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Burbot. Burbot are mostly found at the bottom of lakes and rivers, where they are one of the top predators. Their diet can change seasonally. Some of these include: Whitefish Juvenile salmon Stickleback Perch Young fish eat mostly aquatic insects
Burbot • Burbot are mostly found at the bottom of lakes and rivers, where they are one of the top predators. Their diet can change seasonally. • Some of these include: • Whitefish • Juvenile salmon • Stickleback • Perch • Young fish eat mostly aquatic insects • such as small crayfish and mayfly larvae. Burbot(Lota lota) Lotalota Spawning usually occurs once a year in the wintertime for Burbot. When spawning, a “globular mass” is formed and both male and female move into each other while releasing eggs and sperm. They are known as “broadcast” spawners and do not parent their young. Females lay their eggs in shallow water, which usually hatch in about 30 days. Young grow fairly quick in four years, mostly feeding on invertebrates. A Burbot is also known as the Lota lota fish. It is an endangered fish that lives in the Ohio State Watershed. Burbot have long bodies with a rounded tail. It has a flat head with a long snout. Their skin color varies, but is usually an olive color with a brown or black patterning on their backs; bellies are usually yellowish-brown. The lifespan of a Burbot is about 10-20 years, depending on the location. • Fish are able to breathe through their gills, located on the sides on their head. Blood enters and leaves blood vessels in the gills. Water enters the mouth and passes over the vessels, while the oxygen is absorbed through the vessels. The oxygen is then transported through the blood and circulatory system. Burbot reach up to 46 inches in size, but can get bigger. It’s body is know as cylindrical, meaning it has a cylinder like body. Its dorsal fin and anal fin are longer– almost similar in length. Burbot have a mucus covering to keep them protected from other predators. They have barbels (whisker-like tubes), on their chins and nostrils. These are used for taste buds and also to search for food. A fish moves by the flexing it’s muscles and moving its fins back and forth to navigate and move through the water. • Burbot are found in the Ohio Wartershed of Pennsylvania
They hunt at night and hides during the day • It ways 9.25 pounds • Rounded tail • They are a sport fish, people also eat them • The eel can be found in the Ohio, Potomac, Susquehanna and Delaware river basins • Their eggs hatch in 9 to 10 weeks • Has a long nose • Swims with just it’s tail because it’s body is long and slender and has no bones or feet • They can be found in the rivers and bodies of water throughout the east coast and Bermuda region of the Atlantic Ocean • They spawn in salt water • They are nocturnal American EelAnguilla rostrata
muskellunge EsoxMasquinongy The muskellunge (EsoxMasquinongy) has a long, wide snout with many teeth designed to hold prey. It has large eyes which are high and forward on the head. It has an elongate body and the dorsal and anal fins are located further back on the body, providing a large amount of fin surface allowing the fish to propel its self forward quickly. The muskellunge spawn from the middle of April to late may in shallow bays with rock bottoms full of vegetation. It takes two weeks for the eggs to hatch into fry that will eat zooplankton for the first few days of life but then switch to live fish. Males reach maturity at four to five years while females grow faster and reach maturity at five to seven years. The musky moves by using its powerful tail muscles to propel its self forward while keeping its body fairly straight allowing it to be quicker and more powerful. The musky prefers a habitat of both deep and shallow pools filled with vegetation and cover which would allow the fish to ambush its prey and take it back to cover before eating it. The preferred water temperature is 33 to 77 degrees farenheight. When the musky is just hatched it feeds on zooplankton but in just days it prefers to eat fish. The muskellunge’s diet consists mostly fish from the size of minnows to whatever they can fit in their mouth, but they have been know to eat snakes, ducks, and rodents. A unique characteristic of the musky is the body pattern which is a very light color with dark spots allowing it to blend in perfectly with its environment making it such a great predator. The musky breathes through gills which take the dissolved oxygen from the water and transfer it into the bloodstream. The musky stays in its preferred home range and habitat which in Pennsylvania is the Erie, Ohio, Potomac and Delaware water basins.
