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DT towards run 2. Aachen IIIA, ATOMKI, Budapest , CIEMAT Madrid, Debrecen, IFCA Santander, INFN( Bologna,Padova,Torino ), NICPB Tallinn, Oviedo , UA Madrid, UM Kuala Lumpur. work progress @P5. Chamber and Minicrate repairs,
DT towards run 2 Aachen IIIA, ATOMKI, Budapest, CIEMAT Madrid, Debrecen, IFCA Santander, INFN(Bologna,Padova,Torino), NICPB Tallinn, Oviedo, UA Madrid, UM Kuala Lumpur M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
work progress @P5 • Chamber and Minicrate repairs, • followed by relocation of UXC tower electronics (Sector Collector) to USC(per wheel) • Work is on schedule M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
A.C.Benvenuti Chambers maintenance DT chamber MB2 partially extracted from the iron pocket to replace one board from the RPC chambers mounted on the inner side of the DT. Visible also are two DESY physicists checking the HO RBX located above an MB1 chamber. MB2 chamber N.Lacalamita(BA) M.Benettoni (PD) V.Giordano (BO) M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
I.RedondoFernandez(CIEMAT) J.PuertaPelayo(CIEMAT) HV repairs M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
G.Masetti, F.Gonella Minicrates maintenance (first time since 2009) ~2200 DT channels recovered (1.3 % of DT system) ~1000 still to be recovered in YB+1, YB+2 42/48 new Theta TRB installed M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
I.RedondoFernandez Sector Collector relocation plan • UXC-USC optical fibers installed last year • LVDS cable rearrangement in tower racks wheel-by-wheel • Only YB+2 remains, aim to start week of March 24th • YB-1 has been commissioned and blessed last December ; this early start has provided a final test and a measurement of the true vs design latency • New latency = old +3BXs, as by design • Final modifications/improvements being implemented (mainly remote monitoring of optical links UXC-USC (i.e. CuOF-OFCu) ) • YB+1 relocated previous to detector maintenance • under commissioning • YB0&YB-2 Sector Collector HW relocated to USC • CuOfs+OFCusto be installed and cabled during next month • Expect 4th & 5th wheel of CuOFs+OFCusmiddle of March&April • YB+2 will be started after detector maintenance • Nearly all preparatory work (fibers, crates, etc ..) in USC done • Infrastructure: 6 new racks and 10 wiener crates still not integrated in central monitoring&control, not accessible remotely. • Essentially remains recabling of relocated hardware • …and commissioning. • TCDS? Please make switch-over schedule available early. M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
I.RedondoFernandez M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
D.Teyssier, G.Masetti, FR Cavallo, MC Fouz, L.Guiducci Re-commissioning plan • Situation more difficult than in the past: in 2010 we started with good calibration, synchronization and alignment, thanks to a year long data taking with cosmics, and a small sample of collision data. • 2014 CRAFT data: calibration with new HV (lower) working point (vDrift,tTrig), also with magnetic field. Global synchronization: a few runs with good RPC trigger. The system will then be able to provide segments of decent quality for tracker studies. • Later optimize synch DTTF,CSCTF,GMT • 2015 collision, ~1/pbwith unbiased trigger (DT activity trigger) for fine calibration/synchronization of the system. We need decent tracker, pixel and RPC status. M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
Z.Szillasi HW Alignment HW Alignment is important for providing hard constraints to the track-based alignment ( see Muon POG talk for t-b alignment.) • Status of LS1 work for consolidation: • Mini Module d’AlignementBaril (MAB) are built, calibrated and they are installed on all wheel faces except gap between YB+1 and YB+2 • New Survey target holders on the MABs glued on all MABs • Installation plans of the Barrel: • Installation of the MABs on YB-1 and YB+1 as soon as these wheels are closed • Survey of MABs and DTs in each gap after MAB installation, but before wheel closure • Later in this year: YB±2 MAB. MAB on calibration bench New outer survey target holder with target MiniMABs MiniMAB installed at Sector 4 Aim:Be able to make HW alignment data for B0 and immediately after the first magnet ramp.
