage growth estimates: 60-100% per year • Managing storage growth effectively is a challenge • Adding more direct attached storage (DAS) increases complexity • Networked storage solutions can be complex • Few IT professionals are storage experts: • 35% of organizations have moved from DAS to networked storage already • 40% of organizations are considering moving to networked storage • Costs of managing storage can be 10x the cost of storage • Process of consolidating File Servers / Storage is involving • Complex and error prone • Potential disruption to end users

  17. Efficient Storage Management Windows Server 2003 R2 Storage Management File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) Capacity Management (Reporting) QuotaManagement (Limiting) Policy Management (Screening) Storage Manager for SANs (SMFS) Configuration Management Disk provisioning Disk management

  18. Efficient Storage Management FSRM: User Scenarios and Benefits • Capacity Management • Identify where storage capacity is used inefficiently • Identify mechanisms to prevent future capacity misuse • Monitor usage patterns and utilization levels • Policy Management • Eliminate non-business files and improve storage utilization while reducing management costs • Implement policies to restrict unauthorized files in order to limit legal exposure • Promote a culture of accountability • Quota Management • Control the amount of space used for a folder or share and limit its impact on server utilization • Monitor disk space usage growth per volume, folder, or share • Slow down storage growth

  19. Efficient Storage Management SMFS:SAN Management and Provisioning • Administrator Challenges • Small-midsize market want SAN benefits, but • Existing tools are complex and expensive • Administrators have limited experience with SAN technologies • Want basic functionality enabling the administrator to easily share storage among servers • User scenarios and benefits • Offers basic SAN management functionality, including • Device discovery • LUN creation • Storage allocation • Enables • Shared storage solutions • Clustering

  20. Editions and Features * Only one of the replication partners is required to be an Enterprise Edition or Datacenter Edition

  21. Licensing • Availability and Licensing • R2 replaces original WS03 release in channels • No cost for servers covered by Software Assurance or Enterprise Agreement • Available as new server license for non-Software Assurance • No new CALs for R2 - uses Windows Server 2003 CALs • Same support lifecycle as WS03 • Release: December 2005, Buy it in January 2006

  22. Microsoft Virtual Server 2005Product Overview Kevin Cook Senior Account Technology Specialist kevin.cook@microsoft.com

  23. Agenda • Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 • Key Scenarios • Features and Benefits • Improved hardware efficiency • Increased administrator productivity and IT responsiveness • Customer Evidence

  24. Businesses Need Efficiency • Server managers need more efficient hardware environments • Application developers need greater flexibility in development and test environments • Businesses need a solution to upgrade and consolidate hardware and still run legacy systems

  25. Virtualization • Allows multiple operating systems to run simultaneously on the same processor • Each independent virtual machine functions as a self-contained computer • Run side-by-side testing and production systems on the same machine • Use off-the-shelf servers • Use fewer servers with higher utilization

  26. Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Virtual Server will be available to customers in two editions: • Virtual Server 2005 Enterprise Edition • Virtual Server 2005 Standard Edition.   Features across the two Editions are the same, scalability is the only difference. Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Standard Edition will support up to four processors. Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Enterprise Edition will support up to 32 physical processors.

  27. Test and Development • Consolidate and automate software test and development environments • Virtual Server enables side-by-side testing and production on the same system • Greater flexibility • Better test coverage • Developer productivity • User experience • Test distributed server applications on a single physical server

  28. Migrate Legacy Applications • Applications often outlive their original OS or hardware • Virtual Server enables better choice • Smooth application re-hosting with solid application compatibility • Upgrade infrastructure without having to upgrade or rewrite applications • Run legacy applications in native environments in virtual machines

  29. Consolidate Proper Workloads • Consolidate multiple server workloads • Higher hardware utilization • Increased manageability • Use Virtual Server for • Consolidation of infrastructure services • Disaster recovery environments • Departmental or branch office services

  30. Improved Hardware Efficiency • Virtualization • Building on Windows Server 2003 ensures broad device compatibility • Complete support for Windows Server System environments • Can run most x86 operating systems • Windows guest operating system performance optimization • Resource management • Policy-based resource management features • Fine-grained control of CPU and memory resource allocation

  31. Increased Administrator Productivity and IT Responsiveness • Deploy • Complete scripted control enables automated configuration and deployment • Manage • Use the Virtual Server Administration Website and standard server management tools to administer virtual machines • Use • Unified host and guest Windows experience streamlines common virtual machine tasks

  32. Easy to Deploy • Comprehensive COM API: • Enables complete scripted control of virtual machine environments • Virtual Hard Disks (VHDs) • Encapsulates virtual machines • Allows flexible configuration, change and deployment • Virtual Networking • Facilitates secure and versatile networking • guest-to-guest • guest-to-host • guest-to-net

  33. SAN Use and High Availability • A virtual machine can access resources on storage area network drives • Requires an appropriately configured host system • Benefits: • Provide a large amount of storage to your virtual machines • Increase data access performance • Improve recoverability of virtual machine data through data redundancy and backup features offered by most SAN solutions

  34. Easy to Manage • Virtual Server Administration Website • Secure, authenticated administration and client remote access • Microsoft integrated solutions • Active Directory integration • Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Management Pack for Virtual Server • Systems Management Server 2003 SP1 • Automated Deployment Services • Other solutions • Use other existing server management tools

  35. Easy to Use • Windows guest usability • Virtual Machine Additions • An architectural feature that enhances user experience • Integrates guest and host machines • mouse pointer integration • video driver optimization • host time synchronization • Etc…

  36. Customer Evidence • Allstate • Property, casualty and life insurance in Asia, Europe, and the Americas • Deployed Virtual Server 2005 RC1 • Estimate savings of US $7.5M over 5 years • 50% decrease in server hardware growth • Server Consolidation • Estimate 6:1 to 10:1 consolidation ratios across scenarios

  37. Thank You! • kevin.cook@microsoft.com

  38. Customer Evidence • Exelon Corporation • Energy producer, distributor, and energy-related services company • Deployed Virtual Server 2005 RC1 • Realized 50% time savings in server provisioning • Server Consolidation • 4:1 Test Environments • 4:1 Web Services • 5:1 Remote Access • 8:2 Domain Controllers

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