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proverbs. Don’t make a martyr sigh , you’ll pay for it by and by . It means ; Alma mazlumun ahını , çıkar aheste aheste. A young trooper should have an old house . It means ; At at oluncaya kadar sahibi mat olur.
Don’tmake a martyrsigh, you’ll pay for it by and by. • Itmeans; • Alma mazlumun ahını, çıkar aheste aheste.
A youngtroopershouldhave an oldhouse. Itmeans; • At at oluncaya kadar sahibi mat olur. • I themistress and youtheyounglady, who’llsweepthehouse? Itmeans; • Sen ağa ben ağa bu ineği kim sağa.
SOME GENERAL RULES Modalverbs, • can not be used with “to” - He can do this. • can not be used with “-s” after he/she/it in presentsimple tense,but there is an exception in “have to/has to”. - He mustgonow.(musts) I have to do it rightnow. He has to • in questions, negativesentences and shortanswersthey can not be used with auxiliaryverbs , such as do, but exceptforhave to. -Canyoudrive? (do you can drive?) -Doyouhave togonow?
They can be used with progressive, perfect and passiveinfinitiveforms. He might be sleeping. (progressive ) He shouldhaveleftbynow.(perfect) The car ought to be fixed.(passsiveinfinitive) • After modalsmainverbs can not be used with “-s“ in presentsimple tense. Sheshouldstudyhard.(sheshouldstudies hard)
ABILITY 1)BE ABLE TO + INFINITIVE is used when talkingaboutability to do something. Unable to + infinitivehas negativemeaning. Forms of ABLE TO: had beenable to have/has beenable to was/wereable to am/is/areable to will/may/might be able to • I oversleptyesterday and missedthebus, but I wasable to getto work on time bytaxi. NOTE:Be able to can be used with someother model verbs(should be able to do sth, musthavebeenable to do sth,etc…) • Top US General in Iraqsaystheirtroopsmight be ableto start cominghomenextspring.
2)CAN + VERB refers to an ability in present and future tense • Icanoperateallkinds of personel computer hardware. • When I taketheseskillscourses, I caneasilyfinda job in thefuture.
3)When it refers to “a talent” , can becomes COULD or WAS/WERE ABLE TO in past tense.But theseformsaren’talwaysinterchangeable. • was/wereable to has themeaning of “manage to”. • Theplanewasable to takeoff when therunwaywascompletelycleared. • Could is used with feelingverbssuch as see, hear, feel, smell, taste. • Icouldsmellsomethingburning in thekitchen.
BUT, Couldn’t and wasn’t/weren’t able to are interchangeable. • We weren’t able to/couldn’t make a phone call right after the earthquake.
advısabılty 1)We can use either SHOULD/OUGHT TO, or HAD BETTER to talk about obligations and recommendations. However in general should is used more frequently. We use should not ought to while giving advise with I . • Youshould/ought to finish your homework before you go out. • I should leave early tomorrow, if I were you. We use had better if we want to express particular urgency and in demands and threats. • There’s someone moving about downstairs.Wehad better call the police,quickly.
2)NEGATIVE FORMS SHOULDN’T,OUGHT NOT TO,HAD BETTER NOT • Youshouldn’tgooutaloneafterdark. • Youought not totreathimsounkindly. • He had better not workso hard, orhe’llmakehimselfill. Wemust be carefulaboutshouldn’t, needn’t, and don’thave to. • Youshouldn’tdrivefast.That’s a great risk. • Youneedn’t/don’thave to drivefast.Wehaveplenty of time.
Must is strongerthanshould. • He shouldworkharder in orderto be successful. • He must work harder, or he’ll fail. 3)Future, progressive, past and pastprogressiveforms of should: • Youshould be doingyourhomeworknow. • Weshouldhavea meetingnextweek. • Youshouldhavebeendoingyourhomework. • Weshouldhave had a meetinglastweek.
Shouldhave done andought to have done can referthings to do not only in past tense but also in future tense. I shouldhave done thecleaningbythe time mymotherarriveshome. Weshouldhavecheckedeverysingledetailbeforewehand in ourprojectnextweek.
EXPECTATION 1)Either BE TO or BE SUPPOSED TO is used when talkingaboutformalplansorprograms. • The train is to arrive here in an hour. • The train is supposed to arrive here in an hour. 2)Was/were toorwaswere/supposed to is used when somethingwasexpected to be done in thepast. • I was supposed to go to work early yesterday,but I overslept, so my boss got angry with me.(result: I went to work late.)
