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Impact of Federal Structure on Pricing: Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

Learn how AdV influences pricing policies related to real estate cadastre data across Germany's 16 states. Discover the organization's tasks, financial rules, accounting principles, and examples.

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Impact of Federal Structure on Pricing: Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

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  1. Impact on Pricing in a Federal Structure Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  2. Official surveying and mapping belongs to the responsibilities of the 16 states in Germany. • All 16 State Surveying Administrations, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs joined together in AdV to work on matters of principle or national importance. Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  3. General Overview • 16 states (Laender) • 16 different cadastral laws, but covering the same topics in general and 16*X different bylaws and regulations • State survey and Real Estate Cadastre in one authority, but different organisational structures • Licensed Surveyors in 15 states (except in Bavaria) • BKG (Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) has the task to provide the federal level with geospatial reference data (licensed by the states), but no competence. Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  4. Organisation of AdV (1) Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  5. Organisation of AdV (2) • The President of AdV is elected for a period of two years. This is an additional task, as he / she is mainly head of the surveying and mapping department in the ministry of a state. • The Secretary General´s job is permanent. His / her office belongs to the surveying authority of one state. It is financed by all member organisations of AdV (reimbursement) Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  6. Tasks and Responsibilities of AdV • Recommendations, guidelines and binding regulations for state survey and real estate cadastre in Germany • Co-ordination of state overlapping projects • Collaboration in research, development and application of technical methods and procedures • Representation of official surveying and mapping of the states of Germany in international organisations and co-operation at international level Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  7. Financial Rules (Budget Law) • The budget of the surveying authority is published in the budget law (including expenditure and expected income). • The „real“ income and expenditure will be published with a delay of 1 year. • In all states the State Audit Offices audit the the finances of the cadastral organisations (not yearly); in state agencies / companies accountants examine the annual balance sheet. Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  8. Accounting Principles • Cameralistics (in most of the States) – often with the possibility to be eligible to serve as cover („classical authorities“) • Double-entry bookkeeping (in some states and „state companies“) • The use of these accounting principles is decided by the government (no free choice) Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  9. Pricing Policy (1) • The 16 states are independent in their pricing policy (as well as in the legislation) • Fees are regulated by law (or bylaw) • Therefore fees may vary from state to state • Fees follow the „benefits received principle“ and the cost recovery principle (no full cost recovery, but cost recovery for updating and adminstration) • Fees are effective both for private persons / institutions and public bodies • Exclusive license usage right for one customer is not allowed Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  10. Pricing Policy (2) • Possibility of licensing only for handling costs (ca. 20-30% of the regular fee) • Possibility to give data for free in the beginning and then compensation by royalties (depending on the budget rules) • In general: • Viewing is free (definition of viewing may be difficult) • Using the data is never free of charge Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  11. Examples • Excerpt / copy of the cadastral map • Format A4: 19 € in Lower Saxony 26 € in Hessia • Format A3: 21 € in Lower Saxony 26 € in Hessia • Excerpt / copy of the cadastral register: • Depending on the amount of parcels (ca. 10-20 €) • Georeferenced Housenumbers • Germany (12 millions): 140.000 € Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  12. How AdV assists in the field of pricing (1) • AdV has agreed in the AAA-project on common data structures (described in the GeoInfoDok) for • real estate cadastre information system (ALKIS) • geo-topographical information system (ATKIS) • official control point information system (AFIS) • Following these data structures AdV has worked out common pricing models for • Geo-topographic data (DLM, DTM, DOP) • Georeferenced house numbers and house outlines • Satellite positioning data Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  13. How AdV assists in the field of pricing (2) • The pricing models for real estate cadastre data vary, but a harmonisation is planned with the implementation of ALKIS (beginning 2007/2008). • As all decisions (including pricing models) in AdV are only recommendations, they have to be transferred into state law. • In most cases this is only depending on the internal „time road map“ within the state. • The common pricing models are always valid for the distribution of cross-border data (via a central agency) Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  14. Conclusions • Federal structure has an impact on pricing, but a change (e.g. responsibility of the federation instead of the states) is not possible due to the constitution • Result of the technical development in the past was the reduction of personnel and methods. Impact on pricing in the way that fees did not increase or were reduced. • AdV is assisting by moderating and harmonising • PSI directive (or the comparable German Act on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information- IWG -)has no direct impact on the pricing policy, as cadastral data belong at least partly to those data that access is restricted (necessity of a legitimate interest) • Pricing follows already the rules and regulations that are mentioned in the PSI directive Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

  15. Thank you very much for your attention More information about AdV at www.adv-online.de Wilhelm Zeddies (AdV)

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