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Haskell. Chapter 5, Part I. Topics. Higher Order Functions map, filter Infinite lists. Higher Order Functions. A function that can take functions as parameters OR A function that returns a function as result
Haskell Chapter 5, Part I
Topics • Higher Order Functions • map, filter • Infinite lists
Higher Order Functions • A function that can take functions as parameters • OR • A function that returns a function as result • Think of calculus. What sort of operation takes a function and returns another function?
First simple example - map • Map (built in) takes a function and a list, applies function to every element in the list map' :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b] map' _ [] = [] map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs • Try: • map’ even [1,2,3,4,5] • map’ square [1,2,3,4,5] (assumes square is defined) • map’ (++ "!") ["snap", "crackle", "pop"] • map fst [(1,2), (3,5), (7,8)] • Can you explain the type signature?
More mapping • map (+3) [4,7,9] • [x+3 | x <- [4,7,9]] -- equivalent, maybe less readable Nested maps • map (map (^2)) [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
Another simple example - filter • Takes a predicate function and a list, returns a list of elements that satisfy that predicate filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter' _ [] = [] filter' p (x:xs) | p x = x : filter' p xs | otherwise = filter' p xs • Try • filter' (>3) [1,2,4,6,3] • filter (== 3) [1,2,4,5]
Sections • What if you want to partially apply an infix function, such as +, -, /, *? • Use parentheses: • (+3) • (subtract 4) needed; (-4) means negative 4, not subtraction • (/10) • (*5) • (/10) 200
Quick exercise • Create a simple map that cubes the numbers in a list, • e.g., [1,2,3] => [1,8,27] • Create a map that takes a nested list and removes the first element of each list, • e.g., [[2,4,5],[5,6],[8,1,2]] => [[4,5],[6],[1,2]] • Using `elem` and filter, write a function initials that takes a string and returns initials, • e.g., “Cyndi Ann Rader” => “CAR” • Write a function named noEven that takes a nested list and returns a nested list of only the odd numbers. • e.g., noEven [[1,2,3],[4,6]] => [[1,3],[]]
More interesting examples largestDivisible :: Integral a => a -> a largestDivisible num = head (filter p [100000,99999..]) where p x = x `mod` num == 0 • Goal: find the largest number under 100,000 that’s divisible by num • Note the infinite list… since we use only the head, this will stop as soon as there’s an element • Order of list is descending, so we get the largest • What is p??? It’s a predicate function created in the where. • Try it: • largestDivisible 3829 => 99554 • largestDivisible 113 => 99892 • largestDivisible 3 => 99999
takeWhile • takeWhile takes a predicate and a list, returns elements as long as the predicate is true • sum (takeWhile (<10) [1..100]) • takeWhile (/= ' ') "what day is it?" • Find the sum of all odd squares < 10,000 • need to create squares • select only odd squares • stop when square >= 10,000 • sum (takeWhile (<10000) (filter odd (map (^2) [1..]))) • OR • sum (takeWhile (<10000) [m | m <- [n^2 | n <- [1..]], odd m])
A fun problem • Collatz sequence/chain • Start with any natural number • If the number is 1, stop • If the number is even, divide it by 2 • If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1 • Repeat with the result number • Example: start with 13 -> 40 -> 20 -> 10 -> 5 -> 16 -> 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> 1 • Mathematicians theorize that for all starting numbers, the chain will finish at the number 1. • Our goal: for all starting numbers between 1 and 100, how many have Collatz chains with length > 15? Think about: what kinds of problems are we solving here?
The code chain :: Integer -> [Integer] chain 1 = [1] chain n | even n = n : chain (n `div` 2) | odd n = n : chain (n*3 + 1) numLongChains :: Int numLongChains = length (filter isLong (map chain [1..100])) where isLongxs = length xs > 15
Thunks* • Lists are lazy • [1,2,3,4] is really 1:2:3:4:[] • When first element is evaluated (e.g., by printing it), the rest of the list 2:3:4:[] is a promise of a list – known as a thunk • A thunk is a deferred computation * from chapter 9
Curried Functions • Every function in Haskell officially takes one parameter • So, how have we been able to do functions that take two parameters? • They are curried functions. • Always take exactly one parameter • When called with that parameter, it returns a function that takes the next parameter • etc. until all parameters used
A curried example • :t max => max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a • equivalent to max :: (Ord a) => a -> (a -> a) • max 4 5 === (max 4) 5 • (max 4) returns a partially applied function • Try: (max ((max 4) 5)) 3 max max 4 _ 4 max 5 _ max 4 5 max 5 3 5
Can’t show a function *Main> (max 4) <interactive>:88:1: No instance for (Show (a0 -> a0)) arising from a use of `print' Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (a0 -> a0)) In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it • What?? • (max 4) produced a function of type (a0 -> a0) • But functions aren’t instances of Show, so GHCi doesn’t know how to display Compare to Scheme:
Another example multThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int multThree x y z = x * y * z • multThree 3 5 9 => 135 • ((multThree 3) 5) 9 * I’m not saying this is how it’s implemented… just a way to think about it… multThree multThree 3 3 multThree 3 5 multThree 15 multThree 15 9 135
multThree continued multThree :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int multThree x y z = x * y * z • multThree 3 5 9 => 135 • ((multThree 3) 5) 9 • multThree :: Int -> (Int -> (Int -> Int)) – equivalent • function takes Int, returns function of type (Int -> (Int ->Int)) • that function takes an Int, returns function of type (Int -> Int) • that function takes an Int, returns an Int multThree multThree 3 3 A multThree 3 5 multThree 15 B multThree 15 C 9 135
Take advantage of currying You can store a partially applied function: *Main> let multTwoWithNine = multThree 9 *Main> multTwoWithNine 2 3 54 multTwoWithNine multThree multThree 9 _ _ 9 multTwoWithNine multTwoWithNine (9) 2 _ 2 multTwoWithNine 9 2 _ 54 3
How could we use this? tenPctDiscount multThreeF multThreeF 10 _ _ .10 tenPctDiscount 4 tenPctDiscount 4 2 5 What if you wanted a 20% discount? 25%? Write the code in Play and Share
Another Example doubleArea multThree multThree 2 2 doubleArea 4 doubleArea 4 40 5 Write the code in Play and Share
Play and Share • Write a function doubleArea that takes a width and height and returns 2 * the area – making use of multThree (could clearly be done directly, but use multThree for curry practice). • doubleArea 4 5 => 40 • Write a function multThreeF that works with floating point values. (hint: use Num a as a class constraint) • Write a function tenPctDiscount that takes two numbers and calculates a 10% discount (using your multThreeF, of course) • tenPctDiscount 4 5 => 2.0 • Write a function named pctDiscount that takes a floating point and returns a partially applied function. Usage: • *Main> let sale = pctDiscount 0.5 • *Main> sale 4 5 • 10.0 • *Main> (pctDiscount 0.5) 4 5 • 10.0
More Play and Share • Curried functions are convenient with map • Write a function total that takes a discount % and two numbers stored in a list, and returns the discount amount • total 0.1 [4,5] => 2.0 • Write a function totalTenPctthat returns a partially applied total function with discount set to 0.1 • Try using this with map: • map totalTenPct [[4,5],[8,10]] => [2.0, 8.0] • Play with other uses of map, e.g., • map (multThree 3 4) [5,6,7]