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PV-8 maggio 2008

Progress update on RPC Barrel installation, cabling, electronics, and commissioning status. Includes hardware status, commissioning steps, and pending issues for chambers. Detailed reports on gas leak, power system, and gain monitoring. Tower tests and connectivity assessments conducted. Summary of noise distribution and tower test results highlighted.

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PV-8 maggio 2008

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  1. RPC Barrel Status del Commissioning P. Vitulo Bari/Frascati/Napoli/Pavia PV-8 maggio 2008

  2. Overview • Stato dell’installazione: cabling , elettronica • Stato del commissioning: • Tower test • TTU test • Gas system @ P5 • Closed loop @ISR • Gas Gain Monitoring • Sommario Commissioning • Addenda: Report on gas leak (from A. Colaleo) Report on Power System (P. Paolucci) Report on Gas Gain Monitor (S. Bianco) PV-8 maggio 2008

  3. UXC Hardware BARREL Status Overall Status: Missing half LV modules for W-2 LV modules expected in April/May at CERN PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status installazione:cabling , elettronica

  4. USC55 hardware BARREL Status Overall status: HV modules not all in place : modules for only 3 half wheels Action: We move from one easy crates to the other in order to test the chambers. All missing modules will be at CERN in April/May First delivery phase: HV modules were affected by offset instability Second delivery phase (middle of March): HV modules were affected by negative offsets. Action: we solved the problem by software . PV-8 maggio 2008

  5. Commissioning steps Steps towards full system commissioning: • Local commissioning from chamber to tower : Tower tests with random trigger • Commissioning with cosmics: • test with RBC-TTU , efficiency studies • (FEB threshold and HV working point ) • Commissioning of the full detector/DAQ/Trigger chain • Global Runs/Minidaq PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status Commissioning

  6. Test full hardware chain and initial detector performance Connectivity Test Strip Connectivity Test – dead strips FEB – LB Connectivity Test – swapped cables Noisy FEB Threshold Scan Noise rate as a function of HV and threshold. Tower test PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status Commissioning

  7. Example: Average Noise in all chambers in sect 2-3-10-11 W+1 HV 9200V Single Noisy FEB HV 9200V Masked noisy strip PV-8 maggio 2008

  8. Noise distribution including all sectors of each wheel W0 @ Th = 220 mV W0 Number of noisy strips (> 10 Hz/cm2) is 0.6 % Average noise is about 0.4 Hz/cm2 W+2 @ Th = 220 mV W+2 Number of noisy strips (> 10 Hz/cm2) is 0.2 % Average noise is about 0.5 Hz/cm2 8

  9. Tower Test done for 9/10 towers so far W-2 Tower Test finished end of April 2008 Tower test summary • Several inversions of signal cables, which were swapped either in LB or on CH side: solved • 1-2 partition/ wheel not acknowledged (no threshold control, feb set at default threshold=200 mV) • noisy FEB (~0.4-1.5 % / tower) • dead strips (~0.1-0.7 % / tower) All problems reported in a web page. Complete map of all hardware problems: shift operator must check it before operate the chamber. PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status Commissioning

  10. W+2 PENDING PROBLEMS High priority problem: big gas leak, HV, LV problem, DSS problem: Chamber cannot operate Medium priority problem : No threshold control, high number of dead strips, small gas leak. Chamber can operate with care Low priority problems: Noise strips PV-8 maggio 2008

  11. W+1 PENDING PROBLEMS Chamber ok but flow cell readout problem prevent to monitor the gas flow: need support from CERN gas group . High priority problem: big gas leak, HV, LV problem, DSS problem: Chamber cannot operate Medium priority problem : No threshold control, high number of dead strips, small gas leak. Chamber can operate with care Low priority problems: Noise strips Several noisy strips that can disappear under different environmental condition + few dead strips (yellow problems) PV-8 maggio 2008

