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Sun 1 st Sep 2013 Session 1 / Talk 4 10:15 – 10:30. HEAPHY 1 & 2 DIAGNOSTIC Yvonne BIRD. ABSTRACT

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sun 1st Sep 2013 Session 1 / Talk 4 10:15 – 10:30 HEAPHY 1 & 2 DIAGNOSTIC Yvonne BIRD ABSTRACT The World Radiography Educational Trust Fund is a UK based cahrity and exists to improve education in the science and practice of Radiography, Radiation Therapy and allied subjects throughout the world. Delia was appointed as a Trustee this year and will speak about the trust and how we can help radiography departments in developing countries.

  2. Continuing Professional Development Yvonne Bird NZIMRT CPD Panel Representative

  3. Current CPD Panel • Heather Gunn– NZIMRT Education Director & CPD Panel chairperson • Yvonne Bird– representing MRI • Gay Dungey– representing Radiation Therapy • Lee Wilson – representing Nuclear Medicine • Lynda Duncan – representing Ultrasound • Stella McDonald – CPD Administrator • Medical Imaging – Volunteer Required

  4. Expectations of CPD Panel • Ensure that the CPD programme is robust, reliable and continues to gain MRTB approval as a re-certification programme • Regularly review the CPD programme   • Changes are made to ensure that we continue to achieve the aims of the profession and the programme

  5. Reflective Practice • Is one of the strengths of our programme • CPD plan & Evaluation of the CPD Plan • Evaluation forms for CPD activities • Literature on reflective practice & reflective models

  6. Read Your CPD Booklet • CPD Plan must be submitted by 6 months • Certificate of Competence – Section 2.5 • 1/activity Max. 1 /year • Applications Training • Section Three – Scholarly Contribution to Professional Knowledge • Section Five – Self-directed/Experiential learning

  7. Apply for Prior Approval E-learning – An electronic conference was approved in the past year with very positive feedback from the person concerned. Treaty of Waitangi Workshops Infection Control Advanced Training ALS – (CPR) If it is advanced training apply for pre-approval, give the panel the documentation so an appropriate decision can be made

  8. www.nzimrt.co.nz cpd@nzimrt.co.nz nzimrt@nzimrt.co.nz

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