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Advanced Satellite Aviation Weather Products (ASAP): A Collaborative Research Venture between NASA & FAA, NCAR, CIMSS & UAH. O U T L I N E. History, Purpose & Goals Update: People & Projects 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR
Advanced Satellite AviationWeather Products (ASAP):A Collaborative Research Venture betweenNASA & FAA, NCAR, CIMSS & UAH O U T L I N E • History, Purpose & Goals • Update: People & Projects • 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR • Overview: Current Activities–PDT Table • Follow-on Work • David Johnson John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
History of ASAP • March 2001: First discussions with PDT members • August 27, 2002: NASA Advanced Satellite Aviationweather Products (ASAP) Study Report As Prepared by the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) The University of WisconsinMadison (UW) Written in collaboration with The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) For the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) Primary Authors: John R. Mecikalski, UWCIMSS David B. Johnson, NCAR RAP Contributing Authors: John Murray, NASA Langley Research Center Rita Roberts, NCAR RAP Bruce Carmichael, NCAR RAP Cathy Kessinger, NCAR RAP Thomas Achtor, UWCIMSS Marcia Politovich, NCAR RAP Wayne Feltz, UWCIMSS Cindy Mueller, NCAR RAP Bob Sharman, NCAR RAP Barbara Brown, NCAR RAP Tim Schmit, NOAA/NESDIS ASPT Paul Herzegh, NCAR RAP Timothy Olander, UWCIMSS Joleen Feltz, UWCIMSS Suzanne Wetzel-Seemann, UWCIMSS Jun Li, UWCIMSS Elaine Prins, NOAA/NESDIS ASPT John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
History of ASAP • May 2003: NASA Funding arrives for initial Product Research • Today: http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/asap/ • ~6 member Team at CIMSS • Monthly Teleconferencing • Delivery of about 4 main products • Web access/ data delivery • Ongoing discussions with NCAR on logistics • Preliminary work with larger components of PDT Teams • Seeking new in-house collaborators • Draw in strengths of outside collaborators (LaRC, MSFC, MIT-LL) John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products(ASAP) Initiative ASAP: Developing High-Resolution Satellite Weather Products to Improve Aviation Safety NASA Test Pilot AWIN Providers FAA AWRP 10 PDTs NASA UW-UAH ASAP FAA FSS Government and University Labs Airline Ops NOAA NESDIS NOAA NCEP NOAA AWC John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Purpose & Goals The goals of this collaboration ... • The development and demonstration of methods for infusing current and advanced satellite-data analysis techniques into systems designed to increase aviation safety. • The formation of a robust partnership between NCAR/FAA and UW-CIMSS/UAH that facilitates long-term aviation-oriented satellite-based product development and evolution. • Coalesce scientists toward the common FAA and NASA goal of increasing aviation safety through improved use of remote-sensing systems. John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Purpose & Goals The goals of this collaboration ... • The development and demonstration of methods for infusing current and advanced satellite-data analysis techniques into systems designed to increase aviation safety. • The formation of a robust partnership between NCAR/FAA and UW-CIMSS/UAH that facilitates long-term aviation-oriented satellite-based product development and evolution. • Coalesce scientists toward the common FAA and NASA goal of increasing aviation safety through improved use of remote-sensing systems. John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Purpose & Goals The goals of this collaboration ... • The development and demonstration of methods for infusing current and advanced satellite-data analysis techniques into systems designed to increase aviation safety. • The formation of a robust partnership between NCAR/FAA and UW-CIMSS/UAH that facilitates long-term aviation-oriented satellite-based product development and evolution. • Coalesce scientists toward the common FAA and NASA goal of increasing aviation safety through improved use of remote-sensing systems. John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
University of Wisconsin SSEC Data Center Real-time Data5 Geostationary Satellites4 NOAA Polar Orbiting SatellitesTERRA (Direct Broadcast)FY1CNEXRAD WSR-88DModel GridsPoint DataText DataWEB ImagesCustomized ProductsArchived Data5 Geostationary SatellitesModel GridsPoint DataCustomized Products John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Student/Basic Research U A H A S A P New Instruments Lightning Research Satellite Data Assimilation Data Mining John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Hyperspectral Data • < 1.0 cm-1 Spectral Resolution • >1000 Spectral Bands • Spectral Range ~600-2300 cm-1 • e.g., Next Generation GOES Sounder Water Vapor Weighting Functions 100 100 Pressure (hPa) Pressure (hPa) 1000 1000 Current GOES Next Generation GOES Hyperspectral Data • Non-Hyperspectral Data • “Broadband” • 10-50 Spectral Bands • Spectral Range ~600-2300 cm-1 • e.g., Current GOES Sounder GOES-ABI, GOES-HES & MODIS John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