3)Be supposedtois usedwhenthere is an externalnecessity, but should can also be used in internalnecessity. • I am supposed to go home before it gets dark. My mother is worried if I’m late. • I should go home before it gets dark. It is not very safe in our neighbourhood at that time and I feel afraid.
Be supposed to is alsoused when talking aboutthecontradictionbetweensomethingthat is/wasexpected and thesituation in real. Thiscountryis supposed to be a democracy. Catsaresupposed to be afraid of dogs,but oursisn’t.
EXERCISES (can,be able to,should,be supposed to in correctforms) 1)We had beenwarnedthatourflightmight be delayedthismorning, but the pilot ………(takeoff ) despiteheavyfog. (wasable to takeoff) 2)Gary ………(buy) a computerwithoutfirstconsulting an expertbecausethe model he bought is virtuallyobsolete. (shouldn’thavebought) 3)The film…….(start) at 11.30. (is supposed to start)
4)We ……..(tell) her thebadnews, orshe’llgetdepressed. (shouldn’ttell) 5)Therearen’tmany people who ………(speak) two languages as fluently as him. (can speak)
Possıbılıtyanddeduction 1)CAN is used in theoreticalpossibilitieslikenaturaloccurences. -Toomuch sun can be dangerous to yourhealth. -Antalya can be very hot in July. 2)Can is alsoused to indicatethatthere is a realpossibility of a futureevent. -Wecan goto İzmir because I don’thave to work.
3)COULD isn’tonlythepast form of can,it is used a)As a polite form of can; • Whenyouare in İstanbul youcouldgoandseeJane. b)Lesslikely form of can; • Wecouldgotothefunfairstomorrowifyouwant. c)Inindirectspeech; • I askedifyoucouldhelpme. d)Instead of “would be ableto”; • Youcouldgeta betterjobifyouspoke a foreignlanguage.
4)We can use MAY, MIGHT or COULD when talkingaboutpossibilities in thefuture. A:Where is Jack? B:He may/might/could be in his room. However, MAY is moreformal and isn’tused in questionsinsteadwepreferbelikely. -Areyoulikely to be in Spainagainthissummer? (May you be in Spain…?) but, is used in formallyaskingforpermission and offeringhelp. -May I helpyou? 5)Weshouldprefer MUST in strongpossibilities. -As shegoesskiingeveryotherweekend, shemustrealylike it.
6)CAN’T/MAY/MIGHT/COULD/MUST BE+Ving referpossibility in presentprogressive tense. • Theycan’t be goingin the car, fortheyhaven’t got thekey.( strongpossibility) • A:Where’s Jayne? B:I don’tknow, but shemight be studyingin thelibrary.(weakpossibility) • He’sgoing to taketheuniversityexamthis year, so he must be studyinghard.(strongpossibility)
7)CAN’T HAVE V3strongpossibility • Lindacan’thaveseentheproffesoryesterday as he has beenattending a seminarabroadforthelast ten days. 8)MAY/MIGHT HAVE V3 is used in possibleevents in thepast, present, andfuture; • Do youthink Jean may/mighthavecompletedthereportbynow?(past) • His mathmay/mighthaveimprovedbythe time theexamcomesround.(future) • Malcolmisn’t in his office. He may/might be working at hometoday.(present)
9)COULD HAVE V3 • Youwerestupidtotryclimbingupthere. Youcouldhavekilledyourself. 10)MUST HAVE V3 refertostrongpossibility in thepast. • Theonlypersonseenleavingthehouserightaftertheshotwasthevictim’sbusiness partner. So, he musthavecommitedthecrime.
11)CAN’T/MAY/MIGHT/COULD/MUST HAVE BEEN V3areused in progressiveactions. • One of thethingsthatbotheredmewasthethought of mybrothermay/might/couldhavebeenworkingon themorning of September 11th . 12)Either COULD or MIGHT can be usedtocriticizepeoplefor not doingsomething. • Youcould askbeforeyouborrowmy car. 13)SHOULD HAVE V3 • Youshouldhaveapologizedtoyourmother • Youshouldn’thavecalledhimfool.
necessıty 1)We can use MUST when there is an internalobligationwhereasweuse HAVE TO in externalobligations. • I have a badcough; therefore, I mustquitsmoking at once. • Alltheemployeeshave to weara uniform in thishotel. 2)NEED • This is theonly form youneedfillin. • Youneedn’tfillin a form. 3)HAD TO is used as past form of bothmust and have to. • Wehad to leaveearly to catchtheplane in time.
