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Overview of tendencies on efficiency and refrigerants. UBF/ACA 11/10/2013. Jan. ’08 – commission “ climate action and renewable energy package”. 20%. 20%. 20%. Less primary energy. Less CO2 emissions. Share renewables.
Overview of tendencies on efficiency andrefrigerants UBF/ACA 11/10/2013
Jan. ’08 – commission “climateactionandrenewable energy package” 20% 20% 20% Less primary energy Less CO2 emissions Share renewables • Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases(F gas regulation) • Revision of Energy performance of Buildings directive • Development criteria for Energy related products: water heaters, boilers, air conditioners, windows,… • Revision of Energy labels • Ecolabel: the EU ecoflower • Energy ServiceDirective • the Renewable Energy Source directive, • incl. aerothermal, hydrothermal & geothermal energy
What is Ecodesign? Reduceenvironmental impact of productsbased in life cycle assessment For each product group LOW Energy label Environmental impact Minimum requirements HIGH BAN
Whichproducts? Framework directive2009/125/EC DG Energy (ENER) DG Enterprise (ENTR) 23. Hobs & grills 1. boilers 12. comm. Refriger. ENTR 1 refrigeration 24. prof.washing machines, dryers, dishwashers 2. waterheaters 13. dom. Refriger ENTR 2 transformers 25. Non tertiary coffee mach. 3. PC 14. dishwashers ENTR 3. sound and imaging equipment 26. Networked stand by loss 4. copiers 15. Fossil fuel burner ENTR 4. furnaces and ovens 27. Uninterruptable power supply 5. TV, … 16. Laundry driers ENTR 5. machine tools 28. pumps ENTR 6 airco & ventilation 6. Stand by loss 17. Vacuum cleaners 29. Pumps forfountains, ponds 7. Battery charger 18. Set top boxes 30. Motors and drives 8. Office lights 19. Domestic lighting 31. compressors 20. Local room heatingprod. 9. Street lights 21. Central heat. prod hot air 10.Airconditioner<12kW 22. ovens 11. motors, fans,..
Applicableto HVACR industry 1. boilers 2. waterheaters 10.Airconditioner<12kW 11. motors, fans,.. 6/10 ventilation 12. comm. Refriger. 21. Central heat. prod hot air 31. compressors 6/21 airconditioners HT process chillers ENTR 1 refrigeration Split up and merged ENTR 6 airco & ventilation
vote Publication OJ Implementation Expected timing (tentative) 2011 2013 2015 2017 ENER Lot 10 ENER Lot 11 ENER Lot 1 ENER Lot 2 ENTR Lot 1 ENTR Lot 6/21 ? ENTR lot 6/10 ? ENER lot 31 ?
ENER lot 10: airconditioners 12 kW coolingcapacity Ecodesign & Energy label
General overview of requirementsand timing 01/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2015 01/01/2017 01/01/2019 Ecodesign TIER 1 Ecodesign TIER 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 1 Label 2
ecodesign Requirementsfor efficiency and sound power Efficiency requirements Bin calculationaccordingto EN 14825 SEER>6kW/SEER<6kW/SCOP 4.6 4.3 10% reduction for refrigerants with GWP 150 Minimum requirements 3.6 3.8 Threshold is lower for low GWP refrigerants 3.4 year 2013 2014
Energy label Scaleandlayout of energy label (reversibles) COOLING From 2014, lowerthan B= banned 8.5 6.1 5.6 5.1 4.6 Tier 2 6kW Tier 2>6kW 4.1 Tier 1 3.6 E 3.1 F 2.6 G
Energy label Scaleandlayout of energy label (reversibles) HEATING From 2014, lowerthan A+= banned 5.1 4.6 4.0 Tier 2 3.4 Tier 1 3.1 2.8 2.5 E 2.2 F 1.9 G
G G F F E E D D C C B B A+ A A New Energy label A+++ ≥ 5,1 Impact of conversion to SCOP A++ ≥ 4,6 Old energy label ≥ 4,0 Variablecapacity Ban 2015 A ≥ 3,4 >3.6 Ban 2013 ≥ 3,1 >3.4 ≥ 2,8 >3.2 ≥ 2,5 >2.8 ≥2,2 >2.6 ≥1,9 >2.4 <1.9 2.4≥ Fixed capacity SCOP COP Moving to SEER/SCOP will move technology to variable speed products enhancing total efficiency landscape
Savingsbyapplyingseasonal performance From 2013 onwards Before 2013 efficiency consumption EER SEER 4,43 B 100% 100% inverter 3,03 B Non inverter 3,36 D 76% 131%