PinkSalmon It has large, dark, oval spots on the adipose fin, tail and the upper sides of the body. The upper surfaces are blue to blue-green. A noticeable hump appears on the back between the head and dorsal fin. The sides are silvery and in breeding males become pale-reddish with greenish-brown blotches. Breeding males also develop elongated jaws, the upper one longer and hooked downward. Pink Salmon live in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well as the Great Lakes and other land locked lakes. Pink salmon make nests. The female put out an area by lying on her side, moving the gravel to the side. Some pink salmon redd can be as deep as a foot or December through February. The young feed on the yolk sac in the redd until the yolk sac is absorbed more and three feet long. The female make about 1,500 to 1,900 eggs. Females watch their nests until they die. A few days after spawn. The eggs hatch from. In April or May, the newborn pink salmon swim downstream to Lake Erie. Pink salmon spawn at about age 2. It may reach up to 24 inches in the ocean, but sometimes more than 18 to 20 inches in fresh water. It moves by flexing its muscles of the fins. They eat a variety of fish. Princess Chantelle<3(:
Paddlefish PolyodonSpathula Filter feeder Zoo plankton and aquatic insects Copepods and ostracods make up most of the diet Mouth has gill arches containing filaments: allowing them to get zoo plankton out of the water Has no teeth Found in Erie and Ohio drainage basin of PA Have them at Lamar fish hatchery Live long; surviving over 30 yrs. Mature later than most fish, sometimes at 10 yrs. Or older Can attain sizes of over 7 ft. long and more than 200 lbs. Freshwater fish; survive in murky waters; slow-flowing water- usually at depths greater than 1.3 m Suffered from legal and illegal harvesting in the past- meat and eggs sold as caviar Threatened now by habitat destruction and river modification Nose is called the paddle or a rostrum. Used for sensing zooplankton.
The striped bass migrate from they’re salt water homes into fresh water streams only two times in their life. Once to lay eggs and again 2 years after. They are high up on the under water food chain and will eat just about anything. They start off just eating little things but as they grow their diet changes into eating many other fish. Striped Bass Moronesaxatilis Spawning takes place near the surface of the water around 5 or 6 feet. The water has to be moving current for better spawning. Most spawning takes place from 60-67 degrees F. Although some can be at 55 degrees F. Females normally lay about 65,000 eggs at one time. The eggs float freely in the water for about 2 or 3 days before they hatch. The striped bass has a bilateral symmetry. Like most other boney fish they mainly use their tails to move and fins for balance. They seem to have a slim body until they reach about 10-15 pounds then they have a heavy look. They normally have about 8 black stripes running down their body. The striped bass can live in salt water or freshwater. They can also live in moving or still water. Striped bass prefer to live in cleaner waters. In the summer they like to stay in deep water but when fall comes they like to stay in shallow water. The striped bass like almost every other fish breaths with girls. As water flows through the girls it sends oxygen into the lungs. Then that oxygen is transferred to blood then through out the fishes body. Striped bass are found in the Susquehanna, Delaware, and Genesee.
Desiree Cunningham pd. 4 Blue Spotted sunfishEnneacanthus gloriosus Atlantic slope drainages and Delmarva Peninsula eats Insects and invertebrates Mainly live in Virginia Spawns from May to September Nests in shallow areas like depressions in the sand or under aquatic plants Every female lays about 600 eggs Moves with it’s fins Looks similar to the bluegill Called Blue Spotted because of it’s metallic blue spots Has bilateral symmetry • 9.5 cm – max size 7 cm – common • Demersal - living or found near or in the deepest part of a body of water; freshwater • Lives in vegetated lakes, ponds, quiet sand and mud-bottomed pools and backwaters of creeks and small to medium rivers; Atlantic slope drainages and Delmarva Peninsula • Insects and invertebrates • Mainly live in Virginia but can be found in New York • Spawns from May to September
Works Cited • http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=3368 • http://www.aquaculturestore.com/spe_Enneacanthus_gloriosus.html • http://www.cnr.vt.edu/efish/families/bluespotsun.html
The Channel Catfish • A channel catfish’s habitat is most likely to be in a large stream with low to medium current. They are usually found where the bottoms are sand, gravel or rubble, but prefer muddy bottoms. • Most movement and feeding activity occurs at night just after sunset and just before sunrise. Channel catfish usually feed near the bottom in natural waters but will take some food from the surface. adults have a much more varied diet which includes insects snails, crawfish, green algae, aquatic plants, seeds and small fish. The channel catfish’s scientific name is (Ictalurus punctatus). Channel catfish spawn in late spring or early summer when water temperatures reach 75°F.Males select nest sites which are normally dark secluded areas. Like under rocks and under banks or logs. Wild populations of catfish may spawn as early as late February or as late as August depending on the location.