GOES Planning Launch Dates as of August 2001 (GOES-12) 2001 2003 2005 (GIFTS) 2010 (ABI/HES) 2012 John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Presentation Outline • History, Purpose & Goals • Update: People & Projects • 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR • Overview: Current Activities–PDT Table • Follow-on Work • David Johnson John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
People & Projects • John Mecikalski (PI–UAH): Convection, turbulence, product • integration, satellite assimilation • Wayne Feltz (PI–CIMSS): Cloud products, data management, • product integration, validation efforts • Kristopher Bedka: Convection, winds • Sarah Thomas: Cloud properties, cloud products • Ben Howell: Programming and scientific data support • Scott Bachmeier:Volcanic ash • Chris Schmidt:Ozone for turbulence • Tony Wimmers:Water vapor imagery for turbulence • Nate Uhlenbrock (Tim Schmit):Turbulence research John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Presentation Outline • History, Purpose & Goals • Update: People & Projects • 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR • Overview: Current Activities–PDT Table • Follow-on Work • David Johnson John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
What Meteorological Problems can Satellite Information Be Useful in Solving? Satellites can provide information on: • How can this information be most appropriately used at NCAR? • Use within Expert Systems that forecast and nowcast particular weather • Use in conjunction with numerical weather prediction systems • Use within diagnostic programs • Clouds • Visibility • Turbulence & Stability • Moist Convection • Icing & Winter Weather • Over-Ocean Weather • Improved Prediction through Satellite Data Assimilation John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of Cloud Detection & Quantification • GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-HES can be used in • significant ways to address issues of cloud detection • The quantification of cloud types, location and amounts can • be employed in a number of aviation-relevant problems: • ceiling determination • cloud top locations • cloud layers evaluations • rapid cloud growth accompanying convective initiation • identification of fog, haze & smoke • Identification of the inversions that cloud occupy/form near are • important for turbulence and stability detection John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of Visibility Determination • GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-HES can be used to • assess visibility on local and regional scales • Fog detection/monitoring algorithms can be improved • Identification of the low-level inversions are important for • visibility determination John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of Turbulence & Stability • Identification of the low-level inversion strength is important • for severe weather and convection-induced turbulence • Cloud typing can help in the determination of regional • instabilities (e.g., wave clouds) • Hyperspectral geostationary satellite data (GIFTS, GOES-ABI, • and GOES-HES ) will allow for the enhanced detection of • inversions John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problems associated with Convection • GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-ABS can be used to • assess mesoscale regions of convective cloud development • Quantification of convective clouds: • convective initiation; regions where this is or is not • possible • convective cloud growth & growth rates • areas of rapid thunderstorm growth • boundary-layer turbulence • Simple models (Lagrangian) may be used to aid in nowcasting • convection and its initiation in the 0-2 h, and 2-6 h time • frames John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of In-Flight Icing • GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-HES can be used to evaluate • cloud temperatures with significant accuracy to aid in • aviation weather forecasting • Algorithms to detect microphysical phase in clouds: • supercooled water clouds versus all-liquid clouds • layered clouds • Identification of the widespread low-level cloud regions • associated with potential icing • Help estimate timing of freezing drizzle