ENER lot 1 – spaceheatingandcombinationheating Ecodesign & energy label
Verwachte tijdslijn Energy label Up till 70kW A++ to G A+++ to D LABEL 1 REVIEW LABEL 2 Published 06/09/2013 26/09/2017 26/09/2015 26/09/2018 26/09/2019 TIER 1 TIER 2 Ecodesign Up till 400kW TIER 3 • Minimum efficiency • Maximum sound power • Product information • Minimum efficiency • Noxrequirements REVIEW
Energy label General overview of label requirements Space heater or Combination spaceheater Packages Space heater or combinationspaceheater + control + solar Fossil fuel boilers Heatpumps only 35°C Hybrid systems (1 box) Heatpumps 55°C + 35°C mCHP electric Add ons Package label Product label Solar only systems controls fiche fiche fiche Technical documentation Technical documentation Technical documentation Efficiency class Advertisement andtechnicalpromotionalmaterial Efficiency class Advertisement andtechnicalpromotionalmaterial + Ifintendedtobeused in a package + Package label
ecodesign Requirementsfor efficiency and sound power outdoors MAXIMUM SOUND POWER* [dB(A)] 88 80 78 indoors 70 65 60 30 70kW 0 6 12 Ratedcapacity *at ratedcondition (7/55, or 7/35)
C C C B B B A A A A+ A+ A+ A++ A++ A+++ A+++ A+++ Overview of energy labels & requirementsfor heatpumps Lot 1 Hydronic systems medium temperature 55°C Lot 1 Hydronic systems Low temperature 35°C Lot 10 Air to air heatpumps D 220% E A++ 200% BANS for 180% 160% Lot 10 140% 120% Lot 1 35°C 100% 80% D Lot 1 55°C E D 60% E
Energy label Energy labelsandexpectedpopulation of label classes
Energy label Labels per technology Space heaters Combination heaters July 2015 July2017
Energy label Labelsfor “packages”
Determination of efficiency Fossil fuel & cogen Heatpumps (electric and fossil) Ƞs = Ƞson -F(i) Ƞs = SCOP/CC-F(i) Ƞs = SEPR-F(i) electric Ƞs = P/(ECxCC) F5 = - 2,5 x ηel,CHP100+Sup0 Without supplementaryheaters Withsupplementaryheaters = - 2,5 x (0,85 x ηel,CHP100+Sup0 + 0,15 x ηel,CHP100+Sup100)
Seasonal performance SCOPon HHE = Equivalent hours = 2066 Capacityheatpump degradation Capacity/demand (kW) Back up auxiliaries demand • Stand by • Thermostat off • Off • Crankcaseheater -7 7 -10 16 2 12 Outdoor temperature (°C)
ENTR lot 1 – professional refrigeration Ecodesign
Expected timing Entry in force Jul/2015 Jul/2018 TIER 1 TIER 2 • Efficiency requirements • Information requirements • Efficiency requirements
Ecodesign Expectedrequirements 2015 2018 Capacity @ 32°C/-10°C Capacity @ 32°C/-35°C 10% bonus on MEPS for low GWP refrigerants
Ecodesign Conversion toseasonal performance is necessary Ensure differentiation of bettertechnologies
Ecodesign Efficientie eisen voor proces chillers watercooled aircooled 2015 2018 2015 2018 Capacity @ 32°C/+6°C Movedto ENTR lot 6/21 Capacity @ 32°C/-10°C Capacity @ 32°C/-35°C 10% bonus on MEPS for low GWP refrigerants
Proposed timing of the measure May change Fixed Fixed Fixed Review Entry in force 08/2015 2019 2020 2018 2017 TIER 1 TIER 2 TIER 3 • Space heat eff • Space cooling eff • Sound power • Information • Space heat eff • Space cooling eff • Sound power • Information • NOX Selfdeclaration
Scope & requirements Split units > 12kW VRF Rooftops Gas engine airco/heat pumps Electric warm air heaters HT chillers Fossil fuel warm air heaters Airco Chillers Fan coil units Space heating energy efficiency (≤1 MW)* *PRIMARY EFFICIENCY! Space cooling energy efficiency (≤ 2 MW)* SEPR NOx requirements Sound power (< 70 kW)
Efficiency expressed in Primary energy efficiency CC the conversion coefficient = 2,5; correction for the negative contribution due to the temperature controls, for all correction for the negative contribution of the ground water pump, only for water source heat pumps.