Symmetry:The gilt darter has bilateral symmetry which means that if you would cut the fish in half they would have an eye on both sides, fins on each side, etc. Growth and development: The gilt darter reaches three inches in length. There is a row of specialized scales along the midline of the belly, and the gill membrane is joined forward of the breast. The body ranges in color from olive to blue-green. Breeding males develop five to eight blue-green vertical bands, bright red blotches on the sides, and an orange breast, orange dorsal (back) fin, and dark blue pelvic and anal fins. Nutrition: Insect larvae, crustaceans, and other aquatic invertebrates. The Gilt Darter is a threatened fish. The Gilt Darter lives only in the Ohio water region, which is the light greenish blue color shown on this map. Motility: The Gilt darter will use its bottom fins to hold itself on the rocks in the rivers bottom. The Gilt Darter’s caudal fin will help the fish maneuver itself through the water. Gilt Darter Percina evides Circulatory and Respiratory Systems: Water enters the gill chamber through a fish’s mouth and exits through all openings under the operculum. The blood that is flowing through the gill filaments absorbs oxygen from the water. The lung is surrounded by veins that bring blood to be oxygenated. The fish will then expel CO2. Reproductive Habits: · Mature around age 1 or 2 · Spawning occurs May to July in water 17-20°C · Spawn in sand and gravel in riffles · Buries its eggs Emily Embick
They swim in temperate waters, at 4°C - 18°C - Low to moderate vulnerability – They’re harmless to humans - Minimum population doubling time 1.4 - 4.4 years - Distinct pairing during breeding - Eggs are found attached to the substrate unguarded max. reported age: 5 years North America: Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins from New York and Maryland to eastern Kansas and Oklahoma in the USA, and from Ontario in Canada south to Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas in the USA; and Atlantic Slope in Mohawk, Susquehanna and Potomac drainages in New York and Virginia, USA Max length : 17.0 cm common length : 5.5 cm Greenside Darter Etheostoma blennioides Actinopterygii | Perciformes | Percidae | Percinae Erie | Ohio | Genesee | Potomac | Susquehanna Insects and some snails - Spawning occurs late March to early May - Mature by age 1 or 2 - Eggs attach to vegetation and rocks - Clear, rocky streams and rivers in riffles and runs, usually around vegetation – They swim using their caudal fin and pelvic fin. Ravynne Stroup Per. 4
Works Cited • http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=3402 • http://www.outdooralabama.com/fishing/images/DarterGreenside400A.jpg • http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Portals/9/Images/fishing/fish/Male%20Banded%20Darter%20from%20Big%20Darby%20Creek%2010APR2009%20by%20BZ.jpg
The banded darter has a short and stubby body shape. • They also have 4-7 darker saddle markings over their back and a distinct dark teardrop marking under the eye. • Breeding male banded darters have 8-13 bright green narrow vertical bands from just behind the head extending to the base of their tail. Warm, rocky streams and rivers in riffles and runs with swift currents, near vegetation Found in the Big Sandy and Tennessee drainages Mature by age 1 or 2 Spawning occurs March to mid-June Eggs attach to vegetation and lay 80-262 eggs per female Banded darters lay their eggs in mid April to mid May in swift riffles. They lay them in mosses that grow on the surface of rocks. Once the eggs are laid the male guards the area for a short time but provides no further parental care for the young. swims around ad uses it’s fins to guide them. Banded Darter The banded darter is one of the more frequently darter species found in Ohio. Like many darters breeding males are very brightly colored . Females are duller. back and upper sides olive-brown with 6 - 7 dark brown cross bars, sides covered with dark green bars with yellow-white belly, dusky bar beneath the eye and another extending forward from onto snout. http://www.fish.state.pa.us/pafish/fishhtms/chap23.htm#bandart Found in Erie, Ohio and the Susquehanna river
SLIMY SCULPIN(COTTUS COGNATUS) • Description: Broad flattened head, thin body, expansive wing-like pectoral fins, eyes are high on their heads, mouth is large with small point teeth, there is one or more spine on the gill flap, a patch of prickles behind pectoral fins skin, and the skin is smooth. They are brownish in color. They are symmetrical. • Location and Locations Description: They are found in the Susquehanna, and and Delaware. They live on the bottom laying on the rocks. They move by moving their caudle muscles back and forth. This gets them away from predators .They live in fresh waters. • Growth and Development: spawning occurs in spring, the water is approximately 41-50 degrees, males protect young even after they can feed themselves. They grow to be 4 ½ inches long, although most adults are only 2-3 inches long. Very little has been found on their growth rate. • UNIQUE FACTOR: • MALES TURN ALMOST COMPLETELY BLACK DURING BREADING!!! • Diet: They eat invertebrate benthic insects, crustaceans, small fishes and plant materials.
The Grass Pickerel live in slow moving streams. A Stream with a dense abundance of aquatic vegetation. It feed on small aquatic animals and vegetation. The pickerel uses the back half of its body to move in the water. It can weight up to 10 lbs. and reach 15ins. Reproduction Female lays eggs male fertilizes the eggs Grass Pickerel Americanus Vermiculatus It lives in every water gap except Erie,& Ohio. Suited of slow moving water ways It takes water over its gills for oxygen.
