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ETA Data Validation July 2003. Overall ETA Data Validation Project Goals. Develop a comprehensive, systematic data validation system to ensure data integrity across programs Increase uniformity in data definitions and data collection across similar programs
Overall ETA Data ValidationProject Goals • Develop a comprehensive, systematic data validation system to ensure data integrity across programs • Increase uniformity in data definitions and data collection across similar programs • Strike the proper balance between data integrity and burden to achieve acceptable, sustainable level of error • Coordinate closely with DOL Dept. of Inspector General on methods and approach
Validity and VerificationDept. of Labor Perspective • Develop reputation for reliable and accurate program data • Administration’s focus on management and accountability • Improve basis for incentives and sanctions • Basis for continuous improvement
Programs Included • Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Tax (UI) • Workforce Investment Act (WIA) • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA and NAFTA-TAA) • Labor Exchange • Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Program (MSFW) • Division of Indian and Native American Programs (DINAP) • Senior Community Service Employment (SCSEP) • Office of Apprenticeship, Training, Employment, and Labor Services (OATELS)
Stages of the Project • Reporting, performance and validation requirements analysis and specifications • Develop validation tools • Pilot validation methodology • Training • Technical assistance
Requirements Analysisand Specifications • Requirements analysis and specifications document the reporting and performance needs of each relevant ETA program • Documentation is organized in the ETA Reporting and Performance Database • Database defines each data element and reporting specification for each report and performance item
2. Develop Validation Tools – Handbooks • Handbooks contain reporting specs and validation instructions, including acceptable source documentation • SCSEP awaiting final specs • LX has no handbook, just software and user’s guide, no case-record level data validation at this time
2. Develop Validation Tools – Software • Software completed for LX, WIA, and TAA • Software under development for MSFW and DINAP • Distribution of handbooks and software via ETA websites • LX: www.uses.doleta.gov/rptvalidation.asp • WIA and TAA: www.uses.doleta.gov/dv/
3. Pilot – State Programs • Pilot state programs – two formal state pilots • Texas – WIA • Washington State – WIA, TAA, LX • Utah and West Virginia have been trained • LX was implemented in August 2002 • Other states are testing WIA
4. Training • Regional training sessions are being held in the summer of 2003 for WIA, LX, TAA • Other programs – determine training strategy individually • Tie into national meetings • 2-3 sessions per program
5. Technical Assistance • Phone and e-mail TA available • Installing software • Building and loading extract files • Conducting report validation • Conducting data element validation • Contact information in software user’s guide and help menu of software • TA e-mail addresses • For WIA: WIATA@mathematica-mpr.com • For LX: ESTA@mathematica-mpr.com • For TAA: TAATA@mathematica-mpr.com
How Data Validation Systems Improve Data Quality • Improve communication from ETA to programmers • Provide a blueprint or roadmap to understand reporting and performance measurement • Minimize burden of interpreting specifications • Provide clear standards for assessing validity • Provide detailed diagnostic data for correcting problems
Report Validation • Given the data that are stored, is the software generating the correct counts • Develop an audit trail to support the numerators and denominators for each performance outcome • Classifying participant records into performance outcome groups enables non-technical staff to validate and analyze program outcomes
Data Element Validation • Report will not be accurate if the data being used by the software are wrong • Requires checking data elements against source documentation to verify compliance with federal definitions • Handbooks contain instructions and examples of acceptable source documents for each data element validated • States identify state-specific source documentation to reflect the variability of state MIS systems and state/local documentation standards • Self-reported elements such as race, gender, and ethnicity are not validated
Data Element Risks • Low risk data elements • Computer generated – wage records • Human input with: • Minimal judgement (e.g. dates) • Low performance impact • High risk data elements • Human input with: • Considerable judgement (interpreting rules) • High performance impact – supplemental employment data
Software Selects Samples for Data Element Validation • Sampled records are displayed on automated worksheets • Participant records with positive outcomes not based on wage records are over-sampled • Software • Adjusts error rates based on weights • Produces a detailed data element validation report with error rates for each data element
Data Element Validation by Program • For WIA, TAA, LX, MSFW, DINAP, and SCSEP software generates worksheets for sampled records • For WIA and TAA cluster sampling used to reduce the number of offices to be visited • For LX, no data validation against source documents — 25 cases are reviewed to ensure that file was built correctly
Benefits of Performance and Analysis Software • Provides technical assistance to states • Reduces burden on local offices and small states • Clear and easy analysis of outcomes • For example, impact of zero pre-program earnings • Makes underlying performance data accessible to managers • Breaks out performance by many factors and checks for errors
Software Allows forFlexible Data Analysis • Software will report by user-selected time period (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) • Users can also select reports by state or sub-state breakouts, including WIB, office, or case manager • Not multiple offices per participant unless state loads separate files • Software may be enhanced to allow multiple counts • Users can sort participant records by any field within performance outcome groups — will have 3 tiered sort • Users can also export participant groups for analysis, local feedback, or WRIS requests
Reporting of Validation Results • Software produces • Report validation summary • Data element validation summary and analytical reports • WIA and LX software creates files with the annual report validation values for upload to ETA
Visual Basic Applications • Software requires any Windows operating system • No other software required • For large files, MS SQL Server is an option if the state has a license (for UI and LX only) • Front-end edit checks ensure proper format of records
Next Generation Reporting and Performance System • In Fall 2004, states may use federal software to: • Generate reports • Perform and report on data validation • Edit and transmit individual participant records • Software likely to be developed as part of new EIMS software development effort
Web-Based StateInternal Audit Tool • States want capability to perform data element validation at sub-state level • Proposed design: • Software would generate samples for any level (WIB, office) upon request from authenticated user (through web) • User can complete worksheets and generate reports on-line • One sample per WIB or office per imported file • Will be able to report multiple offices per participant
Benefits of Internal Audit Tool • States and federal government are dependent upon data quality at the local level • Increase the efficiency and precision of existing state monitoring efforts • Potential cost savings for the system as a whole