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MAGNESIA-MINERAL-SALT COMPOSITION EFFECTIVE MATERIAL FOR IMMOBILIZATION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES • Magnesia-mineral-salt composition (MMSC) is blended on the base of inexpensive and prevailing natural minerals and wastes of metallurgic production. • MMSC's characteristics significantly exceed technical requirements for materials for nuclear wastes immobilisation (state standard GOST R 51883-2002) • MMSC do not require high power inputs as at vitrification process. This parameter is similar to power inputs at concreting process • Technological equipment for MMSC production and use is similar to serial concreting equipment. • MMSC has similar basic consumer characteristics as "Sinrok" material, but the cost price is much lower • MMSC obtains high-strength, poor-porous special surface layer, with beauty non-inferior to mother-of perl • Methods of nuclear wastes immobilisation are protected by patents and certificates: • Invention, diploma # 212 from 02.08.2002 • Russian Federation Patent 2211137 from 28.04.2001 • Russian Federation Patent 2214011 from 10.10.2001
Characteristics Value GOST R 51883-2002 requirements MMSC Mechanical strength at pressure, MPa 5 350 Leaching, g/cm2 day, not more 10-3 10-4 Radiation stability - is characterized by mechanical strength, reduction of which at maximal radiation absorbed dose of 106Gy can't exceed 25%, at that mechanical strength have not to be below the permissible strength limit at pressure 25% 5,7% Resistance to long staying in water - is characterized by mechanical strength, reduction of which for 90 days can't exceed 25% at that mechanical strength have not to be below the permissible strength limit at pressure 25% Not more than 5% Frost-resistance - is characterized by mechanical strength, reduction of which at multiple freezing and defrosting (from -400C to +4000C) can't exceed 25% at that mechanical strength have not to be below the permissible strength limit at pressure 25% 17% MAGNESIA-MINERAL-SALT COMPOSITION Main characteristics of Magnesia-mineral-salt composition
MAGNESIA-MINERAL-SALT COMPOSITION • Possible areas of Magnesia-mineral-salt composition application • Nuclear Power Plants • Immobilisation of Liquid Nuclear Wastes (LNW) • Immobilisation of silt residue from reservoirs of spent nuclear fuel exposure and LNW storage tanks • Immobilisation of tritium water • Liquidation of leakage in reservoirs of spent nuclear fuel exposure • Immobilisation of ash from Solid Nuclear Wastes (SNW) incineration • Combines RADON • Immobilisation of LNW • Immobilisation of ash from SNW incineration • Enterprises for nuclear fuel processing • Immobilisation of LNW • Immobilisation of silt residue from reservoirs of spent nuclear fuel exposure and LNW storage tanks • Liquidation of leakage in reservoirs of spent nuclear fuel exposure • Nuclear-powered submarinesand nuclear technical service vessels utilization • Immobilisation of silt residue from reservoirs of spent nuclear fuel exposure and LNW storage tanks • Immobilisation of LNW • Conservation of large nuclear and radiation dangerous objects • Conservation of reactor blocks with active emergency zones
HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS An idea to allocate an atomic power plant under the ground to reduce the risk of radioactive environmental pollution in case of a reactor accident appeared in the 50-es of the 20th century. A reliable shelter for a nuclear power facility and storages of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste against any anthropogenic and natural external forces can be ensured by the thickness of the Earth bowels. In that case the hermetization of the underground volume that incorporates them guarantees that any radiation accident will be localized in such a volume. This is the essence of the UNPP concept that rates above everything the public safety and the environmental protection.
HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS The ecological advantages of atomic power engineering, characteristic of the rated operating conditions of many hundreds of NPP units, on the one hand, and the production capabilities of shipbuilding technology conversion emerged in the late 80-es, on the other hand, became a prerequisite of effective inculcation of the equipment of atomic vessel machine-building and instrument-making in commercial atomic power plants. The competitiveness of UNPP is due to the maximum effective (up to 80 %) utilization of its thermal energy and unique radiation services, as well as thanks to the practiced technologies of construction, operation and replacement upon expiration of service life.
HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS • THE FOLLOWING SHIPBUIDING TECHNOLOGIES ARE APPLIED IN UNPP: • Compactness ensured by the turnkey industrial manufacturing of atomic electric modules, which will allow allocating them under the ground for the period of operation and later withdrawing them for subsequent disposal at a plant. • Modularity that contributes to unification of the equipment being mass produced and supplied as well as timely repaired in a centralized way at the ship-repair facilities or shipyards. • Flexibility providing full adaptation of the plant power to any loading schedule of consumer mains. • Approbation of the applied equipment in the fleet that ensures the shortest time possible for equipping UNPP and its attractiveness for investments. • Shock resistance of equipment that guaranties reliable operation of UNPP in any seismic region. • Universality of technologies that permits allocation of power modules both in the coastal and continental territories. • The plants allocated in mines, adits, and tunnels equally guarantee consumers an uninterruptible power supply and safety.
