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Welcome to Moore West Junior High!. On a sheet of paper, answer the following questions. 1 . What are you most looking forward to this year? Why? 2. What is something you are really nervous about? Why? 3. What questions do you have about your new school?. Introductions Course Descriptions
Welcome to Moore West Junior High! On a sheet of paper, answer the following questions. 1. What are you most looking forward to this year? Why? 2. What is something you are really nervous about? Why? 3. What questions do you have about your new school?
Introductions • Course Descriptions • Required Materials • Class Policies / Expectations • Icebreakers / Get to know classmates • Group work procedures • Everyday procedures What to Expect
“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” - - George Washington Carver
Once a Tiger (East Central University Tiger) always a Tiger (Moore West Junior High) • Very active: track, cross country, hiking, tennis . . . • Captain in the Army Reserves (13 years) • Loves to travel: Hawaii, Jamaica, Mexico, Cayman Islands, Canada, most of the U.S. continental states, Italy, France, Spain, and Croatia • Married, no kids, a ten-year-old brother Instructor Information
Imagine that you could have a conversation with the characters and with the writers of the stories you read. Good readers do this—they interact with the text. Each school day, you will receive two hours of language-arts instruction. These courses will not only help you become confident and interactive readers, but they will also help you understand the power of effective communication. Course Description
First Period : 7:45 – 8:33 • Second Period: 8:38 – 9:26 • Third Period: 9:31 – 10:19 • Fourth Period: 10:24 – 11:12 • Lunch: 11:12 – 11:37 • Fifth Period: 11:42 – 12:40 • Sixth Period: 12:35 – 1:23 • Seventh Period: 1:28 – 2:16 Daily Schedule
MWJH Agenda • 1-inch binder • Four dividers • Wide-ruled notebook paper • 3 Composition books • 1 pocket folder Required Supplies
First hour – Kleenex (2 boxes) • Second hour – 2 pkgs. of highlighters (yellow or green) • Fourth hour – Blue or black pens (1 pkg.) • Fifth hour - 2 pkgs. of highlighters (blue, pink, or purple) • Sixth hour – Blue or black pens (1 pkg.) • Seventh hour - Blue or black pens (1 pkg.) Supplies to Share
First offense: Warning • Second offense: One-on-one discussion / Plan of Action • Third offense: Lunch Detention • Fourth offense: ASD, Parent Contact • Fifth offense: Office Referral Discipline
First tardy – Warning • Second tardy – Warning, reminder of future steps • Third tardy – Lunch detention • Fourth tardy – ASD, Parent contact • Fifth tardy – Office Referral (and beyond) Tardy Policy
Respect • Responsibility • Effort • Courtesy • Reason Expectations
Before class: Use the restroom; gather class materials • Beginning class : Sit down; silently begin bell work • Instructor’s attention: raise your hand • Ending class: Wait for teacher dismissal; clear your area • Absences: Take responsibility; check the basket; talk with the teacher Class Procedures
Copying someone else’s words or ideas and presenting them as your own • Plagiarized will receive no credit Plagiarism
Late work = worked turned in after the due date • Receives no credit • Weekly extra-credit opportunities Late Work
Now it's your turn. Write a "Top Ten Things Mr. Miller Needs to Know About Me". Include anything that might be important for me to know. See below for a list of ideas. • Strengths in Language Arts • Weaknesses in Language Arts • Pet Peeves • Important life changes you're going through • Things that help you succeed • Things that don't help you succeed • Things you know you do well • Things you know you need to work on
Bell work: Use the example biographical acrostic poem to create a similar poem for your last name. After you finish, do the same for your first name. Marathon runner Intrinsically motivated Lifelong learner Loves vacation Energetic Really excited about this school year
M&M Community Builder • Using your piece of candy, match the color of your M&M with a question. • Yellow: What is your favorite childhood memory? • Green: Name your favorite movie or TV show • Brown: If you could live anywhere, where would it be? • Orange: How many family members do you have? • Blue: Who is your "TRUE BLUE" hero or best friend? • Red: What is your greatest passion, hobby, or interest?
Classroom Expectation Questions: • 1. What should students in our class be doing to make sure out class runs as smooth as possible? • 2. What do you hope to learn this year in Language Arts? • 3. What will you need to do in order to be successful this year? • 4. What will Mr. Miller Miss Grissom need to do to help you this year? • 5. Our classroom should be ____________ every day. • 6. School is important because _______________.
Reading Bell Work: In your own words, describe what “respect” means to you. Then, define “disrespect” and provide examples of actions that are respectful and those that are disrespectful.
English BW: Create your own “I Have a Dream Poem.” • Ihave a dream that there will be no more violence in schools. • Hallways will be cleared of danger. • And students will follow all of the rules. • Violence will no longer be acceptable in any form. • Every student will feel safe. • All teachers will respect the students, and all students will respect their teachers. • Disrespect and drugs will stay out of the class. • Respect and love will stay in the class. • Each student will have a mentor to talk to when things get rough. • And nobody will say no to their dreams. • My dream is for school to be safe for us all.