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PERFORMANCE AUDIT Presentation to SADCOPAC. 1. Content. Who is AFROSAI-E? What is Performance Audit AFROSAI-E Toolkit on Meeting PAC’s expectations for PA Risks for Expectation Gaps between SAI & PAC Dealing with Expectation Gaps Selecting Appropriate audit topics & Problems
Content • Who is AFROSAI-E? • What is Performance Audit • AFROSAI-E Toolkit on Meeting PAC’s expectations for PA • Risks for Expectation Gaps between SAI & PAC • Dealing with Expectation Gaps • Selecting Appropriate audit topics & Problems • Audit Objectives in relation to 3Es • Characteristics of a good report
Who is AFROSAI-E? 3 • English-speaking subgroup of AFROSAI • 24 members, including 2 Portuguese speaking • Funded by members and donors • Governance structure • Statutes and Regulations • Governing Board and committees • Executive secretariat • Annual reports
Historical Background to Performance Auditing • PA goes back to the 1960’s • Some of the pioneering countries were USA, Canada and Sweden • Introduced in the AFROSAI-E/SADCOSAI regions in the 1990s • PA is now used in many countries all over the world • In the beginning PA was linked to programme budgeting
Performance Auditing • PA has a special purpose • PA deals with many different problems • PA differs around the world but the core concepts are the same • PA has many names -VFM, 3Es, effectiveness audit,Management audit, Operational etc
Definition of performance auditing • "Performance auditing is an audit of the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which the audited body uses its resources to achieve its goals." • Or simpler: "Are they doing the right thing in the best way?“
2:4 Effectiveness Goals Activities(what goes on in the org.) Input Output Effects Economy Efficiency The input-output model Effectiveness B.3.7 1 (2)
Purpose of performance auditing • Encourage accountability and best practices in Government operations and quasi-government organisations; • Provide Parliament with: • Objective assessment of the performance of public/Government activities; • Providing information for policy decisions • Means of change and development within Government operations and quasi-government organisations
AFROSAI-E Toolkit for SAI’s on communication and reporting in line with the expectation of PACs
TOOLKIT • Module 1. Introduction to the Toolkit • Module 2. SAI/PAC Communication Strategy • Module 3. Meeting PAC’s expectations for regularity audit reports • Module 4. Meeting PAC’s expectations for performance audit reports • Training material
AFROSAI-E TOOLKIT ON PAMODULE 4 • Risks for Expectation Gaps • Communication with PAC • Management of Perfomance Audit • Writing Performance audit reports
Selection of Topics SAIs should be strategic in the selection of PA topics. SAIs should consider : • importance of area or topics to the Government and the PAC, and ultimately the citizens • the importance of the preliminary identified performance problems in the area, • the potential for improvements in the area as a result of the audit, and • the capacity of the SAI to undertake such audits. This should result in a programme of audits that are both attainable and relevant. 13
Recommended Criteria for Selection 14 The selection should take into account: The main government ministries / departments Areas of high spending Major risks to value for money Topical subjects Matters of strategic performance to auditees
General questions SAIs should ask themselves about possible audits topics 15 What issues are of most concern to key stakeholders? How can we expect the audit to contribute to change and improvement in the area? Do we have the technical expertise to investigate this issue? Can we break this subject down into manageable portions to maximise the benefits from our limited resources?
General questions SAIs should ask themselves about possible audits topics(cont) 16 Do we need external support to carry out the audit, and if so how do we obtain and/or finance it? What are the risks to the reputation of the SAI if it does not examine and report on this subject?
DEVELOPING AUDIT OBJECTIVES • Before starting the main study, it is important to define the audit objectives, the scope. • Audit objectives relate to the reasons for conducting the audit and; • Should be established early in the execution process to assist in identifying the matters to be audited and reported on.
DEVELOPING AUDIT OBJECTIVES • In determining objectives, the audit team must take into account the roles and responsibilities of the SAI • Also the expected net impact of the audit as defined in the strategic audit plan. • The audit objectives and scope are interrelated and should be considered together.
AUDIT OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE • The audit objectives and scope are interrelated and should be considered together. • The scope defines the boundary of the audit. • It addresses such things as specific questions to be asked, the type of study to be conducted and the character of the investigation.
AUDIT OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE • The scope of an audit is determined by answering the following: • What? What specific questions or hypotheses are to be examined? • What kind of study seems to be appropriate? • Who? Who are the key players involved and the auditee(s)? • Where? Are there limitations in the number of locations to be covered? • When? Are there limitations on the time frame to be covered?
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD REPORT • Address an important topic within the mandate, related to 3Es • Present an appropriate audit design to efficiently collect sufficient evidence • Give the reader an appropriate understanding of the organisations, systems and processes subject to audit and how they are expected to function
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD REPORT (cont.) • Present complete, reasonable, sufficient, relevant, valid, reliable, accurate, objective and logical audit evidence to satisfy the audit objective, • Present reasonable conclusions • Add value, improve the knowledge, highlights improvements needed
CHARACTERISTICS OF A GOOD REPORT (cont.) • Be balanced and fair in tone and content, convincing, constructive, reader-friendly • Be well structured, with focus on main findings • Include graphics
WAY FORWARD • Training of Regional Champions • October 2012 • Workshops at Country Level for AG & PAC – (CCAF involvement)