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Mastering Quadratic Equations: Algebra 1 Lesson 10-4

Explore solving quadratic equations with ± solutions, no solutions, and varying coefficients in Algebra 1 Lesson 10-4. Practice exercises include scenarios like adding/subtracting values and determining x/y-intercepts. The lesson covers equations with positive, negative, and zero discriminants, as well as real-world applications involving areas and lengths. Prepare for understanding vertex forms, factorizing, and interpreting the solutions. Enhance your algebraic skills and problem-solving abilities in this comprehensive lesson.

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Mastering Quadratic Equations: Algebra 1 Lesson 10-4

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  1. Solving Quadratic Equations ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 10-4 pages 531–534  Exercises 1. ±3 2. no solution 3. 0 7. no solution 8. 0 9. ±2 4. ±2 5. no solution 6. ±3 10-4

  2. Solving Quadratic Equations ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 10-4 30. ± 31. ± 2.8 32. ± 0.4 33. ± 3.5 34. 3.5 s 35. 121 36. a.n > 0 b.n = 0 c.n < 0 37. Answers may vary. Sample: Michael subtracted 25 from the left side of the equation but added 25 to the right side. 10. ± 7 11. ± 21 12. ± 15 13. 0 14. no solution 15. ± 16. ± 17. ± 2 18. ± 27 19.x2 = 256; 16 m 20.x2 = 90; 9.5 ft 21. r2 = 80; 5.0 cm 1 6 22.a. 6.0 in. b. The length of a radius cannot be negative. 23. none 24. two 25. one 26. 10.4 in. by 10.4 in. 27.a. 11.3 ft b. 16.0 ft c. No; the radius increases by about 1.4 times. 28. no solution 29. ± 5 2 1 4 3 7 10-4

  3. Solving Quadratic Equations ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 10-4 41. 6.3 ft 42. 11.0 cm 43.a. 0.2 m b. 2.5 s c. 3.0 s d. Shorten; as decreases, t decreases. 44.a. –7 b. (–7, 0) c. Answers may vary. Sample: h = 5, –5, (–5, 0) d. (4, 0); the vertex is at (–h, 0). 45. 28 cm 46. B 47. I 48. B 38.a. 2, –2; 2, –2 b. The first equation multiplied by 2 on both sides equals the second equation. 39.a. square: 4r2, circle: r2 b. 4r2 – r2 = 80 c. 9.7 in., 19.3 in. 40. Answers may vary. Sample: a. 5x2 + 10 = 0, no solution b. 2x2 + 0 = 0, x = 0 c. –20x2 + 80 = 0, x = ± 2 10-4

  4. xy –2 5 –1 –4 0 –7 1 –4 2 5 Solving Quadratic Equations ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 10-4 49.[2] x-intercepts 1.5, –1.5 [1] minor error in table OR incorrect graph 50.[4] a. 96 = 6s2 s2 = 16 s = 4, so side is 4 ft. b. 6(8)2 = 6 • 64 = 384, so surface area is 384 ft2. The surface area is quadrupled. [3] appropriate methods, but with one computational error [2] part (a) done correctly [1] no work shown 51. 3 52. –13 53. 40 54. 15 55. 0.2 10-4

  5. Solving Quadratic Equations ALGEBRA 1 LESSON 10-4 67. –8.12  100 68. 31,000 69. 701,000 70. 0.00062 56. –1.6 57. 58. 59. (x + 4)(x + 1) 60. (y – 13)(y – 2) 61. (a + 5)(a – 2) 62. (z – 12)(z + 6) 63. (c – 12d)(c – 2d) 64. (t + 2u)(t – u) 65. 3.6135  106 66. 3.48  10–5 5 8 7 9 10-4

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