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ABC Training “Video”

Welcome back ABC Trainees! Learn classroom rules, equipment needed for success, paycheck percentages, job benefits, and restricted job activities to excel in your training program. Make the most of your learning experience!

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ABC Training “Video”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ABC Training “Video” Part 1: Rules and Regulations

  2. Welcome Back ABC Trainees! • We hope you had a great break!! • It’s time to get back to work!

  3. Pen or Pencil (everyday)  3-Ring Binder (at least 1½ - inches)  5 Dividers for Binder Graph Paper for Binder (provided by teacher) Loose-leaf Notebook Paper for Binder  Positive Attitude Equipment Needed for Success:

  4. Required Business Tactics: AKA Classroom Rules! • 1. Respect yourself, others, and class materials. • 2. Be punctual and prepared for class. • 3. Follow all safety instructions. • 4. Clean up after yourself. • 5. Participate!!!

  5. Paycheck Percentages: • Quarter GradesTotal Points System • Semester Grades Semester grade: 85% Semester final: 15%

  6. Sick/Personal Leave: • As soon as you return from your activity or illness, check the While You Were Out binder for information and your hour’s manila folder for your handouts. • For each day you are absent, you have 2 days to make up the work without penalty. • You must schedule a time to make up missing work outside of class. • You MUST TAKE THE INITIATIVE to catch up your grades!! • ALL late work MUST be made up within two weeks of the absence in order to receive ANY credit.

  7. Late for Work? Reap the consequences! • You are tardy if you are not in the classroom when the clock changes to 11:55. • Do not be disruptive in the hallway. • GHS Tardy Policy enforced!

  8. Job Benefits: • Hall Passes: • Each employee will receive one hall pass that is good for up to 5 visits (hole punches) to other departments (aka the bathroom or locker) • Once used up, you may not leave the work room • If passes ARE NOT used, each hole punch is worth 2 pts extra credit. • You must also fill out YOUR planner and the Sign In/Out sheet.

  9. Job Benefits: • OOPS Passes: • Each employee will receive 2 OOPS passes at the beginning of the semester • These passes are good for full credit towards a late homework assignment or training lab that has not yet become a 0. • Homework still has to be completed, it is not a substitution. • If you do not use these passes throughout the semester, they can be turned in for 2 pts extra credit.

  10. Restricted Job Activities: • NO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED IN THE LAB! • (Bottled water okay) • NO CELL PHONES and NO MP3 PLAYERS (Put them away before you enter classroom and don’t take them back out until you are out the door!) • ALL PURSES AND BACKPACKS STORED UNDER THE DESK DURING WORK HOURS

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