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東周 春秋時期 ( 一 ) Eastern Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period Part I

東周 春秋時期 ( 一 ) Eastern Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period Part I. 東周 的 兩個時期 Two periods of Eastern Zhou Dynasty. 東周分 為 前期的春秋和後期的戰國兩個時代,大約是西元前 770─ 西元前 221 年。

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東周 春秋時期 ( 一 ) Eastern Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn Period Part I

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  1. 東周春秋時期(一)Eastern ZhouDynasty Spring and Autumn Period Part I

  2. 東周的兩個時期Two periods of Eastern Zhou Dynasty • 東周分為前期的春秋和後期的戰國兩個時代,大約是西元前770─西元前221年。 • Eastern Zhou Dynasty has two periods, the first part was the Spring and Autumn period and the second part was the Warring States period, about BC 770 ─ 221 BC.

  3. 春秋時期Spring and Autumn Period • 春秋時期(大約西元前770─西元前476年) • Spring and Autumn Period (about BC 770 ─ 476 BC) .

  4. 諸侯國Feudal States • 春秋戰國時期,諸侯都變成了小國家,國家和國家競爭。 • During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, the feudal states became small countries, competing with each other.

  5. 春秋列國Feudal States in Spring and Autumn Period • 春秋時共有一百四十多國。其中比較重要的有齊、晉、楚、秦、魯、宋、鄭、衛、陳、蔡、吳及越等國。 • There were 140 feudal states in Spring and Autumn period. The more important ones were Qi, Jin, Chu, Qin, Lu, Song, Zheng, Wei, Chen, Cai, Wu and Yue.

  6. 春秋時期全圖

  7. 諸侯爭霸Feudal Hegemony • 比較大的諸侯國憑藉其實力,用戰爭來擴充領土,迫使弱小國家聽從他的號令,並互相爭奪,形成了諸侯爭霸的局面。 • Larger vassal states used theirstrength to expand territories by war and force weaker states to obey their orders. They also competed with each other.

  8. 春秋五霸Five Hegemons • 春秋時代,先後出現五個霸權,史稱“春秋五霸”。 • Five feudal states acquired hehemon status in Spring and Autumn Period, called the "Five Hegemons“.

  9. 春秋五霸Five Hegemons • 他們是齊桓公、宋襄公、晉文公、秦穆公、楚莊王。 • They are: Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Xiang of Song, Duke Wen of Jin, Duke Mu of Qin, and King Zhuang of Chu.

  10. 齊桓公(685BC-643BC)Duke Huan of Qi • 齊桓公以管仲為相, 「尊王攘夷」為口號,多次大會諸侯,幫助或干涉其他國家,抗擊夷狄的侵擾。 • Duke Qi Huan used Guan Zhong as prime minister, “Respect the King, Expel the barbarins" as a slogan, united the feudal status numerous times, to interfere or help other states to combat the barbarians.

  11. 宋襄公(650BC-637BC)Duke Xiang of Song • 宋襄公以抵制楚人北侵為號召,企圖充當霸主,但泓水之戰,宋軍大敗。 • Duke Xiang of Song tried to resist the invasion of Chu and acted as overlord, but was defected in the war at Hon River.

  12. 晉文公(636BC-628BC)Duke Wen of Jin • 晉文公曾在外流亡十九年,即君位後,改革政治,發展經濟,整軍經武,在城濮大敗楚軍,大會諸侯於踐土。 • Duke Wen of Jin was in exile for 19 years. After he got the throne, he started political reform and economic development. Later he defeated Chu at Chengpu, and united the feudal states at Jentu.

  13. 成語Idioms • 老馬識途,比喻有經驗的人對事情比較熟悉 。 • Experienced people are more familiar with things. • 退避三舍,比喻不與人相爭或主動讓步 。 • Do not fightwith the people or voluntary concessions.

  14. 秦穆公(659BC~621年BC)Duke Mu of Qin • 秦穆公向西發展,進軍戎地,取得了獨霸西戎的地位。 • Duke Mu of Qin expanded to the west into the territory of Rong, and achieved the position of dominating Rong.

  15. 楚莊王King Zhuang of Chu • 楚莊王用孫叔敖為令尹,改革內政。公元前606年,楚莊王率軍北上,並遣使問象徵王權的九鼎之輕重,大有取周而代之的氣勢。 • King Zhuang of Chu used Sun Shuao to reform internal affairs. In 606 BC, King Zhuang of Chu led his army north to ask Zhou king the weight of the nine Dings, a symbol of royal emissary of severity.

  16. 成語Idioms • 一鳴驚人,比喻平時沒沒無聞,突然有驚人的表現。 • sudden striking performance by a usually mediocre person. • 問鼎中原,比喻企圖奪取天下。 • Attempt to seize the world.

  17. 成語Idioms • 秦晉之好 ,春秋時,秦晉兩國不止一代互相婚嫁。現泛指兩家聯姻。 • In Spring and Autumn Period, Qin and Jin married each other for more than one generations. Now it refers to the marriage of two families.

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