  12. W0 PENDING PROBLEMS Serious gas leak : known problem High priority problem: big gas leak, HV, LV problem, DSS problem: Chamber cannot operate Medium priority problem : No threshold control, high number of dead strips, small gas leak. Chamber can operate with care Low priority problems: Noise strips PV-8 maggio 2008

  13. W-1 PENDING PROBLEMS High priority problem: big gas leak, HV, LV problem, DSS problem: Chamber cannot operate Medium priority problem : No threshold control, high number of dead strips, small gas leak. Chamber can operate with care Low priority problems: Noise strips PV-8 maggio 2008

  14. Technical Trigger LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox Local trigger: based on 1 Sector, is being used to test RPCs (and DTs) during Commissioning and Cosmic Challenge Goal of this project is to produce an RPC-based cosmic ray trigger for the Commissioning of RPCs, the Cosmic Challenge and later running of CMS as Technical Trigger Global trigger (Technical Trigger): based on the whole Barrel, will be used during CMS for the detector calibration, Tracker Alignment … UXC area USC area Fiber TTU TTU GLOBAL TRIGGER Barrel Wheel TTU TTU 6 Fibers/wheel TTU PV-8 maggio 2008 RBC (RPC Balcony Collector) Technical Trigger Unit • TTU status

  15. Technical Trigger Local Trigger: RBC • The Local Trigger is implemented in the RPC Balcony Collector (RBC) • The RBC is housed in the Link Board Boxes around the detector and produces 2 Sector Triggers, making coincidences among OR signals of 96 strips (half RPC) received by the Link Boards • The RBC sends also a copy of the ORs to the Counting Room on optical link, for the Technical Trigger implementation • Full production of 30 (+ 2 spares) RBCs done and installed RBC on mother board PV-8 maggio 2008 • TTU status

  16. Technical Trigger Technical Trigger: TTU • The Technical Trigger is implemented in the Technical Trigger Unit (TTU), housed in the Trigger Crate in Counting Room • It will receive the ORs from 1 Barrel Wheel and find cosmic patterns, providing Wheel-level Trigger • These features can be exploited by the Trigger Board (Warsaw), loading the cosmic patterns in the Pattern Comparator (new firmware) • 3 Trigger Boards-TTU cover the whole Barrel (20 sectors/TTU) • 1 TTU installed, the remaining 2 (+ 1 spare) will be delivered in May Pattern Comparator PV-8 maggio 2008 • TTU status

  17. TTU Trigger status • Installation of RBC boards on the detector towers and cabling: done • Installation of TTU boards in USC55: 1 out of 3 (can cover about 2 wheels) • The installation will be completed as soon as full production of Trigger Boards (Warsaw) will be delivered • Validation of implemented algorithm with local readout and minidaq. • Test started on W+1 in March • At sector level • Tower level (Only with sect 2-3-10-11 for the moment) • Wheel level (need full TBs system installed) • Study the timing calibration for cosmic muons • Xcheck with DT trigger • Coupling with Global Trigger • Provide Trigger for any cosmic run, May Global Run and CMS startup PV-8 maggio 2008 • TTU status

  18. Technical Trigger Commissioning with cosmics • The TTU is being used for RPC commissioning since December 2007 to study detector efficiency, cluster size, occupancy … Typical “TTU” events PV-8 maggio 2008 • Cosmic test with TTU

  19. Commissioning with cosmics Efficiency Studies PV-8 maggio 2008 • Cosmic test with TTU

  20. Commissioning with cosmics Performance plots with RPC Standalone Reconstruction Average efficiency vs Roll (W+1) Residuals (Rec-Estrapolated) for one half chamber • Cosmic test with TTU

  21. Global Runs µ W0 Since May 07 global commissioning exercises with installed detectors and electronics. RPC Partecipation in July-Sept-Nov 07: More and more slices of the system integrated in the CMS Global Runs. Next partecipation 5-12 May with W+1, W+2, W0 full near towers Cosmic muon, with “RPC digis”, “trajectory seed” and “reconstructed track”. W0 sector11 W0 sector10 21 • Global Runs/Minidaq

