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0.1. σ 54 -contact motif. E S E L FG YAP GAFTGA QRGGKP G L 285. A. vinelandii. σ 54 (function?). E S E L FG YAP GAFTGA QRGGKP G L 281. P. putida. E S E L FG YAP GAFTGA QRGGKP G L 290. P. aeruginosa. E S E L FG YAP GAFTGA QRGGKP G L 281. P. fluorescens. 738.

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  1. 0.1 σ54-contact motif ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 285 A. vinelandii σ54(function?) ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 281 P. putida ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 290 P. aeruginosa ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 281 P. fluorescens 738 ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 281 P. syringae σ54(function?) ESELFGYEKGsFTGAS-SSRDGL 295 C. tetani ESELFGYEEGsFTGATKGGKKGL 300 D. hafniense 838 ESELFGYERGAFTGgRREGKQGL 297 D. desulfuricans ESELFGYERGAFTGgRREGKPGL 297 D. vulgaris ETELFGYGPGAFeGARPEGKLGL 295 P. aeruginosa σ54PhhR EIELFGYEPGAFeGARVEGRLGL 295 P. syringae ESELFGYAPGAFTGAQRGGKPGL 295 P. fluorescens ETELFGYGPGAFeGARAEGKLGL 295 P. putida σ70TyrR EEELFGYVS-----qGKVIKRGF 288 S. oneidensis ESELFGHAP--------EGKKGF 286 S. flexneri σ70TyrR ESELFGHAP--------EGKKGF 286 E. coli ESELFGHAP--------EGKKGF 286 S. typhimurium 783 ESELFGHAP--------EGKKGF 286 C. braakii ESELFGHAAGAyp-nALEGKKGF 294 E. herbicola ESELFGHASGAyl-nAQEGKKGF 292 E. carotovora ESELFGYAAGAyp-nAIEGKKGF 293 P. luminescens 994 ESELFGYAAGAyp-nAIEGKKGF 293 Y. pestis ETELFGFSGGA---n-EVGKKGI 289 P. profundum ETELFGHAPGsF--nHQQGHKGI 291 V. cholerae ETELFGHAPGsF--nHEQGHKGI 291 V. parahaemolyticus ETELFGHAPGsF--nHQQGHKGI 291 V. vulnificus σ70TyrR ESEMFGHSG------QGKQNIGF 162 H. ducreyi 983 ESEMFGRKV------GDSETIGF 97 H. influenzae ESEMFGRRN------KFGEFIGF 95 H. actinomycetemcomitans ESEMFGRLD------KGIETTGF 92 H. sommus ESEMFGRRE------QDKEYVGF 96 P. multocida

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