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101 Tips To Heal a ‘Broken Heart’

101 Tips To Heal a ‘Broken Heart’. www.itakeoffthemask.com. When Your Heart Is Broken. What steps could you take to help heal a broken heart? What tips could lift you up even for a moment, enough to hang on until time heals all wounds and erases all pain?

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101 Tips To Heal a ‘Broken Heart’

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  1. 101 Tips To Heal a ‘Broken Heart’ www.itakeoffthemask.com

  2. When Your Heart Is Broken What steps could you take to help heal a broken heart? What tips could lift you up even for a moment, enough to hang on until time heals all wounds and erases all pain? With a bit of humor, following are 101 Tips To Help Heal a Broken Heart. Be blessed! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  3. Cry you heart out. Get a bag of tissue rolls and let your tears speak the pain that no one else could fully understand. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  4. Call a trusted friend and confide to her your hurts. Cry again. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  5. Rest for a while. Don’t let your tears dry out, it would be difficult later on if you run out of tears to release the heaviness you feel in your heart. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  6. Call you mother, let her know how you’re planning to take vengeance with your ex! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  7. Eat chocolate. Whoever said that life can’t be bittersweet? FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  8. Even if you don’t feel like it, go to the gym and hit that treadmill! Release all your pent up energies and you’ll feel better. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  9. Have some more sleep, and cuddle a cute teddy bear (the one your boyfriend did not give you!). FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  10. Set your alarm clock to avoid oversleeping. Use three clocks if you must so you won’t cheat by turning it off and just going back to sleep. Put two clocks beyond your reach so you’d really need to get up to turn it off. (Don’t take sleeping pills!) FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  11. Search your all DVD files and watch every comedy film you can find. I know, you’re almost sure you won’t laugh anyway, but just do this for the sake of doing something for now. Give Mr. Bean a chance okay? FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  12. 10. Search your Dvds again. This time, look for tragic and war movies, films like “The Pianist” or “Schindler’s List”. You might feel a bit thankful after watching the terrible troubles people went through during those times. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  13. 11. Call another friend. Tell her to keep watch and just call you once in a while. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  14. 12. Search for pictures of your ex. Now you know what to do. Tear them into pieces! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  15. Look for couples watching a lovely sunset. Then have the guts to tell one of them it ain’t gonna last! (Okay now, let’s be nice and just say that from our minds.) FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  16. Listen to sad stories of broken marriages. Be thankful you weren’t married to a good-for-nothing man (woman)! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  17. Search the internet for pictures of starving children in Africa or other parts of the world. Donate some money and maybe you’d feel a little better. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  18. 16. Eat your favorite cake! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  19. 17. Treat yourself to your favorite SPA. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  20. Have your hair fixed and wear a new hairstyle. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  21. Go to a place where you can pay a fee for throwing out plates and breaking them to pieces! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  22. 20. Buy rock music CDs and let them lull you to sleep. Or better yet, find a new apartment with annoying neighbors so you’d have reason to stay out late in the night when you can’t sleep. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  23. 21. Go shopping, buy those clothes you’ve always wanted to have. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  24. 22. Treat your friends to fine dining. They would feel a lot better, too! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  25. 23. Buy a pet. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  26. 24. Buy seeds and start some gardening. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  27. 25. Learn some photoshop and see how your ex would look like in 50 years! Yes I know, it’s disgusting. Of course you don’t need to photoshop your own picture, you’d stay younger now that he’s gone out of your life. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  28. 26. Watch a boring opera concert. You may not have fun, but atleast you’d fall asleep...zzzZ...zzZ... FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  29. 27. Burn your previous love letters. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  30. 28. Burn your memorabilia items. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  31. 29. Attend parties with cute guys. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  32. 30. Find yourself a new crush! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  33. 31. Surround yourself with children and play with them. Be like a carefree child again. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  34. 32. Go to the park and help the ice cream man sell his stuff to kids. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  35. 33. Go to the home for the elderly. Let them talk to you what life is all about. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  36. 34. Read the lives of saints. See how happy they were even though they’re single. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  37. 35. Volunteer for charitable work. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  38. 36. Search your closet and mend your clothes. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  39. 37. Enroll in a cooking lesson and learn a new delicious dish! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  40. 38. Dance! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  41. 39. Write a letter to yourself. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  42. 40. Watch a sunrise. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  43. 41. Dance in the rain, just don’t overdo it or you might catch a cold. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  44. 42. Pray... FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  45. 43. Ask others to pray for you. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  46. 44. Look in the mirror and see how beautiful you really are. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  47. 45. Walk in the sand. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  48. 46. Run like children do. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  49. 47. Buy a punching bag, paste your ex’s picture there and keep on punching! FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

  50. 48. Get a sideline and keep yourself busy. FREE ‘7 Days of Healing’ & more inspiration at itakeoffthemask.com

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