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Unit 10. Extension Activities Alice Chiu. Main Menu. Activity One: Role Plays Activity Two: More about the Pattern “Inversion”. Picture sources: www.phantomoftheopera.com www.thephantomoftheopera.com. Activity One. Role Plays. Instruction.
Unit 10 Extension Activities Alice Chiu
Main Menu • Activity One: Role Plays • Activity Two: More about the Pattern “Inversion” Picture sources: www.phantomoftheopera.com www.thephantomoftheopera.com
Activity One Role Plays
Instruction • In this activity, you have the opportunities to play the roles in this famous musical: “The Phantom of the Opera.” • Listen to the narrator and then create your own lines according to the story you learned in the reading.
The Phantom and his Mother • After giving birth to a little baby, Tina didn’t feel happy at all. Looking at her ugly son, she said sadly, “_____.” Then she made a mask for him. When her son was 8 years old, she told him, “_____.” The little boy asked his mother, “_____?” The cold-hearted mother answered, “_____.” The little boy begged, “_____.” However, Tina had already made up her mind not to see him again. In the end, the boy left and hid himself in the basement of the Paris Opera all his life. He called himself, “_____.”
Christine and the Phantom • Every night before Christine went to bed, she heard a beautiful voice coming from a secret wall in her room. She asked herself, “_____?” Since the voice was too good to be true, she thought, “_____.” Then one night, the voice asked, “_____?” Christine said yes and she started to take lessons from the mysterious man. She sang better and better but no one knew the secret.
The Phantom and the Managers • In order to win Christina a better role in the shows, the Phantom ordered the managers in the opera house, “_____.” One of the managers ignored the order, saying, “_____.” The Phantom was not happy and warned them, “_____.” Indeed, a few days later, one worker and one woman were killed in “accidents.” The managers started to take the Phantom seriously, they told Christine, “_____.”
The Phantom and Raoul • Seeing Christine kidnapped by the Phantom, the brave young man, Raoul, followed them. He yelled at the Phantom, “_____.” The Phantom didn’t stop but went deeper and deeper into the underground. Then suddenly, he captured Raoul and kept him in the prison. He told Raoul, “_____.” He would never let Christine go with Raoul so he wanted him to die.
The Phantom, Christine and Raoul • In the Phantom’s house, Christine pulled off his mask suddenly. The Phantom was very angry and shouted, “_____.” But Christine was neither afraid nor shocked at all. Seeing the Phantom’s horrible face, she only felt sorry for him. She said to the poor creature, “_____.” Then slowly and gently, she kissed his face. The Phantom cried with joy and released Raoul, telling him, “_____.” Then he disappeared magically, and was never seen again.
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Activity Two More about the Pattern “Inversion”
Instruction ( 倒裝句) • In this activity, you are going to learn more about a sentence pattern called “Inversion.” • Followed the examples are some exercises that need you to apply the rules to change the sentences into the pattern “Inversion.”
地方副詞 + V + S / 地方副詞 + 代名詞 (S) + V 主詞補語 + V + S. 介副詞 + V + S / 介副詞 + 代名詞 (S) + V 否定字 + 助動詞 + S + V Only 片語 + 助動詞 + S + V Different kinds of Inversion
People never saw him again. 動詞 + 受詞 否定詞 助動詞 主詞 Never did people see him again. 否定字 + 助動詞 + S + V
He would harm no one only if Christine sang. Only 片語 助動詞 主詞 動詞 + 受詞 Only if Christine sang would he harm no one. Only 片語 + 助動詞 + S + V
Lucy are those who help others 主詞補語 + V + S Those who help others are lucky. 主詞補語 動詞 主詞
The Phantom lived on the island. 地方副詞 動詞 主詞 On the island lived the Phantom. 地方副詞 + V + S 地方副詞 + 代名詞 (S) + V (On the islandhelived.)
The Phantom ran away. 介副詞 動詞 主詞 Away ran the Phantom. 介副詞 + V + S (Away he ran.)
A strange, dark lake was underneath the Paris Opera House. Underneath the Paris Opera Housewasa strange, dark lake.
The Phantom of the Opera lived on the island in the middle of the lake. On the island in the middle of the lakelivedthe Phantom of the Opera.
A mask was on his face. On his facewasa mask.
An ugly face lay under the mask. Under the masklayan ugly face.
He had never been touched or kissed by others. Neverhadhebeentouchedorkissed by others.
People seldom saw his face. Seldomdidpeoplesee his face.
Those who had seen him never lived long. Neverdidthose who had seen himlive long.
The Phantom stood behind the thick, secret wall. Behind the thick, secret wallstoodthe Phantom.
He was happy only when Christine sang beautifully. Only when Christine sangbeautifullywashe happy.
A mysterious man came out of the darkness one day. Out of the darknesscamea mysterious man one day.
He took Christine away. Away hetook Christine.
Christine would never forget what had happened to her. NeverwouldChristineforget what had happened to her.
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