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H104: Armies of the People and the Birth of Modern Operational Art. Revolutionary French Army. 1789 French Guard Regiment Mutinies 1790 Regiments mutiny in Nancy 1791 Louis XVI attempts to flee (executed 1793) National Guard reaches strength of 2 million
H104: Armies of the People and the Birth of Modern Operational Art
Revolutionary French Army • 1789 French Guard Regiment Mutinies • 1790 Regiments mutiny in Nancy • 1791 Louis XVI attempts to flee (executed 1793) • National Guard reaches strength of 2 million • 1792 10,000 regular officers (of 11,000) leave service • 1792 Last royal officers discharged • 1793 Levee en masse decree • 1794 1.1 Million men under arms • Average General Officer 33 years old
Levée en Masse “All Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for army service. The young men will go to fight; the married men will forge arms and carry supplies; the women will make tents and uniforms and will serve in the hospitals; the children will shred old clothes; the old men will be taken to the public squares to excite the courage of the combatants, the hatred of royalty, and the unity of the Republic.” - Lazare Carnot Mobilization Decree, Paris, 1793
1769 Aug 15 - Napoleon Bonaparte born at Ajaccio, in Corsica • 1779 Apr 25.--Napoleon enters the Royal Military School of Brienne-la-Château. • 1784 Oct 23.--Napoleon enters the Royal Military School of Paris. • 1785 Sep 1.--Napoleon appointed Lieutenant en second in the Compagnied'Autume of Bombardiers of the 5th Brigade of the 1st Battalion of the (Artillery) Regiment de la Fère, then quartered at Valence. • 1793 Oct 9 to Dec 19.--Napoleon placed in command of part of artillery of army of Carteaux before Toulon; made Chef de Bataillon (Major), 19th October; Toulon taken, 19th December. • 1793 Dec 22.--Napoleon nominated provisionally General of Brigade; approved later; receives commission, 16th February 1794. • 1795 Jun 13.--Napoleon ordered to join Hoche's army at Brest, to command a brigade of infantry; remains in Paris; 21st August, attached to Comité de Salut Public as one of four advisers; 15th September, struck off list of employed generals for disobedience of orders in not proceeding to the west. • 1795 Oct 5, 13th Vendémiaire (Jour des Sections).--Napoleon defends the Convention from the revolt of the Sections, and fires on the people, as second in command under Barras. • 1795 Oct 16.--Napoleon appointed provisionally General of Division. • 1796 Mar 2.--Napoleon appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Italy; • 1797 Jan--Fourth attempt to relieve Mantua; battles of Rivoli, 14th January, and Favorita, 16th January; Alvinzi again driven off. • 1797 Feb 2.--Wurmser surrenders Mantua with 18,000 men. • Mar 10.--Napoleon commences his advance on the Archduke Charles; till stopped by news of peace. • 1798 --Egyptian expedition. Napoleon sails from Toulon, 19th May; Alexandria taken, 2d July; battle of the Pyramids, 21st July; • 1798 Aug 1.--Battle of the Nile. • 1799 Aug.--Napoleon sails from Egypt; • 1799 Oct 9 and 10 --Napoleon seizes power. • May and June.--Marengo campaign. • 1801 Jul 15.--Concordat with Rome; Roman Catholic religion restored in France. • 1802 Aug 4.--Napoleon First Consul for life. • 1804 May 18.--Napoleon, Empereur des Francais; crowned 2d December. • 1805 Oct 21.--Battle of Trafalgar. • 1805 Dec 2.--Russians and Austrians defeated at Austerlitz. • 1806 Jul 1.--Confederation of the Rhine formed; Napoleon protector; German Empire dissolved 6th August; Francis I. takes title of Francis II. of Austria. • 1806 -- battles of Jena and of Auerstadt, 14th October; Berlin occupied, 25th October. • 1808 Mar.--French, under Murat, gradually occupy Spain under pretense of march on Portugal • 1808 Nov and Dec.--Napoleon beats the Spanish armies; enters Madrid; • 1809 --Campaign of Wagram. Austrians advance, 10 April; battle of Abensberg 20th April; Echmuhl 22 April; Napoleon occupies Vienna, 13th May; beaten back at Essling, 22d May; finally crosses Danube, 4th July, and defeats Austrians at Wagram, 6th July; Armistice of Znaim, 12th July. • 43-44 1813 --Leipsic campaign. 2d May, Napoleon defeats Russians and Prussians at Lutzen; and again on 20-21st May at Bautzen; (21st June, battle of Vittoria, Joseph decisively defeated by Wellington); 26th June, interview of Napoleon and Metternich at Dresden; 10th August, midnight, Austria joins the allies; 26- 27th August, Napoleon defeats allies at Dresden, but Vandamme is routed at Kulm on 30th August, and on 16th-19th October, Napoleon is beaten at Leipsic; 30th October, Napoleon sweeps Bavarians from his path at Hanau. • 44 1814 --Allies advance into France; 29th January, battle of Brienne; 1st February, battle of La Rothière. • 44 1814 Feb 5 to Mar 18.