# Type Protective barrier of facility Aircraft fall Light jet weapon Bombs, missiles with hollow charge Diversions, terrorism Material of shelter М up to 20tV up to 215 m/c M>20tV>215 m/c "Cornet" "Attack" "Atlant" Concrete- piercing High- explosive Car with explo-sive TNT eq. 10 t. Ammu-nition TNT eq. 50t. М up to 90тV up to 100 m/c М>90tV>100 m/c GBU-28,GBU-12TNTeq.> 87kg "Bullpap" TNT eq. > 60 kg GBU-8,GBU-16KPAGM-190TNTeq.> 190kg 1 WWR-640 reinforced concrete 800 mm steel 36 mm ¤ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 UNPP soil 50 m reinforced concrete tubing -100 mm ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS NPP comparative protections against destructive effectof modern weaponsand in the threat of ¤ - Protected against destructive effect; ■ Unprotected against destructive effect
Item Safety effecting phenomena Accounted threats UNPP Ground NPP With WWR 1 External flooding, water level elevation, rising tide – ● 2 Stormy waves (tsunami) – ● 3 Snow avalanches, snow drifts – ● 4 Extreme wind speed and tornadoes – ● 5 Fire at the plant ● ● 6 Fire beyond the plant territory – – 7 Low water level in the river or pool – ● 8 Internal flooding ● ● 9 Low winter temperatures – ● 10 Fog – ● 11 Seismic activity ● ● 12 Explosions of industrial and military facilities beyond the plant territory – ● 13 Meteorites – ● 14 Lightning – ● 15 Transport accidents – ● 16 Shrinking/swelling of soil during tension leveling ● ● 17 Accidents at gas and other explosives pipelines outside plant – ● 18 Toxic gassing ● ● 19 Impact of fragments on NPF during turbine accident – ● 20 Landslide – ● HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS UNPP comparative protections against natural disasters and technogem'c threats ●Possible impact of the event
HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS • Social and economic status of UNPP comprises: • high consumer qualities due to a multi-module structure of UNPP that reliably guarantiesuninterruptible production of not justelectric power but also marketable heating almostindependently of season and transport conditions; • possibility to install UNPP in the area with any population density due to the fact thatthe stability of the underground shelter forradiation hazardous elements (reactor facility,storage of SNF and RW) will not be broken under any conditions. UNPPs areinvulnerableagainst any external natural, technogenic and anthropogenic impacts, and any internalaccident with radiationhazardous elements will be Localized by a single barrier having strongstructure and tight sealing preventing emission ofradioactive substances into the environment. • investments attractiveness of the project that is based upon experience of operating theprototype nuclear facilities, fastmanufacturing of the electric power modules at the existingshipyards and their transportability, the industrial methods of sinking and drifting ofunderground areas that allow to construct and maintain the plant in any region of the planet. • possibility to maintain the plants with the help of existing ship-repair facilities andshipyards. This makes it unnecessary to build repair-shops directly at the UNPP sites andsimplifies decommissioning of UNPP, which will be limited to express substitution of spentelectric power modules with the new ones. • The competitiveness of the UNPP commercial parameters based on shipbuilding technologies makes them to be a profitable branch of domestic atomic vessel machine building and instrument making. • When exporting the UNPP equipment the Russian side ensures the following: • 1. Training of local personnel. • Dismantlement of equipment and disposal of spent nuclear fuel at its own plants
Parameters Units Amount Note Rated electric power MW 300 4 modules x 75.0 MW Ultimate thermal capacity MW (Gcal/h) up to 234 (200) Construction capital costs Dollar/kW about 1000,0 Biotechnological complex accounted Prime cost of electric energy cent/kW · h about 1.0 Normative coefficients accounted Period of turnkey construction of a serial plant year 3.5-4 Personnel number people about 120 Uninterrupted electric power supply Hours per year 8760 Annual production of electric power 2.1 billion kW » h Lifetime of electric power module (accounting compensation of peak loads) years 30 Underground premises lifetime is not less than 100 years Fuel core operating period years 4 Radiation safety of the population living in the immediate vicinity of the plant INES scale level 4 5 safety barriers, evacuation of population is not required, no limitation for population density in the vicinity of NPP Rock layer thickness over the tunnel m over 50 Reactor facilities and SNF storages are sheltered against any technogenic accidents, natural disasters or military (terrorist) actions Reactor facility adaptation in the range 10 -100% % Nnom/s 1 Easily adaptable to any loading schedule of mains HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS The main parameters of standard four-module UNPP of adit type
Shock and seismic resistance of reactor facility MSK-64 scale level, magnitude not less than 9 Ensured by ship structures Fire resistance Flame resistance VSN 01-67 1 Ensured by ship structures Transportation of electric power modules - - Shipment to the site of operation or disposal by sea Degree of automation - - No permanent watch in the UNPP underground premises Means of disposal: - spent nuclear fuel -radioactive waste -radioactive structures - Temporary storage in the underground premises Disposal in an underground premises Using technology of marine atomic power plants Processing at a special plant Storage in an isolated state Storage on a special ground Repair by units and modules Ensured by vending shipyard Size of the ground area Km2 about 1 Sanitation and protection zone is combined with a security zone Disposal of thermal waste % up to 80 Biotechnological complex is used Area occupied by electric power carriers (rides, supports) - minimal Post-project accident warranty expenses _ not applied Expenses for construction of a special adjacent settlement - do not exist Expenses for decommissioning of UNPP - about 1 % of construction expenses HIGH PROTECTED UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS