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Blogs and Wikis

Blogs and Wikis. Instructional Technology Services of Central Ohio, Inc. December 11, 2008 SOITA Dayton, Ohio. Rachel Lacy rachel@itsco.org. Established over 30 years ago to provide Instructional Television Services to Ohio Schools

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Blogs and Wikis

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  1. Blogs and Wikis Instructional Technology Services of Central Ohio, Inc. December 11, 2008 SOITA Dayton, Ohio Rachel Lacy rachel@itsco.org

  2. Established over 30 years ago to provide Instructional Television Services to Ohio Schools • Eight Agencies serve the educational technology needs of over 1800 Public, JVS, Non-Public and Community Schools in Ohio Over 2.1 Million Students Served Over 150,000 Educators Served Over 155,000 hours of Professional Development delivered to educators in 2007/2008 Ohio’s Ed Tech Agencies

  3. Instructional television programming and delivery • Teacher guides and supplemental resources for use with instructional media • Distribution of licensed instructional videos • online learning resources • Digital resources including video streaming • Professional development and training programs • Face-to-Face Workshops (WOSU@COSi, Mount Vernon and New Boston labs!) offered directly to educators, • On-site professional development for districts • Distance Learning, Webinars and Online Classes Our Services

  4. What is Web 2.0? I Didn’t know there was a web 1.0….

  5. The Read/Write Web…..

  6. Collaboration in the Classroom: Working Together=Working Smarter

  7. The Interactive Web The Social Web

  8. What is a Wiki? What is it? • Free online writing space • Allows multiple authors to add, update, edit • The process is the product Ideas? • Group projects • Manage school and class documents • Use as a presentation tool

  9. A slideshow from PB Wiki

  10. Make a free wiki as easily as a Peanut butter sandwich.

  11. A wiki is an easy-to-use free web page that multiple people can edit.

  12. Wiki means Quick in Hawaiian

  13. In the classroom, a wiki is a free tool that empowers every student to participate in group projects.

  14. James has assigned a team research project.What can he do to encourage the students to work together, share resources and create high quality work?

  15. Three great ways to communicate with students Wiki Blog Forum CreatePublishCommentConversePost IdeasRespondShareEditCollaborateEngage WritePublish Comment Converse Post ideas Respond

  16. “It's so easy to create a site to help guide students along with projects. I have found that it's a good way to make handouts available to students - I just point them at the web address. I post links to my PBwiki sites on Rockford's site so that parents can access project guidelines as well.” Justin Wylie Rockford High School

  17. Mary wants to be sure her students are is protected from the wider internet. How can she make certain her online site is off limits to child predators? How can she be sure that her students won’t be drawn onto the web?

  18. YOU control who sees your wiki You set the password. You choose who participates.

  19. Educator wikis are free and never displayadvertisements NO ADS

  20. Jamie wants to make certain her students act appropriately on line. Will her students write offensive comments? How can she monitor her students activity?

  21. You have a history of every edit You are notified of every change

  22. No more “dog ate my homework” Edits are time stamped. You know who made changes and when they were made.

  23. Wikis are Free and Easy to set up No IT department is needed!

  24. Simply create a password and begin

  25. Set it up and it works just like typing in Microsoft Word

  26. Just like creating a Word document Just click and begin Easily insert Images and Video

  27. Post a picture or a video in three easy steps Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 – You’re Done!!!

  28. Teachers can make coursework and homework information easily available to both students and parents. With easy to use plugins you can create a calendar.

  29. Quickly create new pages Templates designed with teachers in mind Unlimited pages for free educator wikis!

  30. For more ideas check out the PBwiki educator page. You can find tips, suggestions, templates and a community of fellow teacher users. http://educators.pbwiki.com

  31. Join the more than 135,000 teachers who have used PBwikis for their classrooms, from elementary schools to Stanford and Harvard. http://epochewiki.pbwiki.com http://mrlindsay.pbwiki.com http://missb.pbwiki.com http://cas100b.pbwiki.com

  32. Educator wikis are free, fast and ready to use.Create one now atwww.pbwiki.com

  33. A Wiki Movie http://www.commoncraft.com/video-wikis-plain-english

  34. Great Wiki Examples and Integration Ideas http://www.diigo.com/dashboard/simonra Examples: • Holocaust Page • 5th Grade Book Study Wiki • Collaborative Novel AvonMagnolia Wiki

  35. What is a blog? What is it? • Short for ‘weblog’ • “Empty book” • Commenting feature Examples: • Columbus Academy PD blog • AP Calculus • 6th Grade Homework blog

  36. Blogs in theClassroom • Access torelevantmaterials • Communicationwithabsentstudents • Increasedparentinvolvement • Continue discussions outside classroom • Q&A with guest speakers • Post prompts for writing • Publish examples of good student writing

  37. Advantages of Using a Blog • Instant publishing • Free or little cost • Comment features • Work for any subject • Give everyone a voice • Promote ownership of work • Reflection on process • Comments incite excitement

  38. Questions? Let’s build a blog and wiki

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