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Critical Information Literacy

Critical Information Literacy. David Marcovitz Loyola University Maryland marco@loyola.edu. Step 1. Not everything on the Web is true. Step 1. Not everything on the Web is true. Help students move from browsers to users. That’s Step 1 of many. Checklists are OK for this…. 5 W’s

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Critical Information Literacy

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  1. Critical Information Literacy David Marcovitz Loyola University Maryland marco@loyola.edu

  2. Step 1 Not everything on the Web is true.

  3. Step 1 Not everything on the Web is true. Help students move from browsers to users.

  4. That’sStep 1 of many

  5. Checklists are OK for this… • 5 W’s • http://kathyschrock.net/abceval/5ws.pdf • Authority, Accuracy, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage • http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/evalcrit.html • Grade-level Rubrics • http://www.tammypayton.net/courses/print/evalweb2.shtml • etc.

  6. 5 Ws

  7. All About Exploreres

  8. Christopher Columbus

  9. Tree Octopus

  10. Velcro Crop

  11. Martin Luther King

  12. One of these sites is not like the others

  13. Step 2 Truth is only step 1

  14. Step 2 Truth is only step 1 Help students move from users to critical users.

  15. Martin Luther King

  16. As critical users, our goal is to make a yes/no judgment about sites. Keep the good. Throw out the bad. This goes beyond “truth.”

  17. Checklists seem OK for thisbut have mixed results… • 5 W’s • http://kathyschrock.net/abceval/5ws.pdf • Authority, Accuracy, Objectivity, Currency, Coverage • http://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/evalcrit.html • Grade-level Rubrics • http://www.tammypayton.net/courses/print/evalweb2.shtml • etc.

  18. 5 Ws X √ X √ √

  19. IHR

  20. 5 Ws √ √ √ √ √

  21. Black Invention Myths

  22. Peanut Butter

  23. Did George Washington Carver invent peanut butter?

  24. Is George Washington Carver a fraud?

  25. Peanut Butter

  26. 5 Ws ? √ ? √ √

  27. What’s wrong with Black Invention Myths? • It’s not the facts • It’s the conclusions • It’s the misrepresentation of the process of invention • “If I have seen further than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants” (credited to Einstein, Newton, and John Salisbury) • It’s the hidden purpose of the site (to make you think that Black people are stupid)

  28. Step 3 Yes/No judgments are hard work.

  29. Step 3 Yes/No judgments are hard work. Help students move beyond critical users.

  30. A few extra tools • Look at lots of sites about the topic • Investigate the links • Investigate who links to this site

  31. Google

  32. Google Advanced

  33. Google Page-Specific

  34. Links to Black Invention Myths

  35. Step 4 Build a domain of knowledge.

  36. Step 4 Build a domain of knowledge. Help students move from critical users to hyperreaders / dialectical readers.

  37. Domain of Knowledge:Recontextualize Information

  38. Inventions and African Americans Black Invention Myths www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/indexc.shtml#Carver

  39. Israeli-Palestinian Situation(oversimplified)

  40. Human-caused Climate Change Human social evolution and climate change: http://porkupineblog.blogspot.com/2007/02/global-warming-and-social-evolution.html Rebuts climate-change deniers: http://www.csicop.org/si/show/disinformation_about_global_warming/ Rational anti-climate change site: http://www.globalwarmingheartland.org/ Emotional anti-climate change site: http://www.climatephysics.com/ Gov’t site: climate change is human caused: http://epa.gov/climatechange/ Sierra Club Site: http://www.toowarm.org/ Very emotional anti-climate change site: http://www.squidoo.com/falseglobalwarming International perspective: http://www.unep.org/climatechange/ Politics of climate change in UK: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jun/22/thatcher-climate-sceptic-monckton Climate Change is socialist conspiracy http://www.appinsys.com/globalwarming/AGWSocialism.htm

  41. Why look at sites you disagree with? • Even if human-caused climate change is an undisputed fact in the scientific community, it is important for our understanding of the topic to understand that there are people who disagree with that and why. • Science is not black and white. The scientific inquiry process is all about keeping an open mind and questioning what we believe. The current scientific consensus is not the final word so we need to understand the shortcomings of our current understanding and how that understanding might change in the future. • Even if human-caused climate change is true, the cost of correcting it compared to the cost of doing nothing is not clear.

  42. Help your students becomedialectical readersby exploringdomains of knowledge

  43. But sometimes I just want to know the score of the game… • You or your students won’t use the skills every time they look for something • But, if you don’t teach them these skills… and have them practice these skills… they won’t have the skills when they need them

  44. Dialectical ReadersRecontextualize Information

  45. References • Bruce, B. (2000, February). Credibility of the Web: Why we need dialectical reading. Journal of Philosophy of Education 34(1), 97-109. Also in Paul Standish & Nigel. Blake (Eds.), Enquiries at the interface: Philosophical problems of online education (pp. 107-122). Oxford, UK: Blackwell.  [DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.00158]. Retrieved December 22, 2010, from http://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/13425/credibility.pdf • Burbules, N. C., and Callister Jr., T. A. (2000). Watch IT: The risks and promises of Information Technologies for Education. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. • Fiske, S.T., & Taylor, S.E. (1991). Social cognition (2nd Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. • Marcovitz, David. (1997, November). I read it on the computer: It must be true. Learning & Leading with Technology, 25(3), 18-21. • November, A. (1998). Teaching Zack to Think. High School Principal, 78(1), 5. Retrieved December 22, 2010, from http://edpt200.mcgill.ca/newreadings/teaching%20Zak%20to%20think.pdf

  46. Fake Websites • All About Explorers - http://www.allaboutexplorers.com/ • Facts About the Civil War - http://www.wiredsafety.org/wiredlearning/Evaluation/notetaking/sites/civilwar.htm • Dihydrogen Monoxide - http://www.dhmo.org/ • Haggis Hunt - http://haggishunt.scotsman.com/ • Mankato, MN - http://city-mankato.us/ • Sellafield Zoo - http://www.brookview.karoo.net/Sellafield_Zoo/ • The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus - http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/ • Pop! The First Male Pregnancy - http://www.malepregnancy.com/ • The Jackalope Conspiracy - http://www.sudftw.com/jackcon.htm • History of the Fisher Price Airplane - http://www.weathergraphics.com/tim/fisher/ • Dog Island - http://thedogisland.com/ • California’s Velcro Crop Under Challenge - http://home.inreach.com/kumbach/velcro.html

  47. Questions David Marcovitz Loyola University Maryland marco@loyola.edu Watch for my forthcoming book from ISTE: Digital Communication in the Classroom

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