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WELCOME TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CSE. Department of CSE Administration(CORE-COMMITTEE) Vision-Mission Profile details Department in- charge responsibilities Faculty retention ratio Memberships/Professional Bodies/Higher Education CSE course structure Result analysis
WELCOME TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CSE • Department of CSE Administration(CORE-COMMITTEE) • Vision-Mission • Profile details • Department in- charge responsibilities • Faculty retention ratio • Memberships/Professional Bodies/Higher Education • CSE course structure • Result analysis • Placement Activities • Departmental Activities • Faculty/Student Contribution • Faculty Credentials • Faculty Appraisal report • Student Refreshments • Added strengths. • Ready to face challenges • Things to be improved • Grievances • Conclusion
Department of CSE-Administration Head Of CSE Mr.V.Hari Prasad, Head of CSE,Sphoorthy Engineering College, and the evolution of computer education (B.Tech)in the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Ananthapur. He Completed his Post Graduation in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. He is pursing research in the area of Bio-Informatics in JNTUK. Mr.V.Hari Prasad InCharge Head Of Department(On maternity) Mrs. J. Deepthi, Assoc.Prof. in CSE department acts as an incharge Hod during the HOD’s absentia. MrS. J. Deepthi Advisor Mr.B. Ramakrishna, Asst. Prof. in CSE Department gives advices for the academics improvement. Mr. B. Ramakrishna
….VISION-MISSIONPOWERED WITH VISION - DEPT OF CSE- DRIVEN BY VALUES • To produce Best Quality CSE Professionals by imparting quality training, hands on experience and value education. • To Strengthen links with Industry through partnerships and collaborative developmental works. • To attain self-sustainability and overall development through Research, Consultancy and Development Activities. MISSION:- • Promote and facilitate the effective integration of technology into the basic mission of the college through planning, programming, training, consulting, and other support activities. • Provide leadership for effective strategic and tactical planning in the use of technology.
PROFILE DETAILS Proforma of Head of The Department 1. Name : Mr.V.Hari Prasad 2. Designation : Head of CSE 3. Date of Birth : 1-6-1983 4. Date of Joining : 15-6-2009 5. Phone / Mobile No.s : 9177005586 6. Mail ID : haiprasadvemulapati@gmail.com 7. Qualifications :B.Tech(CSE), M.Tech(CSE),(Ph.D)(CSE). LMISTE,LMCSI,MIEEE,IAENG 8.Experience :9 years a) Teaching :8 years b) R &D :1Years (Research) c) Industrial : 6 months
PLACEMENTS - CSE • Results & Placement: We achieved 98% for the 2007 batch. Among this batch, 58 students were placed in various companies. 27 students are placed from current batch 2012 passed outs.
DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES ASSET (Association of Sphoorthy Software Engineers & Technocrats) INAUGURATION: • ASSET was inaugurated on 26th day of Feb 2009 by Sri Raghavedar Rao, Professor in CSE at HCU honored as chief guest. AIM: • The main aim of ASSET is to develop leadership and initiative, and to inculcate a sense of responsibility, to create a spirit of brotherhood and co-operation, and sharing the knowledge by conducting group discussions, seminars, debates, workshops and paper presentations etc… MEMBERSHIP: • All the students of CSE II, III & IV year students and all the faculty members are become the members in ASSET by default.
PRAZASTI- 2K12 (National Level Techno Fest) “PRAZASTI-2K12” was organized On 16th & 17th March, 2012 INAUGURAL FUNCTION by : Dr.P. SRINIVASA RAO Prof. & Head Dept. of Civil, JNTU, HYDERABAD VALEDICTORY FUNCTION by : Dr.E.SAI BABA REDDY Director, Academic Audit cell, JNTU, HYDERABAD AIM: The Events are being conducted to serve as an opportunity for the Students to bring out their Technical innovative Skills.
