What is climate change? Climate change is a“change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of the atmosphere or in land use”. (definition by IPCC, 2011)
The carbon cycle and climate change While CO2 representsonly 0.04% of the atmosphere, it is of great importancefor the energy balance of our planet. It acts like a blanket over the planet by trapping long-wave radiation, which would otherwise radiate heat away from the planet (greenhouse effect). With the increase of the amount of CO2, its warming effect increases. Nowadays, CO2 is the largest contributor (63%, with an increase by the year) to this effect by long-lived gases. Any additional non-naturally derived CO2 in the atmosphere will remain for a very long time (thousands of years)considering that natural mechanisms of erosion and sedimentation to process the added CO2 are too slow.
What causes climate change? • oceanic processes (such asoceanic circulation), • variations insolar radiationreceived by Earth, • Plate tectonics, volcanic eruptions, • human-induced alterations of the natural world, causingglobal warming…… (Source:http://geointegrations.blogspot.com/2010/03/climate-change-humor.html)
…or not? (climate change debate)What do you think? Source: http://mmazroui.kau.edu.sa/ImageGallery.aspx?Site_ID=0003580&LNG=EN&Gal=450
Greece_climate change facts • Rise of temperature between 3.1-5.1 until 2100. Average temperature during summer has already risen by 1.9 in central Athens • Desertification in the south, that extends to the north • Extended drought, more days of heatwave, more forest fires, more floodings • Fresh water shortage, especially on the islands, polluted water in agricultural or industrial areas – poor wastewater treatment, or complete lack of it • Fish and insect species from Africa have been widely observed in the greek waters, as well as viruses/diseases they carry • Sudden and severe weather phenomena, unusual temperatures, abnormal transition between seasons.
Why? • Almost complete dependence on coal and oil – average energy consumption in Greece rises almost 2.7 % yearly, every greek produces 12,5 t of greenhouse gas per year which is 12% above the European average • Poor motivation and loads of beaurocracy concerning alternative sources of energy • Irrational use of pesticides and irrigation in agriculture, over-fishing in the sea that has almost eliminated some local species, poor management of water resources in the islands • Badly organized waste management and waste treatment systems • Environmental awareness of citizens has still a long way to go…
What the future holds… • higher incidence of heat waves, and droughts. Mediterranean droughts would start earlier in the year and last longer • lengthening and a flattening of the tourism season by 2030-more pressure for water supply and energy demand • Endangered fauna and flora, extincting species • Severe and “unusual” weather phenomena (rainstorms, droughts)
…as if that wasn’t enough • Even more forest fires, soil erosion, floodings • Damages in agriculture and animal farming • Intolerable conditions in the big cities because of pollution and humidity • Overall decrease of well being/more threats to health of citizens
..and one good thing about the crisis in Greece… The produced amount of household waste and energy consumption have clearly reduced!
Thank you! Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/021447.html