F.R.Cavallo, M.C.Fouz PLANNED UPGRADES IN LOCAL RECONSTRUCTION 1) Update of errors associated to recHits Hit pulls, station by station, for φ and ϑ SL’s Extensive studies of resolution have refined our knowledge of errors. We are implementing a DB of realistic errors with a Super Layer granularity. 2) 3 parameter segment fit So far a standard straight line (2 param.) was used to fit segments, with fixed t0. When using a 3 free-parameters fit, one of them being time (common shift for all hits), we reconstruct good segments up to 10 BX from collision BX and we DO KNOW their time (tag out-of-time tracks) M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
3) Correction of effects of track inclination on recHit position * A systematic dependency of hit residuals on track impact angle is observed (and understood). * It is on average very small, but can reach ~ 150 μm in extreme regions. * Correction being implemented MB3 YB-2 PLANNED UPDATES IN SIMULATION 1) Simulation of neutron background (Plan agreed with the simulationgroup) Hit residual vs segment inclination * Extendsimulation–whichincludes CMS cavern - of Minimum Biasevents up to 100 ms * addthose extra hits to events with a procedure as for Pile Up simulation 2) Simulation of Out-Of-Time tracks Use 3 parameter segment fit to check simulation of OOT PU tracks and compare with data M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
G.Abbiendi, D.Trocino From Local (DPG) to Global (POG)Muon RECO • Tight connections between developments in DT local reco – Track-based muon Alignment – Global muonreco. • Realistic DT uncertainties on hits/segments and angular dependence on local y (from middle of detector to the external wheels) planned to enter in 71X • realistic APEs are almost ready (-> planned to be activated in 71X) • Once the two items above are integrated in 71X the global muonreco and the muon ID will have to be reoptimized. • Muon Timing: improved performance of DT 3par fits will be propagated up to high level in new muon selectors for in-time and OOT muons(planned for 71X) • Cosmic muonrecoalso is being updated with use of DT 3par fits
S.Ventura, C.Battilana, L.Guiducci LV1 Trigger Primitives Upgrade New HW (TWINMUX in uTCA, a slice in 2015) will take advantage of the new SC optical links bringing to USC the single DT chamber information. It can also receive RPC (and HO?) information. • Stage 1: slice in parallel to the current system using the same primitives; • Stage 2: DT+RPC (+HO?) primitives; full system by 2017 : • Best use of DT tracking and RPC timing M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
Long-term Upgrade plan C.FernandezBedoya New DT Electronics * Design of new Drift Tubes electronics. Motivation: longevity, radiation, maintenance, bandwidth, etc... * New low cost time digitization electronics in UXC * Full TDC data available in a no radiation environment: highest chamber resolution available for Level 1 * Produce improved trigger system by using algorithms not based in on-chamber ASICs but in high performance processor systems. • Study of the longevity and radiation tolerances of present components of CMS Drift Tube detector. • * Parts inside UXC exposed to radiation levels: • -passive parts • -active electronic components • -commercial modules • * Facilities required for the different tests: • -GIF++ , neutron and/or proton for SEE SystemLongevitystudies M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)
Manpower for run2 • The DT performance in run 1 was a success also thanks to • a team of dedicated HW and SW experts available all times on site, taking advantage of any short access. • a motivated DPG team with deep detector know-how providing fast feedback • By now, both teams are very thin • possibility of training new experts in the forthcoming CRUZET and CRAFT data taking as well as in the LHC commissioning period • Preparation for RUN2 is a challenge: • differently from 2010 start-up, at the 2015 start-up the system will still need tuning of synchronization and calibration. Achieving fast ramp-up to a steady state with scarce human resources is a worry and it will need careful planning. M. Dallavalle (INFN Bo)