events John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of Observing Weather over Oceans • GOES, GIFTS, GOES-ABI, and GOES-HES can be used to • assess weather on local and regional scales • The quantification of clouds and accompanying weather: • convective regions • cloud bases and cloud tops • middle and upper level turbulence • satellite data to improve numerical forecast models • simulated satellite imagery with numerical models • contrails as tracers for regional turbulence • Volcanic ash, smoke, dust and haze regions John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Infusing Satellite Information into the problem of NWP Enhancement • Satellite data assimilation • Simulation of satellite imagery by numerical models • Improvement of input data for models (e.g., RUC, WRF, • MM5) John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
What NCAR Product Development Teams might Benefit from Satellite Data? • The Product Development Teams (PDT)s are: • In-Flight Icing • Aviation Forecasts • Quality Assessment • Turbulence • Winter Weather Research • Convective Weather • National Ceiling and Visibility • NEXRAD Enhancements • Juneau Terrain-Induced Turbulence • Model Development and Enhancement • Oceanic Weather John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
What NCAR Product Development Teams might Benefit from Satellite Data? • The Product Development Teams (PDT)s are: • In-Flight Icing • Aviation Forecasts • Quality Assessment • Turbulence • Winter Weather Research • Convective Weather • National Ceiling and Visibility • NEXRAD Enhancements • Juneau Terrain-Induced Turbulence • Model Development and Enhancement • Oceanic Weather John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Presentation Outline • History, Purpose & Goals • Update: People & Projects • 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR • Overview: Current Activities–PDT Table • Follow-on Work • David Johnson John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Current Activities • Certain SSEC/CIMSS satellite products (low-hanging fruit) deemed useful to the FAA PDT’s are already in progress • All products will be converted to Unidata NetCDF format and compressed • A dedicated ASAP server and web page are online to provide the FAA PDT’s a means for data sharing: ftp://ftp.ssec.wisc.edu/asap/ • ASAP has provided an opportunity to organize the CIMSS/SSEC satellite products into one location in a unified format John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Current Satellite Products John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Global Cloud Mask 11 m channel satellite mosaic cloud mask for all clouds greater than 10,000 feet in altitude (Dave Santek et al.) Data has low time latency and is a composite of Geostationary and Polar orbit satellites Main user for the data would be the Oceanic Weather PDT John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Global Cloud Binned Height 11 m channel satellite mosaic cloud binned heights determined from temperature profile from GFS model Future research include adding 6.7 m water vapor channel (common on most of the satellites) to improve cloud height determination accuracy Main user for the data would be the Oceanic Weather PDT John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Global Winds Satellite derived winds (Velden et al.) are being interpolated to standard aviation flight levels. John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
CONUS Cloud Top Pressure GOES Sounder Hourly 10km CONUS GOES cloud heights/mask needed by Ceiling-Visibility PDT Fog? Stratus? GOES-12 Imager 4km 30 minute Eastern U.S John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
MODIS 1km Cloud Properties SSEC Direct Broadcast 1km MODIS Cloud phase (B. Baum and G. McGarragh) may be important to Icing and C/V PDT, disadvantage ~6 hourly resolution Ice Overlap Mixed-Uncertain Water John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Convective Cloud Mask Animation, 1900-1945 UTC, May 4, 2003 Red: Immature Cumulus, Green: Mature Cumulonimbus/Cirrus Technique uses 2-D brightness thresholds/gradients, 10.7 μm TB and 6.5-10.7 μm thresholds John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Preliminary CI Nowcasts, April 6th and May 4th, 2003 Red:Pixels with High CI potential,Grey: Cirrus Clouds 1445 UTC 1600 UTC 1945 UTC 2030 UTC John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Presentation Outline • History, Purpose & Goals • Update: People & Projects • 3. Satellite-Derived Products and the FAA Product Development Teams at NCAR • Overview: Current Activities–PDT Table • Follow-on Work • David Johnson John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Follow-on Work: 2004-2005 For ASAP there are clear avenues for new research. Much of this research is already occurring, and thus would only have to be (re-)directed toward ASAP. The following pages outline “new” and “potential” areas of (basic) research that will be fostered though the ASAP initiative, both at UW-CIMSS and UAH/MSFC. Graduate student involvement in such efforts can connect them directly to NCAR scientists and national research endeavors. The following pages outline active research area. John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