  22. Global Runs σ = 1.3 cm Matching between the extrapolated point (from reconstructed track with DT) and the RPC “Rec-Hit”. Residual’s distributions can be calculated and the resolution (along local-x coordinates) can be estimated. Residuals distribution Local Efficiency average value of about 96% 22 • Global Runs/Minidaq

  23. Online DQM Web Interface y x 23 • Global Runs/Minidaq

  24. Summary of Commissioning status and plan Full system commissioned with cosmic runs by July PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status commissioning e pianificazione

  25. RPC gas system PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  26. GAS system status @ P5 Status Supplier: ok Mixer: ok Humidifier: ok Purifiers: ok Pre-distribution and pump: ok Final distribution: ok CERN Gas group responsability (Roberto Guida) PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  27. Status del commissioning del gas @ P5 • Il sistema finale funziona ed è stabile sulla W0. Dal 20 aprile aggiunta la W2 (in entrambi i casi e solo per ragioni di costi, ci stiamo limitando alla torre near: 6 settori). Le camere della W0 sono ON (sul sistema finale) dal 10 aprile. • Previsto un sistema di interlock collegato al sistema di HV in caso di stop del sistema di gas. • La qualità della miscela è costantemente monitorata con: GC, misuratore di O2 e H2O  la concentrazione di aria nella miscela che torna dalle camere è a livelli piuttosto bassi • L'umidificatore è in funzione e stiamo monitorando l'umidità del gas sia dopo l'umidificatore, sia a livello del distributore sulla W0 (2 canali hanno sensori di umidità sulla linea di supply e su quella di return). • L'umidità relativa della miscela è 40%. • La temperatura è di circa 20 C. Il flusso per canale di almeno 15 l/h. • Entrambi i filtri sono in uso: la miscela che torna dalle camere passa attraverso i filtri e va in aria per ora (open loop). Il gas viene analizzato regolarmente prima e dopo i filtri. • Se non ci saranno maggiori intoppi, inizieremo il ricircolo verso la metà di maggio (dopo circa un mese di run in open mode). Partiremo con una frazione di miscela nuova dell'ordine del 40-50%. PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  28. Gas monitoring tools Oracle Portal (framework) e Web Based Monitoring (Interfaccia) usati per accedere offline alle informazioni immagazzinate nel DB OMDS (database generale dei rivelatori dell’esperimento) da PVSS • High Voltage • Current and Temp. • Gas Flow • Plot over time • L’interfaccia Web Based Monitoring è usata per il monitoraggio offline delle correlazioni tra gas flow e corrente durante il commissioning • I dati (HV, Corrente, flow IN , Flow OUT) sono trasferiti ad una lista di utenti ogni 8 ore con le informazioni delle 16 ore precedenti per tutti i rivelatori di ogni ruota. PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  29. PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  30. GAS system status @ ISR Status @ ISR (CERN Gas Group (Roberto Guida) + Gruppo RPC) • Le correnti stanno lentamente aumentando (i filtri non sono mai stati rigenerati dallo scorso luglio). L'aumento è stato molto graduale, non repentino come la scorsa volta e solo per alcune DG. • La concentrazione di aria nel loop è sostanzialmente uguale a quella della miscela nuova.  Con il GC non si vedono particolari extra-componenti. • Sono stati predisposti diversi gorgogliatori per il campionamento del gas in soluzione. • La stazione per la misura dei fluoruri è pronta e funzionante. • finite le misure in argon, ripartiremo con filtri nuovi (in particolare sostituiamo il setaccio molecolare 5A con il 3A).  nel nuovo ciclo, saranno collegate anche le 10 Single gap nuove ed anche tre delle camerette del "gas gain monitoring". PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  31. I rivelatori del Gas Gain Monitoring sono in operazione all’ISR, in corso l’integrazione DCS/PVSS/xDAQ Analisi preliminari della miscela durante i test di ricircolo hanno mostrato la presenza in tracce di elementi metallici, probabilmenti rilasciati dai filtri durante o dopo la saturazione Differenti procedure per lo studio della cinetica chimica dei filtri. Sebbene i filtri debbano essere caratterizzati chimicamente il setup utilizzato è capace di operare correttamente nel detector. GAS Gain monitor e analysis @ ISR PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  32. GAS system commissioning plan • Steps for each wheel: • Flow cell equalization • 100% mixture in fill mode operation (6 sectors) with current and noise monitoring • 50% mixture in closed mode (6 sectors) for 1 month with current and noise monitoring Goal : 1/2 Barrel (6 sectors/wheel) in recirculation mode (50% fresh gas) by end of May. All barrel wheels in recirculation mode (50% fresh gas) by end of July. PV-8 maggio 2008 • Status of Gas System

