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How To Get Ahead Of The Pack! Short Listing Top Tips!

How To Get Ahead Of The Pack! Short Listing Top Tips!. Dr Ausami Abbas ST2 Southampton Scheme Wessex School of Radiology. 2010….. The Facts. 655 applications 35% F2 60% of All candidates interviewed 89% offered 2 interviews 181 ST1s appointed (27%)

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How To Get Ahead Of The Pack! Short Listing Top Tips!

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  1. How To Get Ahead Of The Pack!Short Listing Top Tips! Dr Ausami Abbas ST2 Southampton Scheme Wessex School of Radiology

  2. 2010….. The Facts • 655 applications • 35% F2 • 60% of All candidates interviewed • 89% offered 2 interviews • 181 ST1s appointed (27%) • 50% of those appointed direct from Foundation program

  3. Radiology is competitive • Run through training to CCT • Fewer ST1 posts (radiology and all specialties) • Specialty that is expanding • Applications from foundation and core training • Interview offers before other SpR/ST3 specialties • People who previously would have applied to Core surgical training are now applying to radiology

  4. If successfully applying to radiology is competitive • ….. Then you need to be competitive!!

  5. Be Honest:Which Group Do You Belong to? Amazing Average Awful Is it too late? Can I Improve My chances? Do I have time? How can I do it?

  6. Good News • Lots of easy points to gain • Need to be dedicated and organised • Need to be realistic with how you improve your application

  7. Short listing Points! • Commitment to radiology • Understanding of career/training in radiology • Audit • Research • Publication • Presentation • Teaching • Courses • Skills • Exams • Career progression

  8. Commitment to Radiology • Work shadow programme • Taster week • Attendence at “Wessex radiology career day” • Radiology themed audit • Elective in radiology • Radiology Bsc • Member of radiology societies (eg BIR, SRT) • Subscribe to a journal (eg BJR) • Attendence at radiology courses/meetings

  9. Audit • Radiology themed • Evidence of completing audit cycle • Presenting audit findings at local, regional or national meetings. • Understand difference between audit & research • Ask Current radiology trainees if there are any audits you can help with.

  10. Publications • Doesn’t have to be radiology themed • 1st Author (ideal) • Pubmed indexed journal • If you haven’t try -asking seniors if you can help them -Interesting cases -Classic cases -Audit results This can take a longtime and be time consuming!

  11. Presentations • Local / regional/ national /international • Posters or oral • Radiology meeting (ideal) • Interesting cases/ audit results • Ask seniors if you can help out with project • Ask Radiology trainees if you can help with a poster • Meetings : UKRC June SRT July Wessex BIR December 5th National BIR December

  12. Teaching • Evidence of delivering formal teaching • Regional vs local • Timetable • Feedback • Teaching the teachers course • Student tutor? • Radiology training day?

  13. Courses • ATLS/ALS • Basic surgical skills • US course • X-ray courses • BIR training days

  14. Skills • Evidence of hand eye coordination - Chest drains - Central lines - Ascitic drains - Lumbar puncture • Attendance/presenting at MDT • US experience

  15. Exams & Career progression • More is expected of Core then F2 applicants • Exams are more relevant to those at the end of Core training • Evidence of distinction or prizes • Evidence of achievement outside of medicine • Management experience

  16. Don’t Panic • Aim to get extra points • Work hard now • Focus on the achievable! • Commitment to radiology is KEY!!! • Have a back up plan

  17. Finally….. • Give yourself time to complete the form • Show it to trusted colleague • Get the grammar checked • There are lots of points available for the “150 word question” sections for the smart applicant • “STAR” technique Situation and Task, A: Action, R: Reflection.

  18. Questions?

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