QuillbackCarpiodescyprinus --The quillback lives in the Susquehanna, Delaware, Erie, and Ohio rivers. -They can be found throughout the lake but are most common in depths of 15-25 feet. -The central quillback is found throughout inland Ohio in medium to large streams. -Quillback’s lay their eggs between early April and late May. -The eggs are randomly deposited over a sand or mud bottom and left in quiet water. -Females lay between 15,000 to 60,000 eggs. -Foods: Filamentous algae, and small crustaceans.
Pumpkinseed: LepomisGibbosus The Pumpkinseed Fish is usually about 6-8 inches long and weighs less than 1 lb. It sides are speckled with orange, yellow, blue, and emerald spots. Its breast and belly are normally orange to orange-red. The fish have an oval silhouette and are very compressed laterally; it is this body shape, looks like the seed of a pumpkin, which provides them with their common name. They have sharp spines in the dorsal and anal fins. Pumpkinseeds can be found in shallow, cool to warm water. They are most likely in small lakes and ponds or weedy bays of larger lakes. Preferring cover of some type, such as aquatic vegetation or underwater brush, they are rarely found in open water. Preferred water temperatures range from 75 to 89 degrees F. Groups of young fish swim close to shore, but adults tend to travel in groups of 2-4 in deeper, but still covered waters. Pumpkinseeds are active throughout the day, but they rest at night near the bottom or in protected areas in rocks or near submerged logs. tremendously popular with anglers of all ages. They are originally from the Great Lakes. This fish is found in Lake Erie, Genesee River, Susquehanna River, Ohio River, Potomac River, and the Delaware River. The Pumpkinseed fish has a circulator and respirator system as any other fish. They build nests in bluegill nest colonies, and the two species will interbreed. Females arrive after the nests are done. At first the females appear to be chased away from the nest by the males, but after an amount of time, the females head toward the nest instead of away from it. Once the female is in the nest, the fish swims in circles side by side, with the bellies of both fish touching. The male then releases sperm and the female releases eggs. Females produce 1,500 to 1,700 eggs, depending on their size and age. Females leave the nest after spawning, but males remain and are highly protective and guarding the eggs. The male guards them for about the first 11 days, returning them to the nest in his mouth if they try to leave. Fathers may even nip at people’s hands or feet that come close to their nests. The young stay on or near the shallow breeding area and grow to about 2 inches in their first year. Sexual maturity is normally achieved by age 2. These fish have lived to be 12 years old in captivity, but in nature most do not exceed 6-8 years old. Pumpkinseeds eat a diet of small prey, such as insects, insect larvae, mollusks, snails and other crustaceans, also other small fish. They are effective at destroying mosquito larvae. They feed at all water levels from the surface to the bottom, and they feed throughout the day. All fish that eat other fish will eat pumpkinseeds, and large pumpkinseeds will eat smaller pumpkinseeds. Pumpkinseeds are accustomed to being low on the food chain, so they reproduce rapidly.
Redfin Pickerel • Smallest member of the pike family. Exceeds 12 inches at most.Greenish grey to dark olive bronze on the back with shading down over the sides with squiggly looking looking lines, belly is yellow tinted snout short and tiny, fins are red. • Found in shallow water, weedy , slow moving streams, prefers water to be clean but can pretty much put up with any kind of water. Spawn in spring when water temperature reaches at least 50 °. The eggs are sticky and they end up in shallow water and hatch in 2 weeks. • This fish feeds on crustaceans, crayfish, aquatic insects.Pike eggs are abandoned by the parents and hatch in 10 to 12 daysLive in lakes, swamps, and backwaters, and sluggish pools of streams. Occur usually among vegetation in clear waterIn winter, they are found associated with dead leaf litter Teeth moderately large This is the smallest member of the family and the onlyone not considered an important sport fish St. Lawrence River west through Great Lakes and south to Gulf coast from FL to TX; absent from Appalachian Mountains.Esoxamericanusvermiculatus
Walleye Sander vitreus Walleye have a long roundish body, a forked tail and sharp teeth. This fish can be different colors, but always has a white belly. Their large eye is glassy and can reflect light. They are the first fish to spawn in the spring. They sometimes even spawn before the ice melts off of the shorelines. The female spawns with the male at night. The female produces about 25,000 eggs per pound of body weight. Depending on the temperature of the water, the eggs should hatch in about 18-21 days. These fish live in large lakes, streams, and rivers. They like cool, and deep water with a rocky or sandy bottom. For them to live in the water, it may not exceed over 85 degrees. They use the gravel at the bottom of the lakes, streams, and rivers to make a place for spawning. As the baby walleye get older they feed on microscopic animals, or zooplankton. When they are old enough they start to feed on smaller fish, frogs, crayfish, and large insects. The adult walleyes feed at dusk during the cooler months and at night during the summer. Walleye are the top predator fish. Walleye are relative to the Erie, Ohio, Susquehanna, and Delaware basins. http://www.fish.state.pa.us/pafish/fishhtms/chap23.htm#walleye