In-Flight Icing PDT • Potential Satellite Products: • Synthetic/Simulated Satellite Imagery • Enhanced 4-D Visualization • Use of AVHRR for Cloud Typing products • Microwave from POES satellites • Improved “supercooled” cloud and fog detection John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Water/Ice Clouds and Snow/Lake Ice ABI Simulations (from MODIS data) 3-color composite (Visible/1.6 μm/8.5-11 μm) 12 February 2001; 1627 UTC Vis/1.6m/8.5-11m Water cloud Ice cloud Super-Cooled UW/CIMSS Lake Ice Snow John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
GOES CLOUD PRODUCT & NWP MODELS (CRAS) 24 hr Forecast w/o Sat CTP & PW GOES-8 11m Image • The NWP model is initialized with Sat. CTP & PW • Prior to start of forecast, Sat. CTP is inserted at 3 hourly intervals • With Sat. data positive impact is seen over the eastern Pacific and central part of US John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003 24 hr Forecast w Sat CTP & PW
Turbulence • New Satellite Products: • Convective Cloud Information/Pattern Recognition and Trends • Convective Outflow Boundaries • Initiation Regions of Convection • MODIS 1 km water vapor bands for turbulence identification • Wave Cloud detection (e.g., mountain waves) • Integration of wind, waves and ozone • Exploit GOES Sounder Total Ozone (better with GIFTS) • GOES “true” water vapor John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Wave Patterns in GOES Imager Fields Correlated with Severe Turbulence John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
GOES Winds as Applied to Jet Streak Detection, Region of High Horizontal Shear (Low Inertial Stability) and High Vertical Wind Shear 40 to 10 kPa GOES Winds High Shear Zone Low Inertial Stability 95 to 70 kPa GOES Winds John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Winter Weather Research • Potential Satellite Products: • MODIS/GOES Cloud Properties….Ice Crystal Growth, Ice Clouds • Synthetic/Simulated GOES Satellite Imagery • Duration of Frozen Precipitation John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Diagnostics for Winter Convection white contours diagnose forcing for upward vertical motion colored contours indicate a layer of conditional instability Where forcing and instability are co-located, convection may occur: green contours GOES-8 Visible image shows convection in southeast Wisconsin; thundersnow was reported John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
GOES-ABI (3.9 m)Based on GOES Imager Ch 2For Fog, Snow, Cloud, and Fire detection 5 March 2001 - Nocturnal Fog/Stratus Over the Northern Plains GOES-10 4 minus 11 μm Difference ABI 4 minus 11 μm Difference Both images are shown in the GOES projection. Fog John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Convective Weather • New Satellite Products: • Cloud Typing • Automated Detection of Convective Clouds, Cloud Lines • Automated Detection of Convective Initiation • GOES Sounder (CAPE, LI, cloud top glaciation, Tskin, etc) • Possibilities for detection of Elevated Convection • Lagrangian Model for CI Nowcasting • Incorporation of Lightning Data • Improved methods to Detection of Convective Initiation John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
Convective Initiation (CI) as Determined from Geostationary Satellite Data: Precursors to CI GOES-8 1 km visible imagery: 17:45 UTC 10 September 1999 General CI Interest Field No CI Interest Growing/Expanding Cumulus Deep Precipitating Cb’s CI Interest Cirrus Shield (no interest) Outflow Boundaries ABL Rolls/Cumulus Lines Sea-breeze Boundary Towering Cumulus Sea Breeze Oceanic Cloud Lines ABL Rolls John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003 High-resolution cloud features
MODIS (1 km) GOES-ABI (2 km) Severe Convection IR windows 25 February 2001 GOES-8 (4 km) The simulated ABI clearly captures the over-shooting (cold) cloud tops, while the current GOES Imager does not. (Images shown in GOES projection.) John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003
GOES-ABI (1.61 m)Example of MAS 0.66 and 1.61 m convective cumulonimbus surrounded by lower-level water clouds (King et al., JAOT, August 1996) Water Clouds Ice Clouds John R. Mecikalski & Wayne F. Feltz CIMSS Seminar on ASAP 3 December 2003