  33. Conclusion and status at startup • All hardware (HV/LV) in place in May • Trigger system ready for all wheels by end of May (now 50% installed) • Tower test done on 10/10 towers. All hardware chain fully commissioned. • 4 main hardware problems (chamber off) @ LHC start up: 3 chambers with big gas leak (W0/RB3/S8, W+2/RB4/S8, W-2/RB1/S7) 1 chamber with LV problem (W-1/RB4/S6) Action: Chambers to be extracted and checked at first shutdown. • 3 chambers with gas leaks but OPERABLE (W0/RB1/S1, W0/RB3/S2 , W+1 RB4) • Gas leak tests done three times on all chambers after installation. • GAS system commissioning will require a lot of effort since also chamber performance must be checked in parallel. No enough experts available. • Goal is to have full system fully commissioned in re-circulation mode (high % fresh gas) by July. • Local commissioning with TTU ongoing. • Full system commissioned with cosmic runs by July • More and more slices of the system integrated in the CMS Global Runs PV-8 maggio 2008 • Sommario Commissioning

  34. Manpower per completamento e mantenimento • 2 settimane costruzione camere al CERN (x 3 tecnici )  appena possibile • 2 settimana installazione camere da estrarre (x 3 tecnici)  alla riapertura • 2 settimane riparazione eventuali (cavi, connettori,moduli): x 3 tecnicishutdown • 2 settimane riparazioni eventuali (accesso possibile): x 2 tecnici presa dati • 2 settimane smantellamento ISR e Bd904 e spostamento a PT5(smantellamento ISR già stadio avanzato): x 3 tecnici entro dicembre • Presenza costante di un tecnico equivalente “multi-task” • Gas Gain Monitoring (assistenza prelievi all'ISR, disinstallazione dall'ISR, trasporto al SG5, installazione al SG5, checkout e assistenza commissioning camerette GGM ) 3 mu • 5 mu (probabili overlap ma non tanti) + 1.5 mu (installazione) + 3 mu (gas Mon) TOT  9.5 mu PV-8 maggio 2008 • Manpower - Tecnici

  35. Manpower per SHIFT • TOT : 13 (mu /mesi RUN) + (6 mu/mesi Shutdown) • 11 (mu /mesi RUN) + (6 mu/mesi Shutdown) a regime PV-8 maggio 2008 • Manpower - Fisici

  36. ADDENDA • Gas leak report (from A. Colaleo) • Power system Report (P. Paolucci) • Gas Gain Monitoring Report (S. Bianco)

  37. Detector Status: gas leak report W+ 1, W+2, W-1 : 12 chambers with gas leak replaced W0 one chamber has a serious leak we will try to operate in open mode. Gas leak tests redone on W0, W+1, W+2 (in 1.5 months!) after wheel movement or after operation on the wheel (ex. Cabling , scaffolding…) :  Several connections re-done. 2 new chambers with gas leak: RB4/S1/W+1 (SISTEMATO provvisoriamente) RB4/S8/W+2  W-2 ongoing

  38. Chambers with problems @ Nov. 2007 System cannot handle the red cases (chamber does not keep any pressure). For the black cases it is possible to compensate the leak with the higher flow.