Minimum space heating and cooling efficiency Only for cooling: GWP ≤ 675: 10% bonus
Sound power requirements outdoor indoor ducted Non ducted Space heating 2017 2017 2017 2019 2019 2019 88 88 83 83 78 78 73 70 68 68 65 63 63 59 0 6 0 12 30 70 6 12 17,5 30 70
F-gassen in de „EU roadmapto a low-carboneconomyby 2050“ Niet- CO2 Gassen andere sectoren: N2O, Methaan & F-Gassen (HFC, PFC, SF6) Reductiedoelstelling: 2030: -72% 2050: -78%
Huidige F-gas wetgeving in EU • Verordening gefluoreerde broeikasgassen EC/842/2006 HFKs, PFC & SF6 : • Preventie van emissies via training & certificatie, regelmatige lekdichtheidscontrole • + een aantal productverboden • Richtlijn mobiele Air Conditioning 2006/40/EC Verbod op HFKs met een GWP>150 voor AC in personenwagens Opmerking : CFKs en HCFKs zijn verboden door de Verordening op Ozonafbrekende stoffen 2037/2000
Huidige F-gas wetgeving stabiliseert, maar is onvoldoende Zonderhuidige F gassenwetgeving -46% -44% -28% Met huidige F gassenwetgeving Bron: EU Commissierapport: http://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/f-gas/docs/report_en.pdf Extra maatregelennodig -64% Verderereductienodig : • Huidigewetgevingstabiliseert de emissiesop 104MtCO2eq in 2030 • In hetkader van de EU roadmap 2050 moeten de emissiesverderverlaagd worden : eenbijkomendereductie van 70 Mtonnes CO2eq in 2030 isnodig.
Proces: Herziening van de F-gas directive Werkgroepen 06/03/2013 ENVI Committee Rapport van Rapporteur 7/11/2012 DG Climate publiceerde voorstel 28/03/2013: Amendmenten 19/06/2013: Stemming ENVI 21/03/2013 COREPER Orientatie debat 18/06/2013 Rapport Huidig politiek debat 10-11/2013 Volledig Parliament Ministers van de EU lidstaten DG = Directorate General ENVI = Environment COREPER = Committee of permanent representatives Trialogue discussies Q4/Q1 Consensus Q1 (2014)
Algemeen overzicht van de situatie Council Parlement ENVI commissie • Ambitieuze Phase down • Geen voorvullen • Product bans op airco en refrigeration. • Ban op servicing • (GWP>2500) • Phase down • Geen voorvullen • Specifieke product bans, niet op airco en warmtepompen • Ban op servicing (GWP>2500) • Phase down • Welvoorvullenmet tracking system • product bans, niet op airco en warmtepompen • Ban op servicing (GWP>2500) TRIALOGUE
Positie van Industrie Algemene doelstellingen en principe van “phase down” worden ondersteund, maar er zijn onderhandelingspunten: • De “phase down” is te drastisch wat tot tekorten zou kunnen leiden. De groei van de warmtepompmarkt zou bijvb. in het gedrang kunnen komen. • Het voorstel bevat een verbod op voorvullen van toestellen in de fabriek. Dit zou de emissies en de kost voor consumenten doen stijgen. De doelstelling vh verbod wordt wel ondersteund, nl. het beschermen van EU fabrikanten tegen ongelimiteerde import van buiten EU. Maar er is een andere manier.(in onderhandeling) • De rapporteur van het ENVI committee wil een hoge bijdrage koppelen aan het gebruik van HFK quota. Dit kan fabrieken in de EU in een nadelige positie brengen t.o.v. fabrieken buiten de EU en zou tot delocaties kunnen leiden. • Qua product-verboden is het Commissievoorstel redelijk. Sommige ENVI leden willen nog bijkomende productverboden voorstellen die niet haalbaar zijn voor de industrie (vb airco, warmtepompen). Niet haalbaar = omwille van energie-efficiëntie beperkingen, veiligheidsbeperkingen en betaalbaarheid voor de consument. • De wettelijke basis van de verordening geeft teveel ruimte aan lidstaten om nog bijkomende maatregelen te nemen. Dit druist in tegen het principe van een Europese eenheidsmarkt
Contact: Els Baert – baert.e@daikineurope.com - Dank u voor uw aandacht