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Why didn’t Albert Einstein go to Brown?

Why didn’t Albert Einstein go to Brown?. Or Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella , Steve Jobs, Pope Francis, Dr. Martin Luther King, or Barack Obama?. Brown’s current admissions system. Expensive ($200/application) Time-consuming Passive i.e . applications come in “over the transom”

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Why didn’t Albert Einstein go to Brown?

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  1. Why didn’t Albert Einstein go to Brown? Or Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandella, Steve Jobs, Pope Francis, Dr. Martin Luther King, or Barack Obama?

  2. Brown’s current admissions system • Expensive ($200/application) • Time-consuming • Passivei.e. applications come in “over the transom” • Result: Brown only ‘sees’ 30,000 applicants • 2nd result: ~1/2 accepted don’t end up at Brown

  3. Would Albert Einstein have gone to Brown? Why not? • Brown didn’t know he existed • He didn’t know Brown existed • Brown had no way of evaluating his suitability

  4. How can Brown admit the next Albert Einstein? Current approach Suggested approach Brown teaches tens of millions around the world Scout students “down the value chain” Actively seek out the best students—worldwide Skim the cream--worldwide • Passive • Time-consuming • Expensive • Limited to only 30K student applicants • Mainly US-based

  5. Broad Array of Teaching to the World: this becomes Brown’s Admissions Department BA or BS in Providence Online, tutored, offsite learning Degree of certification Certificates of attendance, exams Free, massive online courses Time/money

  6. Three Goals for Brown’s Future • Educate millions around the world • Not thousands in the US • Improve teaching quality to world standard • Not just an Ivy League standard • Offer a broad array of lifetime teaching • No longer under-/post-graduate

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