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Advanced Computer Graphics Overview: Papers, Projects and Evaluation

Explore advanced graphics concepts, research papers, project requirements, and evaluation criteria in the field of computer graphics. Enhance critical skills and delve into realism of computer-generated worlds.

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Advanced Computer Graphics Overview: Papers, Projects and Evaluation

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  1. Advanced Computer Graphics:Introduction James Gain Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Cape Town jgain@cs.uct.ac.za Advanced Computer GraphicsCollaborative Visual Computing Laboratory

  2. Objectives • To introduce advanced graphics • To provide an overview and context for the course • To outline the course requirements and evaluation Advanced Computer Graphics

  3. Exercise: Realism • Question: Consider some recent computer animated films (Shrek, Finding Nemo, Final Fantasy). Which aspects do you feel where particularly realistic and which unrealistic? Try to name particular scenes. • Answer: Advanced Computer Graphics

  4. The Graphics Creation Pipeline Model Texture Animate Render Advanced Computer Graphics

  5. Course Structure • Credits: 3 • Pre-requisite: interactive computer graphics (CS3) • Structure: • Blocks of 3 lectures • 5 weekly double period reading group sessions (10 min introduction, 40 min presentation by 2 participants, 40 min group discussion) • Purpose: • Enhance critical reading, writing, presentation and discussion skills • Cover more advanced aspects of computer graphics Advanced Computer Graphics

  6. Evaluation • Mark: • Exam 40%, Structure Portfolio 20%, Project 40% • DP: • Attend and submit review forms for 7 out of 10 reading groups • Present a paper overview for one reading group session • Exam: • Open Book (may take in papers, structured portfolio and textbooks) • 2 Hours • Attendance: • To attend a reading group you must have read the paper and completed a review form Advanced Computer Graphics

  7. Lecture Contents Advanced Computer Graphics

  8. Papers • Freeform Modelling “Teddy: a Sketching Interface for 3D FreeForm Design” • Procedural Modelling “Procedural Modeling of Cities” • Photogrammetric Modelling “Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs” • Animation “Flocks, Herds and Schools: a Behavioral Approach” • Rendering “Surface Splatting” • available on \\Wolverine\Public\advgfx Advanced Computer Graphics

  9. Paper Review Form • Briefly describe the paper and its contribution to computer graphics and interactive techniques. • Is the exposition clear? How could it be improved? • Could the work be reproduced by a skilled graduate student? • How would you rate this paper on a continuous scale from 1 to 5, where: • 1 = should never have been published, 2 = substantial flaws, 3 = acceptable, 4 = good, solid research, 5 = the greatest thing since pre-sliced bread • Explain your rating by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. • How would you extend this work beyond what is suggested in the future work section? Advanced Computer Graphics

  10. Project • Create a computer generated world • Using procedural (fractal and L-system) techniques • The project will involve modelling, texturing and rendering using C++ and output to VRML files • Working in groups of 2 on clearly defined aspects of the problem: • Terrain • Trees • Sky • Buildings • Roads Advanced Computer Graphics

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