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Public procurement on the Internet What are the trends at the EC?

Public tenders on the Internet eProcurement National Experts Meeting - 4/12/2001. Public procurement on the Internet What are the trends at the EC?. Hilde Van Loon Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Contents. The current situation What needs to be published?

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Public procurement on the Internet What are the trends at the EC?

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  1. Public tenders on the InterneteProcurement National Experts Meeting - 4/12/2001 Public procurement on the InternetWhat are the trends at the EC? Hilde Van Loon Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

  2. Contents • The current situation • What needs to be published? • How it is collected and published? • Some figures • What users must pay attention to? • Developments and perspectives • SIMAP and TED • Some conclusions

  3. What has to be publishedOJ/S and TED contents All public notices of tenders above certain contract values which legally have to be made public according to EU directives and other public regulations

  4. How notices are collected? • Notices for publication can be sent to EUR-OP: • by post • by fax • by e-mail to mp-ojs@opoce.cec.eu.int • electronically via website www.simap.eu.int (see purchaser profile) • on-line forms • XML reporting

  5. Collection 700 to 1.000 notices per day 95 % manual paper fax e-mail 5 % electronic (XML) Dissemination TED CD-ROM OJ/S n° subscribers 5 times / week ±10.000 twice / week ± 2.000 TED licence holders Publications deadlines (average) less than 5 days for XML less than 10 days for manual How notices are collected and published ?

  6. Some figuresN° public procurement notices / year From second half of year 1999 on: notices from USA and Japan are excluded

  7. Some figuresTED • TED • number of visitors 50.000 / month • number of notices read 6.000.000 / month

  8. Some figuresN° of subscribers to CD-ROM OJ/S

  9. Oct. 1994 publication of short format notices Jan. 1995 use of CPV largely automate the translation Jan. 1996 increase (± 15%) of the printable surface July 1996 enriched table of contents replaced the short format notices Evolution of the OJ/S (1)1994-1996 initial improvements

  10. Jan. 1997 EU institutions decided to publish a CD-ROM OJ/S on twice a week July 1998 paper version of the Official Journal S was replaced by a daily CD-ROM OJ/S Jan. 1999 TED free of charge Dec. 1999 new EUR-OP production system (SGML) Evolution of the OJ/S (2)1997-1999 - the move towards electronic publishing

  11. Use standards forms Providing clear description Avoid too specific or lenghty wordings Use codes CPV, NUTS, … to allow proper indexing and accessibility in other languages Consider sending electronic (XML) What users must pay attention to ?

  12. Electronic forms in XML - why? • Avantages of electronic reporting (1) • To facilitate and enable eProcurement • To suppress double encoding of forms • To reduce paper • To minimize human processing • To increase time for value adding activities

  13. Electronic forms in XML - why? • Avantages of electronic reporting (2) • To reduce production delays and costs • To ensure deadlines for disseminating notices • To improve identification of opportunities for suppliers • BUTnotices must stick to agreed standard forms (XML)

  14. Conditions good knowledge of public procurement procedures notices to be compiled into an XML format agreed by EUR-OP mandate Contracting Entities contact point for EUR-OP Who? National official journals publishing large contracting entities public or private bodies acting on behalf of “contracting entities” facilitators Collecting notices electronically

  15. Developments & perspectivesmoving towards eProcurement Moving from 95 % “traditional” and 5% “electronic” to 5% “traditional” and 95% “electronic” What is a realistic timeframe ? A challenge 30 % - 35 % by mid-2002-2003 !!

  16. stronger partnerships with upstream partners contracting entities facilitators with downstream partners licence holders potential tenderers web masters of eProcurment sites more standards Electronic forms XML (in & out) Reduced publishing deadlines for electronic reporting more feedback acknowledgement workflow value added services delivery of what has been published notification & profiling additional electronic products Developments & perspectives

  17. Identification of key success factors key players large entities (volume and/or number) small & medium entities win / win blocking factors technical, organisational, logistics legal others ... Awareness actions SIMAP awareness in 2001 - 2002 working closer with national partners eProcurement partners facilitators increase support actions to respondents Anticipated actions

  18. Improved user friendliness target early 2002 TED CD-ROM JO/S in 2002 SIMAP content layout on-line tutorials(e.g. use of CPV) Support actions to XML reporting standardisation XML DTD’s direct reporting bulk reporting acceptance of XML DTD’s at EU level registration of XML DTD’s by standardisation bodies benchmarking period with pilot users Some specific actions

  19. Some useful addresses SIMAP http://simap.eu.int TED http:// ted.eur-op.eu.int EUR-OP http://eur-op.eu.int Europa http://europa.eu.int eEurope http://europa.eu.int/information_society/eeurope/index_en.htm Public procurement http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/publproc/index.htm

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