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Introduction to CADStat

Introduction to CADStat. CADStat and R. R is a powerful and free statistical package [http://www.r-project.org/]. R capabilities. R provides flexible plotting algorithms & libraries for running virtually any statistical analysis….

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Introduction to CADStat

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to CADStat

  2. CADStat and R R is a powerful and free statistical package [http://www.r-project.org/]

  3. R capabilities R provides flexible plotting algorithms & libraries for running virtually any statistical analysis… …but R is run at the command line, so there’s a steep learning curve.

  4. Java GUI for R (JGR) A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been developed for R, which provides a point-and-click interface for some basic R functions.

  5. CADStat CADStat adds several tools to JGR: • Point-and-click interfaces for statistical tools useful in causal analysis • Rendering of analysis results in browser window • Additional help files

  6. To your computers… Launch JGR & set up CADStat add-on.

  7. Make sure “loaded” & “default” are checked for CADStat. [you should only have to do this step the 1st time you run CADStat]

  8. Set Working Directory.

  9. JGR/CADStat: A gentler introduction to R JGR provides point-and-click tools for basic R functions: • Installing packages • Setting up a workspace • Loading data • Managing data in your workspace

  10. JGR/CADStat: A gentler introduction to R JGR automatically provides help for R commands.

  11. Load data

  12. Name of file inside CADStat Is there a header row? Make each field accessible? Delimiter character Load data dialog

  13. Launch the Object Browser

  14. Examine structure of objects

  15. Load 2nd data file: site classifications

  16. Merge site classifications with environmental data

  17. Dataset Merge dialog

  18. Scatterplots

  19. Scatterplot dialog

  20. Scatterplot

  21. Generate same plot from command line

  22. Editor dialog Type in the listed command… then highlight it with the mouse…

  23. Editor dialog …then select from the top menuEdit -> Run Selection

  24. You can also type commands directly into the console

  25. Boxplot

  26. Boxplot dialog

  27. Boxplot

  28. Scatterplot matrix

  29. Correlation & scatterplot matrix dialog

  30. Scatterplot matrix

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