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Chapter 3. Migration. Why People Migrate. Reasons for migrating Push & pull factors • Economic • Cultural • Environmental – Intervening obstacles Distance of migration Internal migration International migration Characteristics of migrants Gender Family status.
Chapter 3 Migration
Why People Migrate • Reasons for migrating • Push & pull factors • Economic • Cultural • Environmental – Intervening obstacles • Distance of migration • Internal migration • International migration • Characteristics of migrants • Gender • Family status
Refugees: Sources & Destinations Fig. 3-1: Major source and destination areas of both international and internal refugees.
Hurricane Katrina Migrants A major natural disaster represents an environmental push factor for forced migration.
Scene from The Grapes of Wrath The Dust Bowl in the 1930s led to forced migration from the Great Plains to California and elsewhere.
Migration Patterns • Global migration patterns • U.S. immigration patterns • Colonial immigration • 19th-century immigration • Recent immigration • Impact of immigration on the U.S. • Legacy of European migration • Undocumented immigration • Destination of immigrants within the U.S.
Global Migration Patterns Fig. 3-2: The major flows of migration are from less developed to more developed countries.
Net Migration (per population) Fig. 3-3: Net migration per 1000 population. The U.S. has the largest number of immigrants, but other developed countries also have relatively large numbers.
Migration to U.S., by Region of Origin Fig. 3-4: Most migrants to the U.S were from Europe until the 1960s. Since then, Latin America and Asia have become the main sources of immigrants.
New York Harbor and Ellis Island Ellis Island is connected to New Jersey by bridge. Liberty Island and the Statue of Liberty are south of Ellis Island.
Migration from Asia to the U.S. Fig. 3-5: The largest numbers of migrants from Asia come from India, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
Migration from Latin America to the U.S. Fig. 3-6: Mexico has been the largest source of immigrants to the U.S., but immigrants have also come from numerous other Latin American nations.
Undocumented Immigrants in the US Fig. 3-7: California, Texas, and Florida are the leading destinations for undocumented immigrants to the U.S.
U.S. - Mexico Borderat Tijuana The U.S. side of the border is uninhabited and separated from Mexico by a fence
U.S. States as Immigrant Destinations Fig. 3-8: California is the destination of about 25% of all US immigrants; another 25% go to New York and New Jersey. Other important destinations include Florida, Texas, and Illinois.
Obstacles to Migration • Immigration policies of host countries • U.S. quota laws • Temporary migration for work • Time-contract workers • Economic migrants or refugees? • Cultural problems living in other countries • U.S. attitudes to immigrants • Attitudes to guest workers
Guest Workers in Europe Fig. 3-9: Guest workers emigrate mainly from Eastern Europe and North Africa to work in the wealthier countries of Western Europe.
Emigration from China Fig. 3-10: Various ethnic Chinese peoples have distinct patterns of migration to other Asian countries.
Migration of Vietnamese Boat People Fig. 3-11: Many Vietnamese fled by sea as refugees after the war with the U.S. ended in 1975. Later boat people were often considered economic migrants.
Anti-Immigration Protest in Spain Spanish youths attacked Moroccan immigrants in El Ejido, Spain after an alleged murder.
Migration within a Country • Migration between regions of a country • Migration between regions within the U.S • Migration between regions in other countries • Migration within one region • Rural-urban migration • Urban-suburban migration • Migration from metropolitan to nonmetropolitan regions
Center of Population in the U.S. Fig. 3-12: The center of U.S. population has consistently moved westward, with the migration of people to the west. It has also begun to move southward with migration to the southern sunbelt.
Echo Canyon, northeastern Utah Echo Canyon was one of many obstacles to 19th century wagon trains heading west.
Interregional Migration in the U.S. Fig. 3-13: Average annual migrations between regions in the U.S. in 1995 and in 2003
Brasilia, Brazil Brasilia was created as Brazil’s new capital in 1960 and since then has attracted thousands of migrants in search of jobs.
Intraregional Migration in the U.S. Fig. 3-14: Average annual migration among urban, suburban, and rural areas in the U.S. during the 1990s. The largest flow was from central cities to suburbs.
Net Migration by County, 2000-04 Fig. 3-15: Rural counties in the southwest and Florida have had net in-migration, while there has been net out-migration from rural counties in the Great Plains
Gravity Model • Prediction of the interaction of places • Relative strength of a bond between two places Population 1 x Population 2 distance²