Lack of necessıty 4)NEEDN’T HAVE V3 DIDN’T NEED TO I needn’thaveworriedaboutgetting to theairportbecausemyflightwasdelayed an houranyway. I didn’thave to worryaboutgetting to theairportlatebecause I had alreadylearntthatmyflightwasdelayed an hour.
prohıbıtıon 1)CAN’T/MUSN’T/MAY NOT areusedwhentalkingaboutthingssomethingthatwearesupposed not to do, but can’tandmusn’tarestrongerthanmay not. • Studentsmaynot usethestaffcomputerlab. • Don’tyouseethe no parkingsign? Youcan’t/musn’t park here. Be carefulaboutDON’T HAVE TO doesn’treferto a prohibition as doesmusn’t;on thecontrary,it is usedto say thatthereisn’tanyprohibition of doingsomething. • Youdon’thavetobringyourdictionary;I’llgiveyouone.
2)Weusewasn’t/weren’tallowedtowhentalkingaboutprohibition in thepast. • Wevisited Topkapı Palaceyesterday, but weweren’tallowedtoenterthe Harem section. 3)WeuseMAYandMIGHTwhentalkingaboutpermission; howevermight is strongerthanmay. • May I turntheradio on? • I wonderif I mighthave a littlemorecake. May andmightrefertopossibility,but they can be usedwhentalkingaboutrealthingsorevents. • Youmaybe myteacher, but thatdoesn’tmeanyou can insultme.
EXERCISE (must,have to, didn’tneed to,needn’thave V3) 1)Itwon’t be a formaloccasion. You ……….(wear) anythingspecial. (don’thave to) 2)You ……(open) thecamera when there is film in it; otherwise, you’lldestroyallthephotographsthatyouhavetaken. (mustn’topen) 3)He didn’tseemverysurprised when wetoldhimthenews. Someone else………(tell) him. (musthavetold)
4)Ohh, look! It is just started raining. You ……(water) thegarden, afterall. (needn’thavewatered) 5)I wasjustabout to waterthegarden when it started raining, so in theend, I……..(water) thegardenafterall. (didn’tneed to water)
Politeoffers&requests 1)Ifwewant to do somethingweuse; • Can I..? • Could I..? • May I..? • Do youmindif I+presentsimple..? • Wouldyoumindif I+pastsimple..? • Can/could/may/do youmindifI visityou in youroffice at fivetomorrow? • WouldyoumindifIvisitedyou in youroffice at fivetomorrow?
2)When wewantsomebody to do somethingweuse; • Willyou..? • Can you..? • Couldyou ..? • Wouldyou..? • Wouldyoulikeinf-to..? • Do youmind +Ving ..? • Wouldyoumind+Ving ..?
Whenweanswer“Do youmind” or“Wouldyoumind”question, • ifwe say “no”wemeanweletsomebody do something. • ifwe say “yes” wemeanwedon’tletsomebody do sth. A:Do youmindif I openthewindow? B:Yes. (Don’topen.)
Makıngsuggestıon Let’s + V1 … Whydon’twe/Shallwe/Wouldyouliketo +V1 ? How/whatabout +Ving …? • Let’seatouttonight. Wehaven’tbeento a fishrestaurantrecently. • Whydon’twe/Shallwe/Wouldyouliketo eatouttonight? Wehaven’tbeento a fishrestaurantrecently. • How/whatabouteatingouttonight? Wehaven’tbeento a fishrestaurantrecently.
ACTIVITY What he shouldorshouldn’thave done?
SITUATION 1: John took his medicine, which is labelledthreetimes a daywithmeals, but he took it withouteatingandnow he he is feelingdizzy. What he shouldorshouldn’thave done?
SITUATION 2: John held a partywithsomefriends of him on Fridayevening, when his parentswereawayfromhome. He madetoomuchnoise, so his neighbourscomplainedto his parentswhentheyback. What he shouldorshouldn’thave done?