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This is an instruction how to use the new EKV- timesheet .

This is an instruction how to use the new EKV- timesheet . Your new time sheet will look like this. Enter the number of the month This will update the timesheet with the right dates.

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This is an instruction how to use the new EKV- timesheet .

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  1. This is an instructionhowtouse the new EKV-timesheet.

  2. Your new timesheetwill look like this

  3. Enter the numberof the month Thiswillupdate the timesheetwith the right dates.

  4. Click on ”Update Project list”. The latestproject list canalways be found on the Timesheet FAQ page on explore-polygenerationswebsite. If youhaveworked on the same project as last month and therehavebeen no changes in projectnumber or projectleader, there is no needtoupdate the project list.

  5. It is importanttoenterbothone’sfirst and last name

  6. The actualspreadsheet for hoursdifferslittle from the old one, withtwoexceptions: • Typeofproject • Typeoftime (importantwhenworkedhoursextendpast the regular 40 per week.) • Saving the time-sheet is done by clicking on the icon. • Youcansign the time-sheet by clicking on the icon the thebottomleft corner. • Youdon’tneedtodownload a new timesheeteachmonth- Just update the project list.

  7. Typeofproject (research, teachingabsence)

  8. When the projectnumber is entered the fieldwith the projecttitle is updatedautomatically.

  9. Förberedelsetid = Preparation time Handledning = Advising (of /PhD/MSc/students) Kursutveckling = Course development Mertid = Additionaltime Salstid = Classroomtime Övrigt tid = Othertime Select the typeoftime (importanttoindicatewhen ”non-paid” time has beenspent on a project. This is indicated by selectingMertid

  10. Enter the numberofhoursworked on the project

  11. In the far right columnsthere is a summeryof the hoursworked, and howmuchof the persons total timethat has beenspent, on eachproject.

  12. If youwanttokeeptrackofyouraccumulatedhours over the year, the last threecolumnscan be used for this. Click in the red and gray box at the end of the month and all the hourswill be added. This is only for yourown personal use.

  13. By cklicking on the button at the bottomof the spreadsheet… …the date and signaturewillappear!

  14. Don’tbotherwiththisbutton It will ask for a password. Saves the timesheet under a correctname. Pleasedon’tpress ctrl + S, please.

  15. And why do we do this? Everything is automaticallyupdated in thisspreadsheetthat imports all the timesheets. I like to call it the ”mother-shipof all spreadsheets”.

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