--Conferences of Chatillon (sur Seine). • 44 1814 Feb 11.--Battle of Montmirail; 14th February, of Vauchamps; 18th February, of Montereau. • 44 1814 Feb 23-24.--Wellington crosses the Abour, and beats Soult at Orthes on 27th February. • 44 1814 Mar 7.--Battle of Craon; 9th-10th March, Laon; 20th March, Arcissurl'Aube. • 44 1814 Mar 21.--Napoleon commences his march to throw himself on the communications of the allies; 25th March, allies commence their march on Paris; Battle of LaFèreChampenoise, Marmont and Mortier beaten; 28th March, Napoleon turns back at St. Dizier to follow allies; 29th March, Empress and Court leave Paris. • 44 1814 Mar 30.--First Treaty of Paris; France restricted to limits of 1792, with some slight additions, part of Savoy, etc. • 45 1814 Apr 2.--Senate declare the dethronement of Napoleon, who abdicates, conditionally, on 4th April in favour of his son, and unconditionally on 6th April; Marmont's corps marches into the enemy's lines on 5th April; on 11th April Napoleon signs the treaty giving him Elba for life; 20th April, Napoleon takes leave of the Guard at Fontainebleau; 3d May, Louis XVIII. Enters Paris; 4th May, Napoleon lands at Elba. • 45 1814 Oct 3.--Congress of Vienna meets for settlement of Europe; actually opens 3d November. • 45 1815 Feb 26.--Napoleon quits Elba; lands near Cannes, 1st March; 19th March, Louis XVIII. leaves Paris about midnight; 20th March, Napoleon enters Paris. • 45 1815 16th Jun.--Battle of Ligny and Quatre Bras; 18th June, Battle of Waterloo. • 45-46 1815 Jun 29.--Napoleon leaves Malmaison for Rochefort; surrenders to English, 15th July; sails for St. Helena, 8th August; arrives at St. Helena, 15th October. • 46 1815 Nov 20.--Second Treaty of Paris; France restricted to limits of 1790; losing Savoy, etc., pays an indemnity, and receives an army of occupation. • 51 yrs. 8 mos. 1821 May 5.--Napoleon dies 5.45 P.M.; buried 8th May. Napoleon
Opportunity “Every French soldier carries in his cartridge-pouch the baton of a marshal of France.” - Napoleon
Previous Occupations of Napoleon’s Marshals Augereau - Footman Massena - Smuggler Bernadotte - NCO Moncey - Law Student Berthier - Junior Officer Mortier - Farmer Bessieres - Barber Murat - Cavalryman Brune - Lawyer Ney - Cavalryman Davout - Aristocrat Oudinot - Brewer Grouchy - Aristocrat Perignon - NCO Jourdan - Peddler Poniatowski - Prince Kellerman - Junior Officer Saint-Cyr - Eng Student Lannes - Cloth Dyer Servrier - Aristocrat Lefebvre - NCO Soult - Baker MacDonald - Junior Officer Suchet - Silk Worker Marmont - Junior Officer Victor - NCO
Frederician vs. Napoleonic Warfare • CategoryFredericianNapoleonic • Type of Soldier Long Service ProfessionalCitizen Conscript • Disciplinary System FearPatriotism • Social Class: • Officer Aristocracy Promotion • Enlisted Lower Class on merit • Logistics MagazinesForaging • Army Size Less than 50,000100,000 in 7 battles • Tactics: • Infantry LinearL’Ordre Mixte • Artillery Less Mobile, DispersedMassed • Operational Goal ExhaustionAnnihilation • Organization Centralized (Report to King) Decentralized (Corps) • Strategic Objectives Limited (Silesia)Total (Europe)
Inherited Concepts • Massed Artillery (Du Teil) • Mobile Artillery (Gribeauval) • Division Organization (Bourcet / Guibert) • Levee En Masse (Carnot / Revolution) • L’Ordre Mixte (Guibert / Regulations 1791) • Nationalist Motivations (Revolution) • Promotion on Merit (Revolution)
Original Innovations • Corps Organization • Cavalry Reserve • Forward Supply Bases • “Pieces of Ribbon” • Decisive Battle Concept
NDMP (Napoleonic Decision-making Process) • Emperor does the Estimate of the Situation • Emperor does the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield • Emperor develops Courses of Action • Emperor does Wargaming • Emperor selects a Course of Act • Emperor develops Branches and Sequels • Berthier publishes the order
Planning and Thought “If I always appear prepared, it is because before entering on an undertaking, I have meditated for long and have foreseen what may occur. It is not genius which reveals to me suddenly and secretly what I should do in circumstances unexpected by others; it is thought and meditation.” - Napoleon
Napoleonic System • Nationalism • Logistics (Foraging) • Organizations • Increased Range, Scale, and Speed of War • Offensive Doctrine based on Mobility / Flexibility • Decisive Battle (Pursuit /Annihilation) Genius?