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PRESENTATION TO KEY STAKEHOLDERS AUGUST 28, 2013. Executive Summary. 2012 was a financially challenging year Revenue of GHS 1.75 billion including Govt subsidy of GHS 360 million Operational loss of GHS 82 million Net loss of GHS 90 million
Executive Summary • 2012 was a financially challenging year • Revenue of GHS 1.75 billion including Govt subsidy of GHS 360 million • Operational loss of GHS 82 million • Net loss of GHS 90 million • Fair performance operationally with gradual improvement in thermal performance • Hydro availability of 96% • Thermal simple cycle availability of 82% • Steam became available in 4th quarter
Executive Summary • Erratic gas supply and eventual interruption led to drastic increase in fuel cost • Crude oil imports rose to USD 582 million from 258 in 2011 • No increase in tariff to account for higher fuel cost and depreciated currency • VRA made entry into renewables with start of construction of 2.5 MW Solar Plant • Two (2) projects ongoing • 220 MW Kpone Thermal Plant • 110 MW T2 Project
POWER SALES • Total energy sold to VRA’s customers in 2012 was 11,172 GWh. • ECG, the largest customer of VRA consumed about 7,002 GWh, representing 62.67% of the total energy sold. • Total energy supplied to VRA’s customers for 2012 increased from 10,024 GWh to 11,172 GWh, an increase of about 11.45%.
2012 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS • Energy Sales increased by 58% (GH¢638.83 million to GH¢1,749.39 million) compared with previous year’s sales of GH¢1,110.56 million • Cost of Sales increased by 105% (GH¢849.90 million) from GH¢806.68 million in 2012 to GH¢1,656.58 million in 2012. • Administrative Costs increased by GH¢26.83 million (13%) to GH¢238.80 million (2011: GH¢211.97 million) • Operating Loss of GH¢82.22 million compared with a profit of GH¢140.45 million in 2011.
GENERATING STATIONS (INSTALLED CAPACITY) PLANTTotal (MW) Akosombo Hydro Generating Station 1,020 MW (6 x 170MW units) Kpong Hydro Generating Station 160 MW (4 x 40MW units) Bui Hydro Electric Plant 133 MW (Currently running 1 Unit) Takoradi Thermal Plant Station (TAPCO) (GT) 2 x 110 MW 220 MW (CCT)1 x 110 MW 110 MW Takoradi Thermal International Company (TICO) (GT) 2 x 110 MW 220 MW T3 132MW TT2PP 49.50 MW Mines Reserve Plant 80 MW Tema 1 Thermal Plant110 MW Solar 2MW Sunon Asogli Power Plant (SAPL) IPP 200 MW CENIT Power Plant IPP 110 MW Total National Installed Capacity 2546.50 MW 15
COMMITTED GENERATION RESOURCES (2012-2015) • List of Committed Generation Resources
NIGERIA GAS SUPPLY • The average daily gas supply from Jan - August 2012 was about 61 MMscf/day. • There had been no gas supply since the accidental rupturing of the gas pipeline in late August 2012. • Gas supply resumed early August, 2013. • Discussions are on-going for additional gas of 30 MMscf/day from Nigeria. In addition to this VRA is also pursuing the use of LNG as the long term solution to gas supply challenges. • WAPCO projects more investments in Nigeria gas sector, resulting in gradual supply build-up.
GHANA’S NATURAL GAS NEED PER DAY FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS Ghana will need between 230 MMscf/day and 850 MMscf/day of Natural Gas (for Power & Non-Power) in the next 10 years
GAS SUPPLY FROM GHANA • Jubilee gas production has started and 20 MMscf/day is being used on the FPSO. • The remainder of the gas is being re-injected. • No gas infrastructure in place to deliver gas to shore. • Gas delivery to shore is expected in 2014, with pipeline construction from the FPSO to Domunli and then to the Takoradi Thermal Power Plants • Jubilee gas available for consumption is expected to peak at about 120MMscf/day. • New gas fields discoveries expected to increase gas production.
LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG PROJECT) VRA is exploring the supply of LNG that then gets re-gasified on a Floating Storage Re-Gasification Unit (FSRU) to supply high pressure gas directly into a consumer pipeline
SUMMARY • 2012 was a financially challenging year even though we registered continued improvement in the thermal operations • No tariff increase to cover high crude oil imports • Stable supply of gas remains highest priority. • Regulatory framework to promote sustainable capacity additions also critical. • Ghana’s geographic position and political and economic stability position must be properly leveraged.