Black banded sunfish Enneacanthuschaerodon By;Monica Pd,4 Black-banded sunfish breed like other sunfish DIET zooplankton, aquatic insects, and crustaceans refuse flakes, pellets, and other prepared foods until they starve to death LOOKS-Its dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are black-mottled. (Spotted or blotched with different shades.) BY,MonicaDelagua HABITAT- The black banded sunfish is small found in quiet, shallow lakes and ponds where there are swamps, dense vegetation and streams with sand.To survive, Black-bandeds need soft, acid water with no discernible hardness six black vertical bars running on each side of its body
Rainbow Darter • Is a member of the perch family (Percidae), the rainbow darter is common across the eastern United States. With at least 153 species, the family Percidae is the second largest family of fish in North America. • The Rainbow Darter is found in the Ohio and Erie Water Basins (as shown above). • The rainbow darter feeds on aquatic insects and other small invertebrates such as snails and small crayfish. • The rainbow darter is a small fish that grows to three inches in length. It is light brown on top with 6-10 dark, vertical bars on the side.During breeding season, the male rainbow darter is among the most colorful of all darters. • The genus Etheostoma contains about 90 species of darters, and all are native to North America. • Darters are a food source for many larger freshwater fish. Protecting these fish is important in maintaining healthy freshwater ecosystems. • The rainbow darter can be found in fast moving gravel and riffles in creeks and small to medium sized rivers. (Etheostomacaeruleum)
Spotted Gar The spotted gar lives mostly in the erie area which is in the light blue area LepisosteusOculatus is the scientific name of the spotted gar The spotted gar is exactly the same on both sides The spotted gar is born in litters of 20,000 when it hatches its called a fry and develops into a gar usually dies within 18 years Gars move slowly except when catching food and mostly only moves its tail fin to swim Spotted gars are carnivores and will eat fish that are smaller than it by eating it head first The gar has a thin body with a elongated mouth and sharp teeth it is spotted the spotted gar lives in mostly vegetated water that is cool and quiet and likes it in both running and still water Sites used : mrrogersscienceclass.wik#102D1E www.tpwd.state.tx.us/.webloc
BY: TIFFANY BANEY Average length of adults ranging from 7 to 9 cm. They live to be about 3- or 4. Banded Killifish It moves by the fins. Its diet mainly consists of Aquatic, insects, mollusks and vegetation. Cyprinodontidae Females became sexually mature at age 1. In Pennsylvania, banded killifish prefer the quieter portions of still water and slower-moving areas of streams.
The Northern Hog Sucker. Although they eat the eggs of many species of fish, hog suckers seem especially fond of Creek Chub eggs and those from the Sunfish family. Northern Hog Suckers tend to avoid places with too much vegetation. Hog suckers tend to dart quickly from one spot to another. Using their tales and their fins. Lives in Erie, Ohio, Genesee, Potomac, and Susquehanna. They usually only move 100ft from where they were born. . Northern Hog Sucker spawn after they are 3 years old. They dig pits with their fins and plant the eggs there. This fish has a reddish brown skin and a white belly. Mainly use the outside of scales as camouflage on rocks. Hypentelium Nigricans
Three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteusaculeatusaculeatus) Habitat: streams, ponds, ditches, rock pools and can be found in the sea. Description: small, Three spines in front of the dorsal fin. color is normally mottled, It’s a brownish-green, pale on the underneath. The breeding male has a bright red belly and blue eyes. Size: length is about 30-100 mm long Life-span: about three years. Food: mainly small water bugs; fish eggs and young fish. It moves by swimming. It has a three sticks like figures on its back. The spines can be raised to provide the fish with protection from predators such as birds or bigger fish the male builds a nest, and trys to get the female to spawn in the the nest, once he gets her to do that he has protects the eggs by fanning the water, this protects the eggs from the predato The female fish is very picky on what fish she picks to spawn with. They can migrate between freshwater and the sea Life cycle Egg, then alevin, fly, smolt, adult