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URV SPIN-OFF’S. TECHNOLOGIE-BASED COMPANIES (SPIN-OFF’S) FROM THE ROVIRA I VIRGILI UNIVERSITY. URV SPIN-OFF’S. Homepage: www.aplicat.com Contact: sandra.ramos@amic.urv.vat Telephone: 977 55 86 41
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.aplicat.com Contact: sandra.ramos@amic.urv.vat Telephone: 977 55 86 41 This company was created on 2006 with the participation of the URV to commercialize catalysators for the environment to treat the contamination presented on organic compounds.The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Jesús E. Sueiras.
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.simpple.com Contact: info@simpple.com Telephone: 977 11 05 20 This company was created on 2004 as a technologie-based company that offers products and services with a high technological value, specially on the chemical field. The main investigator from the URV is developing a new international business plan. Actually they are 25 employees, with 25% doctors and 75% graduated employees. compounds. The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Francesc Giralt.
M-BOT SOLUTIONS URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.mbotsolutions.com Contact: albert.oller@urv.cat Telephone: 977 55 97 04 This company was created on 2006 with the participation of the URV to develop, design and programming of robots. The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Albert Oller. They have hat the Reus Award for the Enterprise Creation.
BEYOND FOOD URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.beyondfood.com Contact: beyond.food@gmail.com Telephone: 629 37 51 91 This company was created on 2005 with the goals of developing healthy food based on a technology development. Actually, they give consulting and research about doing better an existing product or designing a new one. They work for the Emilio Mir Salbat SA and for the Laboratories Ordesa. The main investigator from the URV is Carles Prats.
EIDOLA URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.eidola.es Contact: info@eidola.es Telephone: 629 061 594 This company was created on 2005 winning different price awards with the participation of the URV for the research, design and application of interactive products in different fields like medicine, archeology, hardware and software as a result of connecting the human-machine interaction. The main investigator from the URV is Antoni Tur.
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.staitec.com Contact: Jmgasto@staitec.com Telephone: 659 476 361 This company offers solutions for clients protecting data and the privacy of the client. STAITEC developed a software, DisPro™. This software protects information and does not allow that the information get connected with a person. This company wan different awards from the Catalan government. The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Josep Domingo.
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.ntsensors.com Contact: info@ntsensors.com Telephone: 977 08 15 47 This company was created on 2009 as an innovative technology company, that was created on the basis of the technological knowledge from the URV together with the industrial knowledge due to the proximity of the chemical environment of Tarragona. NT Sensors is constituted as an spin-off from a research group of the Chemistry Faculty of the URV. The main objective of NT Sensors is to perform the transference of the studies in nanotechnology to the market. Nowadays, NT Sensors develops and commercializes electrochemical sensors based on carbon nanotubes. The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Rius.
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.smartoxide.com Contact: info@smartoxide.com Telephone: 647 714 782 This recent constituted company was created on 2009 with the participation of the URV to develop products and services in the TIC field, like to find Linux solutions, hardware and software consulting and cell phones services. The main investigator from the URV is Jordi Compte.
URV SPIN-OFF’S Homepage: www.W3IS2.com Contact: pere.millan@urv.cat Telephone: 977 24 03 01 This company was created on 2009 on the TIC field with the participation of the URV for TIC applications like web design, internet solutions, cell phone systems and other communication methods to develop. The main investigator from the URV is Dr. Pedro Millan.
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