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Explore different models connecting assessment with teaching, including Time-Restricted, Continuous Feedback, and Integrated Assessment. Understand the advantages and limitations of each model in enhancing student learning. Learn how assessment is integrated into the instructional process of planning, delivering, and assessing instruction. Discover strategies for effective teaching practices aligned with various assessment models.
Classroom AssessmentA Practical Guide for Educatorsby Craig A. Mertler Chapter 2 Teaching and Assessment: The Instructional Process
Introduction • Assessment is an integral part of teaching. • Important relationships exist between assessment and various aspects of teaching. • Understanding how assessment relates to these other aspects of teaching is central to understanding assessment.
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Time-Restricted Model” • prevalent at the high school and college levels • assessment occurs only following completion of instruction Begin here
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Time-Restricted Model” (continued) • new material is introduced; teacher demonstrates examples of concepts or procedures; students complete homework activities; next lesson begins with review of previous day’s concepts; new material is then presented; process continues until “unit” is complete, at which time assessment is administered • assumption that instruction is unidirectional… TeacherStudents
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Time-Restricted Model” (continued) • advantage: • cost-effective (in terms of time allotted to assessments) • limitations: • assessments are difficult for students since they cover large amounts of material • preparation for these assessments often encourages memorization • no (or limited) opportunities for reteaching material to those experiencing difficulty
Formal assessment and summative evaluation occur [Instruction—informal assessment—evaluation cycle continues] Teacher provides instruction Discussion/ feedback (formative evaluation) Informal assessment occurs Additional informal assessment Discussion/feedback (formative evaluation) Further instruction Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Continuous Feedback Model” • based on the principle that most students could master material if provided with additional time to learn • both formative and summative decision making is incorporated in the model Begin here
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Continuous Feedback Model” (continued) • builds on Time-Restricted Model; additional informal assessments and formative evaluation is incorporated • these additional assessments are not included in students’ grades; purpose is to identify errors and misunderstandings • numerous assessments are necessary; these require much planning and forethought on the part of teachers • teachers must be flexible and must build in time for reteaching
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Continuous Feedback Model” (continued) • advantages: • potential for noticeable gains in student achievement • potential for reduction in test (assessment) anxiety • helps students learn more and better; discourages memorization • limitations: • time must be spent developing assessment and intervention strategies • some students may not be ready to move on when others are
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Integrated Assessment Model” • based on the principle that instruction should focus on meaningful learning and thinking • students are taught how to think and apply what they have learned
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Integrated Assessment Model” (continued) • defines a different role for the teacher—a guide for students and a facilitator of learning • necessitates a reduction in large-group instruction • also defines different roles for the students—greater collaborative work (in pairs or small groups) • students also assume greater responsibility for their own learning and application of that learning • assessment also changes—focus is now on application and problem solving • assessment is an ongoing entity throughout the entire process
Models Connecting Assessment with Teaching • The “Integrated Assessment Model” (continued) • advantages: • increased potential for gains in student achievement, solidified understanding, etc. • student learning becomes more meaningful • limitations: • requires development of new skills on the part of teachers • inservice training is often necessary
The Instructional Process • The Instructional Process • consists of three basic stages, which are integrated throughout the entire process: • planning for instruction • delivering instruction • assessing instruction Planning instruction Delivering instruction Assessing instruction
The Instructional Process • The Instructional Process (continued) • assessment and decision making are required at each step of the process, as they guide actions taken at the other steps • All three components in The Instructional Process must be parallel with one another.
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction • numerous decisions must be made prior to actual instruction (textbook, content, supplements, pace of instruction, types of assessments, etc.) • instruction is not a spontaneous activity • good preparation helps teachers feel comfortable with the material, as well as with other tasks of teaching • provides a sense of ownership over the act of teaching
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Unit plan: • most basic, essential type of planning • consists of an outline or overview of a large section of content material (more specific planning follows in the form of weekly and daily lesson plans) • reduces uncertainty and anxiety • provides opportunities for teachers to review material and activities prior to instruction • provides framework to guide actual instruction
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Lesson plan: • weekly lesson plan—provides an overview of instruction for each day in a given subject, course, or class period; includes instructional objectives • daily lesson plan—guides the specifics of actual instruction; permits teachers to visualize themselves actually teaching the plans they are attempting to develop, anticipates any problems, and addresses them prior to delivering instruction
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Guidelines for developing lesson plans: • There is no single way (i.e., one “correct” format) to write a lesson plan. • Even though they are detailed, lesson plans are not written in stone and do allow for flexibility. • Even if you believe that you can remember what you are going to teach, lesson plans should be an integral part of the teaching process for every teacher. • Formal lesson planning does not stifle the creative process. • Sample lesson plans…
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Curriculum guides: • provide guidance to teachers with respect to “scope and sequence,” instructional activities, and expected levels of student achievement • developed at the state or district level • also known as curriculum frameworks or courses of study
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Instructional objectives: statements that clearly describe what students are expected to learn or be able to do following instruction. • extremely important component of lesson plans • three domains of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives: • cognitive domain • affective domain • psychomotor domain
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Cognitive domain: six levels that represent a hierarchy of thinking skills. higher-level thinking skills lower-level thinking skills
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Writing instructional objectives • purpose is to focus instruction on behaviors that students should be able to exhibit or perform (objective begins with a stem such as “The student will…” or “The learner can…”) • must focus on observable and measurable student characteristics or behaviors (think, know, and understand are not observable)
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Writing instructional objectives(continued) • three essential components: • the stem • action verb • specific content, skill, or behavior The student will compare and contrast the circulatory system of vertebrates to that of invertebrates.
The Instructional Process • Planning Instruction (continued) • Teacher-made vs. publisher-developed materials • many educational resources available (textbooks, Internet, teacher’s guides, supplemental materials, etc.) • do not rely solely on these materials • may result in a misalignment between planning, delivering, and assessing instruction
The Instructional Process • Delivering Instruction • Two important tasks for teachers once instruction has begun: • deliver the instruction as planned • constantly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the instruction; alter when necessary
The Instructional Process • Assessing Instruction • Formative evaluations • occur during instruction • typically result from informal assessments (more spontaneous) • purpose is to determine what adjustments need to be made to instruction in order to be more effective
The Instructional Process • Assessing Instruction (continued) • Summative evaluations • occur after instruction • result from more formal assessments (planned in advance of their administration) • results are typically used to assign grades to student performance • can also be used as a final measure of overall effectiveness of instruction