  39. Gas circuit To equalize the gas flow between two gaps we use polycarbonate T and L junctions with flow reducers. Tygon tubes connect T and L connectors to the gas inlets. A –L connector B- T connector C- Gas inlet D- gap frame Backward Double gap Gas inlet D A Gas inlet B Forward Double gap Gas inlet C T and L connectors with Steel 316L Micro-cylinder inside

  40. W+1 We found the following problems: • In one chamber we found a broken gas inlet (polycarbonate, glued on chamber) in the gas input circuit of the forward gap. Chamber repaired. 2) In one chamber we found a broken "L" connector (connecting two external pipes) . The connector was in gas input circuit of the backward gap . Chamber repaired. 3) In one chamber we found a broken "L" connector (connecting two external pipes) . The connector was in input circuit of the backward gap . We also found a broken “T” connector in the gas output circuit . Chamber repaired. 4) In the two chambers with small leaks we found that the frame of the gap (polycarbonate glued on the gap) presented a small leak, that we could only localize by the gas sniffer. We could recover the second double gap in both chambers (we kept them as spares).

  41. Broken "L" connector (connecting tygon and polyetilene pipes). The connector was in gas input circuit of the backward gap . Chamber repaired. Polyetilene pipe Backward Double gap Service block Forward Double gap

  42. A) Broken "L" connector (connecting tygon and polyetilene pipes). The connector was in gas input circuit of the backward gap . B) Broken “T” connector in the gas output circuit. Chamber repaired. A Polyetilene pipe Backward Double gap B Service block Forward Double gap

  43. CH 92 (W+1 RB2 in/11) One gas inlet (polycarbonate, glued on chamber) in input to the forward gap was broken. Chamber repaired. Polyetilene pipe Backward Double gap Service block Forward Double gap

  44. Two chambers had a small leak in both cases in the frame of the gap (polycarbonate frame glued on the gap) . The leaks were localized with a gas sniffer. We could recover the second double gap in both cases (we kept them as a spares) CH125 (W+1 RB4-2500/10 )  DG Back GAP UP CH 235 (W+1 RB1in/10 )  DG forw GAP UP Backward Double gap Service block Forward Double gap Leak here

  45. leak in the frame of gap Back UP W+2 We found the following problems: 1) 5 chambers with big leaks in the frame of the gap (polycarbonate glued on the gap) always about 20-30 cm from the gas inlet. 2) One of them presented also gap deformations and broken gas inlet

  46. a) Two big leaks in backward double gap b) Broken gas inlet in forward down gap One gas inlet (polycarbonate, glued on chamber) in input to the forward gap was broken. Big leak in the frame of backward up gap Backward Double gap Backward Double gap Forward Double gap Service block Big leak in the frame backward down gap

  47. W-1 Broken “T" connector (connecting tygon and polyetilene pipes). The connector was in gas input circuit of the forward gap . Chambers repaired. Polyetilene pipe Backward Double gap Service block Forward Double gap

  48. NOTE: Leak tests have been performed in all chambers during construction phase, at ISR, after coupling, before and after installation. A difference between input flow and output flow in some flow cells in the gas racks was observed already during MTCC. But the instability of calibration of flow cell system in the gas racks prevented us to rely on the flow cell readout. Also the good performances of the chambers during MTCC, local commissioning and Global Runs did not help to discover the problem. Flow cell readout for W+2 rb3 settore 11 Input flow output flow MTCC sx5 UXC

  49. Power system status HV = 5 K€, LV = 4.5 K €, BC = 1.2 K€, Easy = 1.0 K€  28.7 K€

  50. Power system Spare status HV = 5 K€, LV = 4.5 K €, BC = 1.2 K€, Easy = 1.3 K€  36.4 K€

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