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Design and Technology Dylunio a Thechnoleg

Design and Technology Dylunio a Thechnoleg. Health and Safety Considerations Ystyriaethau Iechyd a Diogelwch. January 2012. Welcome to an open discussion regarding safety related to design and technology in schools

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Design and Technology Dylunio a Thechnoleg

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  1. Design and TechnologyDylunio a Thechnoleg Health and Safety Considerations Ystyriaethau Iechyd a Diogelwch January 2012

  2. Welcome to an open discussion regarding safety related to design and technology in schools • Croeso i ynglyn a drafodaeth ynghylch diogelwch sy’n berthnasol i dylunio a thechnoleg mewn ysgolion Croeso/Welcome

  3. Applicable Legislation • Issues for schools • What do schools need to do? • Next steps Agenda

  4. Rhaidinifyndi’rSaesnegnawr • Health and Safety at Work Act-Umbrella legislation • Provision and Use of work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) • Management of Health and Safety at Work Act (MHSWR) • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (CoSHH) • Personal Protective Equipment Regulations (PPE) • Workplace Regulations • Manual Handling (operations) Regulations (MHO) Legislation/Deddfwriaeth

  5. Main provisions: • Section 2 Employers responsibilities re: employees • Section 3 Employers responsibilities re: non-employees • Section 7 Employees responsibilities • (Dyw’r HASAWA Act ddim ar gael yn Gymraeg) Health and Safety at Work Act

  6. Main Provisions • Risk Assessment • Prevention Principles • Arrangements • H&S Advice • Procedures for Imminent Danger • Information, instruction & training • Co-operation and Co-ordination • Young Persons • Pregnant/expectant mothers Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

  7. Main requirements: • Adequate lighting • Ventilation • Temperature • Welfare Provision • Glazing • Cleanliness Workplace Regulations

  8. Main Provisions: • Risk Assessment • Selection of PPE • Fitting of PPE • Storage & Cleaning of PPE • Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) PPE Regulations

  9. Main requirements: • Risk Assessment • Prevention or Control of Exposure • Use of Control Measures • Maintenance & Testing of Control Measures • Monitoring Exposure • Health Surveillance • Information, instruction & training CoSHH Regulations

  10. Main Provisions • Suitability of Equipment • Maintenance • Inspection • Risk Assessment • Information, instruction & training • Dangerous parts of machinery • Temperature • Controls • Change control • Isolation • Stability • Lighting PUWER Regulations

  11. Fume Cupboards • Woodworking and machining operations ventilation systems • Equipment Guarding • Emergency/power down arrangements • Maintenance and Testing • Risk Assessment Issues for Schools (equipment)Materion ar gyfer Ysgolion (offer)

  12. Training- staff must be competent to not only use the equipment safely but also have sufficient knowledge and experience to train others (Coleg Sir Gar courses) CLEAPSS L79 • Age Restrictions – after a risk assessment, pupils below a certain age may not be permitted to use certain equipment, isolation locks for high risk equipment (BS4163) What do schools need to do? (1)Beth sydd angen i ysgolion wneud? (1)

  13. Class Size – may determine the amount of supervision available (recommended one competent person per 20 pupils (max)) • Floor markings – indicate ‘safe’ areas for pupils and staff • Housekeeping – unobstructed equipment (safety stops), materials, tools etc. • Guarding –adequate in design and maintenance and machine brakes What do schools need to do? (2)Beth sydd angen i ysgolion ei wneud? (2)

  14. Ventilation – required to be maintained and with an efficiency test every fourteen months CLEAPSS G225 • Maintenance records (bear in mind manufacturers’ recommendations) CLEAPSS L254 • Risk Assessments and audits CLEAPSS G79 • Personal Protective equipment – supply, suitability, maintenance and replacement What do schools need to do? (3)Beth sydd angen i ysgolion ei wneud? (3)

  15. CCC schools guidance documents & Corporate safety team • Design and Technology Association http://www.data.org.uk/ • CLEAPPS http://www.cleapss.org.uk/ Specifically L235 Managing Risk Assessment in Design and Technology L245 School Science Service Guide BS 4163:2007 Health and safety for design and technology in schools and similar establishments. Code of practice PD 5304:2005 Guidance on safe use of machinery Guidance AvailableCanllawiau sydd ar gael

  16. Assess what equipment you have available • Risk assess with current control measures • Determine what additional controls (if any) are required • Record results • Implement new controls Next StepsY Camau Nesaf

  17. Diolch i chi am wrando, oes cwestiynau?Thank you for listening, any questions ?

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