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CEDO Annual Report 2015 - Building a Sustainable Future

Explore how CEDO fights poverty, empowers communities, and promotes education and health in Tanzania. Learn about our achievements and impact in 2015.

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CEDO Annual Report 2015 - Building a Sustainable Future

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  1. Annual Report 2015 Christian Education and Development Organization

  2. Organization Mandate and scope of work The CEDO is a non-governmental organization; The CEDO was registered officially in 2010 with registration No NGO oooo3928, and works in Tanzania mainland. THE ORGANIZATION’S GOAL: -The CEDO aims to be a community of the status and favorable conditions of life, to have a sustainable economy, raising the level of awareness in the community and reduce the extreme poverty and hunger.VISIONIs to have people who are educated and aware of their rights community, engaged in sustainable employment with respect to income, which can increase good productivity for enhancing the quality of life and social well being of Tanzanians, reducing poverty, as well as responding to the challenges of globalization..

  3. MISSION Multiply and develop the country, enabling a culture of learning without limit in the community, as well as efficient use of labor, ensure sustainable jobs with incomes in the economy of rural and urban, in addition to improving their knowledge and skills, the resources, the people, have the opportunity enough to earn an income.

  4. THE ETHICS CODE The CEDO promises just to keep faith to implement the following values RIGHTWe strive to ensure that our services are dealf and discrimination and comply with the principles of equality and that is the direction of our activities.RESPECTPromote and develop the culture of Tanzania where all those we contacted them to get our services we will be courteous and respectful to them at all.INTEGRITYThe CEDO advocacy for all its breadth, and in all our activities, and that we will not tolerate in any sense that any form of corruption within and outside the organization.

  5. QUALITY we will continue our reputation based on performance and a culture of excellence dedicated, and expertise, we will strive to achieve and demonstrate the highest standards of reliability, versatility and performance of a high standard.STUDY we will build an environment that they value learning and sharing experiences with other development partners.

  6. TARGET GROUPS Beneficiaries of CEDO is young people, Women, children, the disabled, prisoners and their families, elders, students and people living with HIV.

  7. Thematic areas Organizational activities focused on the areas of Policy Analysis, Environment, Human Rights, Governance, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Nutrition, drug control, education, health care, and research.

  8. More Stability Results of the Organization Activities In every aspect of operation 2015 was the benchmark year for the organization in fighting against poverty and hunger, promote gender equality , economic empowerment to youth/women, reduce child mortality, it is my great pleasure to share the years highlights in this report. A summary of our main activities and achievements for 2015 can be found on the following pages. Our main activities and achievement for 2015 can be found in the following introduction to the organization report. As integral part of the development of the strategic plan, CEDO also review the components of its operations, including the organization members, research, its trainings, advocacy, communication strategies etc. These activities were necessary to ensure that our programmer remain current and responsive to the needs of stakeholders and to development. All of the reviews were accomplished and the implementation of the recommendations emanating from the will commence in 2016. Special findings from the review are discussed under the relevant sections of the report. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you pleasant reading, and thanks for your supporting the organization’s work. Japhet A. Kalegeya Executive Director

  9. SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENT IN 2015 Our achievement of the 2015 year are in 1.0. Research 1.1. Training team of researchers 1.2. Conduct research in agriculture sector 1.3. Conduct research in health sectors 1.4. Conduct research in socio-economic development

  10. 2.0. Health and Nutrition 2.1. Advocacy on nutrition and women and Child rights 2.2. Reproductive health and life planning skills 2.3. HIV/AIDS prevention and assistance

  11. 3.0. Community Development 3.1. Economic empowerment to youth/women 3.2. Organization Development ( OD)/How to create innovation ideas 3.3. Preservation natural resources and the environment

  12. Training team of researchers - 6 researchers from CEDO have been educated on research plan and questions, creating insight statements and How Might we question, Brainstorming to generate ideas and Build the prototype.

