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WATER. w ater from different aspects. Swimming and Famous Swimmers :. Swimming wasn’t included in the ancient Olympic Games but Greeks practiced the sport with high regard . Plato considered a man who didn’t swim uneducated . Julius Caesar was a great swimmer .
WATER water from different aspects
Swimming andFamousSwimmers: Swimming wasn’tincluded in theancientOlympicGames but Greekspracticedthesportwithhighregard. Plato considered a manwhodidn’tswimuneducated. Julius Caesarwas a greatswimmer.
CaptainMatthewWebbwasthefirstmantoswimtheEnglishChannel in 1875.(thiswasthechallenge of thosedays)
Gertrude Ederle wasthefirstwoman toswimtheEnglishChannel in 1926.
JohnnyWeissmullerwasanotherfamouschampionswimmer of thosetimeswholaterbecamethefirst “Tarzan” of Hollywood.
On thecoasts of Crotia, you can seetheworld’slargest organ. It’splayedbyairmovedthroughfinely-tunedpipesbytheseaitself.Thereare 35 concretepipesthatcreate a varietyof sounds.
TheSpiral Jetty is a projectby Robert Smithsonthatwasconstructed in the 1970s in America. Excludingthe spiral,it has a length of 1500feet(approx. 457m) and is wideenoughfortwovehiclestopassalong it. • Justafter it wascreated, it wasentirelysubmergedduetorisingwaterlevelsandremainedunderwaterfordecades. Only in 2004, it resurfacedduringdroughtconditions.
Mexican artist Jason de Cairescreatesmanyunderwatersculpturesandnow his 65 piecesare at Grenada. Thisplace is knownto be thewolrd’slargestandfirstunderwatersculpture park.
Theworksarecloseenoughtothesurfacethatyou can seethembysnorkels.
Thisphoto is byArnaudCohenandwas a part of an art expositioncalled “L’art ... En EauxTroubles’ (Art in TroubledWaters) in Paris in 2008. Thisexpositiontookplace at theSchoolGallery. Allthe idea startedwiththearguements in IndiaaboutCocaColausing 9litres of watertoproduceone litre of Coke.
Themostexpensivebottledwater is “Bling h2O” . It is $40-60 for a 750ml bottle. Thewater is bottled in Tennessee, probablytheleastnotablequality of themostexpensivebottledwater. On thebottle, you can seehand-appliedSwarovskicrystals.
Theworld’smostexpensivebottle of water is trulyunique. It’sdesignedbyFernandoAltamirano. It’s 24K gold-coatedandbased on theworks of ItalianpainterandsculptorModigliani. ItholdswaterfromFrance, The Fiji IslandsandsomeglasierwaterfromIceland. I t wentupforauction in March,2010 andsoldfor $60.000 for a 1.25ml bottle.
SomeFamousMoviesabout/in WaterandtheOcean:*Sphere *Jaws*TheAbyss *FindingNemo (animated)*Waterworld *TheLittleMermaid (animated)*Titanic *Atlantis (LucBesson’s)*DeepBlue
Leonardo da Vinci andWater: Leonardo describedwater as “thevehicle of nature”, believingwaterto be totheworldwhatblood is toourbodies but he alsodeveloped a hugefear of water in time maybebecause he witnessedgreatstorms, floodsandArnoriver’sburstingitsbankstwice. Perhaps as a result of theseevents, he studiedwaterjusttolearnhowtocontrol it. He devoted a lot of energytodevelopwaysordevicestocontrolandmovewateraroundland.
Forhim, waterwasfull of paradox: • "Water is sometimessharpandsometimesstrong, sometimesacidandsometimes bitter, sometimessweetandsometimesthickorthin, sometimes it is seenbringing hurt orpestilence, sometimehealth-giving, sometimespoisonous. Itsufferschangeinto as manynatures as arethedifferentplacesthroughwhich it passes. And as themirrorchangeswiththecolour of itssubject, so it alterswiththenature of theplace, becomingnoisome, laxative, astringent, sulfurous, salty, incarnadined, mournful, raging, angry, red, yellow, green, black, blue, greasy, fatorslim. Sometimes it starts a conflagration, sometimes it extinguishesone; is warmand is cold, carriesawayorsetsdown, hollowsoutorbuildsup, tearsorestablishes, fillsorempties, raisesitselforburrowsdown, speedsor is still; is thecause at times of life ordeath, orincreaseorprivation, nourishes at timesand at othersdoesthecontrary; at times has a tang, at times is withoutsavor, sometimessubmergingthevalleyswithgreatfloods. In time andwithwater, everythingchanges"