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EDUNIVERSAL 2 nd World Con vention Cape Town, South Africa, October 26, 2009

EDUNIVERSAL 2 nd World Con vention Cape Town, South Africa, October 26, 2009. Overview of M anagement Education in Central and East Europe. Management education in CEE CEEMAN Survey on BS responses to Global Crisis , July-August 2009. Perception of the Global crisis

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EDUNIVERSAL 2 nd World Con vention Cape Town, South Africa, October 26, 2009

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  1. EDUNIVERSAL 2ndWorld ConventionCape Town, South Africa, October 26, 2009 Overview of Management Education in Central and East Europe October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  2. Management educationin CEECEEMAN Surveyon BS responses to GlobalCrisis, July-August2009 • Perception of the Global crisis • Changes in the curriculum • Changes in pedagogy • Changes in funding of study programs and reseach • Changes in marketing October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  3. Perception of theGlobalcrisis • Business Schools perceive the global crisis as a phenomenon with multiple roots and causes; • Many Schools believe that the main reason of the crisis is lack of responsible leadership and to big focus on the bottom-line October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  4. Changesinthecurriculum • Tendency to includecourses of moregeneralnatureaswellasthoserelated to Businessethicsand CSR intheUndergraduateprograms; • FocusontheLeadershipandTurnaroundmanagementintheMBAprograms; • FocusonLeadership, TransparencyandSustainablefinancialmanagementdevelopmentintheExecutive MBA programs; • Focustowardsinnovations, integration, intrapreneurshipdevelopmentandturnaroundmanagementintheCorporateprograms October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  5. Changesinpedagogy • Tendency to increase use of case teaching, especially in MBA programs; • Development of the new cases, based on the local companies issues; • Tendency towards more interactive learning methods October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  6. Changesinfunding of studyprogramsandreseach • Increase of institutional funding for research, leading towards innovation, integration and entrepreneurial thinking; • Institutional suport for development of new degree and corporate programs; • Decline of external funding for research. October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  7. Changesinmarketing • Tuition and tuition discount levels remain relatively constant; • Business schools are increasing institutional marketing expenses with the goal to decrease it next year; • Program marketing after increase last year is decreasing with the tendency to continue to reduce those costs October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  8. Optimistic view towards the future Most of the Business Schools believe that they would be able to survive even if the tendency of declining enrollment and lower financial performance continue October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  9. Stable Prime Divorce Unfulfilled Entrepreneur Aristocracy Adolescence Premature Aging Witch Hunt Go-go Founders Trap Bureaucracy Infant Mortality Infancy Courtship Death Affair Organizational Lifecycles, Dr. Ichak Adizes

  10. Associations supporting development of Management education in CEE International associations CEEMAN BMDA National associations RABE (Russia) Forum (Poland) Czech Association of MBA Schools (Czech Republic) UAMDBE ,Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education (Ukraine), Etc. October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  11. CEEMAN Network • Established in 1993 • 170 members (institutional, corporate, individual, exchange) • 43 countries around the globe October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  12. CEEMAN Value Platform • Celebrates diversity, respect for culture and values • Fosters creativity and innovation • Promotes context and environment-driven mission, results achieved and impact made October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  13. Programs and Activities • Educating Educators • IMTA – International Management Teachers Academy • CEEMAN Annual Conferences, Deans and Directors Meetings • Strengthening schools leadership capabilities • Managing Business School seminars • Developing operational excellence • Program Management Seminars • Accreditation – CEEMAN IQA • CEEMAN ExEd events • International research • Case writing competitions and support • Publishing • Networking with networks and learning partners October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  14. IMTA – International Management Teachers Academy • A major European faculty development program • A new generation of management educators for a new generation of business leaders • 347 participants • 113 institutions • 32 countries • IMTA Alumni Association • IMTA Educational Material Development Program • Case writing module • Research and publishing module October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  15. CEEMAN IQAInternational Quality Accreditation A mark of excellence, locally and globally • Focus on mission relevant to specific environment and context • Abilities and resources to pursue and achieve school’s mission and focus • Results achieved, innovations and impact made October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  16. CEEMAN in global initiatives • among the first signatories • leading PRME working group on poverty reduction • founding partner • global student competition on open innovation and sustainability October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  17. Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA)was established by the end of 2002 as the initiative of universities and business schools as well as individuals – professors of management sciences and business professionals from the Baltic countries. October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  18. MISSION To develop management as a science and profession promoting high professional and educational standards and their understanding in the Baltic region. To create favourable environment to fulfil individual development needs of the Association’s members October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  19. ACTIVITIES • Annual Conferences; • Round-table discussions on various issues in Higher Education; • Influencing Higher education policy in the Baltic countries • Faculty and staff development seminars; • Research activities; • Other October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  20. 18COUNTRIES (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark,Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Latvia,Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ukraine,USA) Around 60 MEMBERS Institutional,Individual, Corporate MEMBERSHIP STATUS October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  21. Baltic Journal of Management was launched on 23rd March 2005 as a joint project of Emerald (UK) and BMDA • In 2008 BJM has been accepted intoThomson Reuters' (ISI) Science Index • BJM is the only journal that actively encourages dialogue between Baltic management researchers and supports research from the region. It acts as a forum to encourage dialogue between East and West. • The journal seeks to highlight the best practice and research of developed and rapidly growing countries in the Baltic region. • It encourages well-written articles with the focus on interdisciplinary, international and comparative standpoints on contemporary management issues BJM – a bridge between Eastern and Western managementresearch

  22. Emerald/BMDA Borderless Management Research Award 2009/2010 for Young researchers Open to: doctoral students in last year of their programme any researcher under 38 years of age may be co-authored with senior faculty October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  23. Get more benefitsbeing together Associations Corporate Networking opportunities provider BMDA IS Information provider Individual Promoter of the Region Institutional Competence provider October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  24. But the main reason to be optimistic is....................................... Creative people October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

  25. Thank you for your attention! October 26, 2009, Cape Town, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

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