FACULTY/STUDENT CONTRIBUTIONS Mr.V.Hari Prasad has contributed the following for the organization: • International conference on GIS in NIRD. • International conference on national language processing conducted by I.I.I.T. • International conference on socio-economic development conducted by C_DAC. • Workshop attended on embedded systems with programming languages conducted by ISM. • Workshop on soft skills & Accent neutralization conducted by CELT. • Workshop on free software foundation classes conducted by HCU. • Effective teaching & learning by NITTR,HRD. • E-Learning and Effective teaching by NITTTR,Chennai,HRD. • Students have participated in debate – Current Trends • Students have participated in paper presentations- Virtual reality natural language processing. • Mrs.Meenakshi was appointed as a member of a ‘Sphoorthy Women’s Chapter’. • Mrs. J. Deepthi was appointed as a Co-ordinator of a ‘R&D-Innovtive’.
PROFESSIONAL BODIES • Computer Science and Engineering Department of Sphoorthy Engineering College has Inaugurated CSI – Student Branch with strength of 149 students. CSI – Student Branch aim is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT community. The CSI is also working closely with other industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single citizen of India.CSI has been instrumental in guiding the Indian IT industry down the right path since its formative years. Today, the CSI has 66 chapters all over India, 381 student branches, and more than 40000 members including India's most famous IT industry leaders, brilliant scientists and dedicated academicians. • ISTE : The department inaugurated ISTE professional bodY to cater the needs of the students inresearch, knowledge-sharing, Advanced learning and career enhancement and simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT community Paper Publications (By Students (Conferences, Journal),By Faculty (Conferences, Journal))
DEPARTMENTAL ACHIEVEMENTS Facilities: • Laboratory : State of art laboratories with dedicated 12 MPPS Internet connection. • Library: Library is equipped with 60 sysems dedicated with 6 Internet Bandwith which helps the students to update their skills. • Students Hand Out: This includes the concern subjects study materials like PPTs, notes, previous question papers, objective questions, session plan and reference websites & the placed student s list in the selected companies during the academic years • Web Portal (VIDYA): Department of C.S.E. developed a student portal “VIDYA”, which is an INTRANET based application. The main aim of this application is to provide information to the students of Sphoorthy about their curriculum video lectures, previous question papers, online bits, assignments, events, notice text books (PDF/DOC) and online tests. • E-Learning (NPTEL,A-View & SONET): NPTEL Videos in which lectures given by various IIT Professors related to all streams have been present to be accessed by students in our college Digital Library. Through GEMS students can improve their skills respect to softskills, communication skills, pre placement & corporate readiness during their four years of study. • Sphoorthy Students Forum: Students can post/share the information regarding their examinations, results, events, conferences, wokshops and notification informations. To facilitate this we provided a common platform i.e. Students Forum for all students. • R&D and Robotic Club: Developed by Sphoorthy Students in association with CSE & ECE departments to develop their Innovative ideas.
Students Handout: This includes the concern subjects study materials like PPTs, notes, previous question papers, objective questions, session plan and reference websites & the placed student s list in the selected companies during the academic years & also includes the common rules such as attendance percentage for the students, the syllabus copies of the concerned subjects during the academic years, toppers from each and every year per semester wise records, information regarding the sphoorthy finishing school & academic Calendar. The purpose of this handout is to make the awareness among the students to boost up their confidence when they are writing their exams. • Events (E-CLAT), Workshops (Adobe Flex, Information Security and Real Time Linux by e-swetcha, Mobile), conferences organized (Ethical Hacking by Mr. Ankith Fadia) , Seminars (SAP, Flex,.Net, Java, Android, PHP and many more industry demanding domains) • Co-Curricular (Games, young talent search by times, industrial tour): The final year students visited North India Industrial Tour for the period of 10 days i.e. 20-01-2012 to 29-01-2012. They visited various historical places and small scale industries and learned much about latest technology. • Project Expo (JNTU TechnoFest, Gadjet Expo, Project Expo): To maintain up to date knowledge in the upcoming technologies. So that the students can share their ideas in up coming future on the latest trends.