  13. HOUSEHOLD FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION IN NZEGA DISTRICT Food security exist when all people, have access to sufficient safe and nutrition food that meets their dietary needs for an active and health life. Tanzania has strutted to insure food security in the country such as food self-stuffiness Ration and strategic, Grain Reserve. The SGR is used to stabilize food price and support poor families in event of food crisis. The SGR through other sector including Agriculture and health takes appropriate measures to address the issue of poverty reduction and community empowerment. This includes presentation of low birth weight, improve child feeding practices, micronutrient supplementation and salt, iodations and capacity building for nutrition intervention and treatment of chronically malnourished children. According to CEDO survey and statistics from Nzega District Agriculture and nutrition show that Nzega District has about 502, 252 residents, 167 villages, out of 99 villages are faced with the food insecurity with the 20,467 tons in 2013/2014. We learned that people are getting one meal per day and there is a poor agriculture production and lack of income to purchase nutritious food for children, this was found to Maria Maganga a young Mother aged 23 with three children gating one meal per day. In the discussion phase the organization and community members suggested to put their efforts in harnessing agriculture to improve the access of households to affordable and nutrition food throughout the year, by providing agricultural training, providing inputs (e.g. seeds, tubers, fertilizers etc, and use the technology in agriculture such as irrigation agriculture.

  14. NUTRITION AND CHILD WELL BEING UNDER FIVE YEARS Malnutrition is responsible for over one third of child deaths every year in Tanzania. In fact, about 130 children die every day in Tanzania from causes related to malnutrition, and it is the single greatest cause of child deaths in the country. Malnutrition is also one of the factors responsible for the high number of maternal deaths. More than 10 million women in Tanzania are anemic due to iron deficiency, and more than 1600 women die each year from complications to anemia during childbirth. According to CEDO survey and statistics from Health District office show that the death of children under five years is remain the problem in this area in January to June 2014, about of 175 children die in these six months 0-5 years 98, 0-1 year 22 and 0-28 days 58. And women died in these moths were 6. The community are faced with the challenge of distance of health centers, lack of medicine, parent desirable buy drugs, poor economic, lack of income to purchase nutritious food, poor sanitation hygiene, unsafe water, low literacy of caregivers and the low status of women in society. The efforts can be directed to empower breastfeeding mothers; pregnancy women and community in general with promote awareness and compliance with the Maternity protection.

  15. ECONOMY Tanzania’s socio-economic development is based on the Tanzania Development Vision, aimed at eradicating poverty by 2025. Tanzania joined the commitment of 189 other nations in implementing the development Goals (MDGs) proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations in September 200. The MDGs aim at enabling developing countries to work in partnership towards the eradication poverty throughout the world. Tanzania mainland implements the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 and the Millennium Development Goals through various strategies, including the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty. (NSGRP) Through NSGRP which address improvement in all sectors, there has been little improvement in the agriculture and industry sectors, which could have helped to reduce poverty by creating employment. According to CEDO survey and information from Nzega Planning office show that the sectors expected in economic growth in this area are agriculture and livestock keeping, Mining, fishing, Beekeeping, and business. The main sector control in this area is agriculture and livestock keeping and business. The income of individual citizens of this area is TZs 26,667 per month, equal TZs 889 per day. The challenges faced economic growth in this area are poor infrastructure, Climate change, environment degradation, lack of entrepreneurship training, lack of industries that can help to employing youths, lack of markets for farmers.

  16. Health and Nutrition Advocacy on nutrition and women and Child rights • 40 from, private sectors, CSOs, and Women have been made aware on nutrition and women and children rights, breastfeeding and complementary feeding.

  17. Reproductive health and life planning skills - 15 young people have been trained reproductive health and life planning skills, protection via un wanted pregnancies, impact of early pregnancy in education, health and economic, importance of education in their lives.

  18. HIV/AIDS - 6 People living with HIV have been trained on life stands skills for HIV/AIDS - 5 Organization staff, and volunteers have been trained on HIV/AIDS prevention. - 3 OVC have been supported with school fees

  19. Community Development Economic empowerment to youth and women - 20 Group of youth and women, CSOs have been trained on entrepreneurship.

  20. Organization Development ( OD)/How to Create innovation ideas - 10 CSOs have been trained on how to create innovation and organization development, how to use Concept diagrams to identify organizational situation

  21. Preservation natural resources and the environment - 10 CSOs, individual have been made aware on how to create innovation on preservation natural resource and environment tacking climate change

  22. STRATEGIES PLAN OF 2016 1. To provide education to CSOs, community members on advocacy nutrition to women and children rights. 2. To provide training to young people and students on reproductive health and life planning skills. 3. To provide education to community members and young people on HIV/AIDS prevention

  23. STRATEGIES 4.To provide training to young people and women on entrepreneurship 5. To provide training to innovators on preservation natural resources and the environment to tacking climate change 6. To promote school feeding program to improve school attendance and learning outcome

  24. Thank you

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