Higher Education (by students, by faculty) 2 Faculty enrolled for PhD in reputed universities. 34% of outgoing batch students got admission in various abroad universities to pursue their higher education.
FACULTY CREDENTIALS • Mr.V.Hari Prasad,Prof &Head of CSE • Received the ‘Best Teacher’ award in the year 2010. • Appointed as an external examiner for the viva voice to an autonomous college so called,”SriNidhi Institute Of Science and Technology”. • External co-guide for Osmania academic projects • Compaction of genome data (DNA) using PGBC technique: A novel Algorithm published in the proceedings of IEEE, 2012(ISBN: 978-1-4673-1849-5] in volume 2 issue 12:[564-571]. • An Efficient DNA compression using compression bit plane technique in CIIT,Journal of Bio metrics and Bio Informatics[Print: ISSN 0974 – 9659 & Online: ISSN 0974 – 9551] with Impact factor of 0.641 in Feb 2012 Isuue:1[56-62] • A Lossless novel DNASP tool based approach for compression of genetic repetitive and non repetitive sequences in IJCIIS-International Journal of computational Intelligence and information security [ ISSN:1837 7823] with Impact count of 5.05 in vol.3 Issue .4,2012[120-131] • A Novel DNAZIP Tool for zipping of genome sequences by linear bounded data structure was accepted for publication in may-2012 • Video mining pattern recovery vs. pattern matching in ICNB-2010. • Mrs.M.Meenakshi got a first prize in ‘ShotPut’. • Mr.B.Ramakrishna contributed his work as co –author in differnet journals
STUDENT REFRESHMENTS ….personality development • Industrial tour was planned for the final year students of CSE in the year 2011 & 2012. • Every year department conducts Fresher’s parties for the students. • Participating in the Group Discussions & debates in the class. • Attended Swami Vivekananda Birthday’s ceremony. • Visit for Infosys’s workshop.
ADDED STRENGTHS • Mini & Main projects with less economy(mini-Rs.1000& main-Rs.1800)-acclimation-Dr.T.Venu Gopal- • Providing resource persons to other department (PG)course. • Maximum ratification in the small count of department. • Lead in results by less number of faculty. • Most of the faculties were pursing higher education. • Introducing senior faculties to the organization. • *Initiation of Faculty-Club-(To improve Human relationships • Separate website is in preparation exclusively for Dept of CSE
READY TO FACE CHALLENGES • In the next we can plan some work shops in collabarion with CSI and ISTE • Ready to take in any college fest-national,international seminars, workshops & conferences. • Start national journal & contribute for the benefit of research. • Can compete in any environment. • Motivate the students to improve their entrepreneur ship. • Take up any sort of PG courses. • Ready to take ISO 9000:2001 Quality certification for organization. • Separate forum for CSE dept • Library Automation Project.
THINGS TO Be Needed for Dept Growth • Department is in need of Doctorates. • Senior Qualified Faculty Retention Ratio • Increase the strengths of MOU with the industries. • Inviting international resource persons to the department for the improvement of organization. • We have to organize more and more Guest Lecturers/industry professionals • Improve our ethics, values & maturity levels in the succession of professional career.
GRIEVANCES • Sevice Rules in force at least in Leave system. • Air conditioned room /Air Cooler for HOD exclusively. • Individual PC’s for Assoc.Profs. • Departmental budget of min 1 lakh should be granted for improvement. • Provident Fund(PF) facility should be provided with equal contributions from the management those whoever completed three years of service. • Extra compensation for Research. • Monitory or non Monitory benefits to the HODs • Separate departmental library for faculties & students.
CONCLUSION • SKY IS THE LIMIT FOR DEPT GROWTH.., DECLARATION: I here by declare that the above –furnished info is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and can be asked for proof if necessary. ur’s